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Items tagged with: socialmedia

Kinda wondering why downvotes aren't a thing on #Mastodon.

Part of the problem of social media is the algorithm factor. If the Internet is the great "town square" (Twitter is not, as its literally OWNED by a private person) then people should be able to UNlike content in order to guide the discourse.

Am I wrong?


I just read a message where a user called #Mastodon "soulless". In over a month they :

* had #followed under 10 people

* Had roughly 10 posts with no #hashtags

* When responding to others, had only every responded to a mini-celebrity yea, their experience probably sucks

I used to try and help explain how to "get going" here to folks, but at some point you gotta try to help yourself a bit

A lot of times (not always) in the #fediverse you will get the #socialmedia experience ya ask for

After just a month away from #twitter, I'm only now starting to appreciate how extremely damaging these content delivery #algorithms are. The more I talk to younger people about their relationship to #SocialMedia, the more lean towards #policy which would put substantive constraints on companies who knowingly manipulate the human reward/dopaminergic system. The wholesale import of all the vile tools of the casino industry into the distribution of information is truly wrecking our brains.

When Elmo first started attacking Twitter, I wrote this. Here’s an #analysis about how #socialmedia #algorithm changes our perception of the world: It replaces functions that are largely unconscious, hence we easily fail to notice we change, too.

There's a lot of discussion about #birdsite and #journalism right now. While we are still having ongoing conversations about how best to handle our presence there, we can say confidently that we plan on staying on Mastodon indefinitely, barring unforseen circumstances.

In just about a month, we've very clearly seen the value in our presence here, for reaching new people and having great conversations. Here's to the future of the fediverse! #SocialMedia #TwitterMigration

There are 8.5 million people in the fediverse. What will it feel like when there are ten times more people? 100 times? When there are as many people on here as there are Facebook users?

The possibility of a worldwide, distributed social network with billions of people is very exciting to me.

#fediverse #SocialMedia #Mastodon

Elon Musk is part of a group of tech executives that have felt increasingly emboldened to attack the press in recent years, but banning the accounts of journalists who’ve written critical things about him is a major escalation.

To the right, “free speech” isn’t what we conventionally understand it to be. It’s not a general right to speak freely; to them it’s their right to speak without consequences, while cracking down on their critics.

#elonmusk #twitter #socialmedia #freespeech

Meta: 3-4% of users’ feeds is #news.

Pew: 31% of American adults say they regularly get news from Facebook.

So either #Meta and Americans define news differently, the small amount of news shared on #Facebook has an outsized impact, or likely, a bit of both.

That said, during the last two multi-hour Facebook outages, direct and total visitors to our legacy local news sites went up.

It’s more evidence that communities will seek out impactful content.

#journalism #socialmedia

i love talking about federation in the #fediverse because it's as close as I'll ever get to being in starfleet 🖖 #socialmedia #scifi

An experimental social media platform revealed that user moderation works; decentralized moderation can work well.

Related observation: Mastodon is decentralized.

#socialnetwork #socialmedia #moderation #censorship /via @tchambers

is a good showcase for this right now re #socialmedia and #microblogging.

As you know, decentralization can occur over a progressively proprietary network :)

Something that has bothered me for a while... A lot of people use LinkTree for creating a profile with all their #socialmedia #links... The problem is #LinkTree is a data harvesting / tracker site.

Thankfully @eposvox pointed out another service to me (via his profile) today: - it's a free to use alternative, that doesn't track personal info beyond click throughs (no IP, no cookie, etc.)

It's from the Buy-Me-A-Coffee folks and looks really really good.

In Q4 the Social Coding Movement will get truly underway.

Key topics:

- What is #SocialCoding?

- Healthy Ecosystem Foundations and #SoftwareGuilds

- Free Software Development Lifecycle (#FSDL)

- #SX, Social experience design (federated app development)

- #Peopleverse (shared vision for the #Fediverse)

We want fedi to flourish and evolve to be much different than corporate #SocialMedia

In this 1st article more background on #social experiences and Peopleverse...

Immer dann, wenn in der Welt was geschieht, haben manche Nutzer der sozialen Medien ja das Bedürfnis, ihre Erkentnisse und Befindlichkeiten im Minutentakt der Welt mitzuteilen und die Timeline der Abonenten zu fluten. Dafür wünschte ich mir die Möglichkeit, manche Kontakte temporär zu blockieren oder stumm zu schalten. Ich werde da für #Friendica nachher mal ein Feature Request bei github schreiben ;-)

#socialmedia #Laberfilter #feature

What is #Fediverse?

We can tell our friends :fediverse: is consisted of these choices:

:friendica: Friendica

😛eertube: PeerTube

:mastodon: Mastodon

😛ixelfed: Pixelfed

:writeas: Writeas

🦋 Owncast

:fediverse: More choices:

Sharing is very appreciated.

#SocialMedia #PeerTube #Mastodon

To all them parents posting #newborn baby pictures all over social media! I hope your child does not grow up to be like me cuz then you are going to find yourself having to explain why you did such thing!
Every human being must have to make their own choices as far as their #privacy goes so that when they grow up they don't have to fix some bragging moments shared from some dumb parents!

#babyprivacy #choice #socialmedia #photo #tracking

Hubzilla (Facebook alternative) is the only social network to have a protocol allowing you to clone your account elsewhere for backup, redundancy, or migration

I've seen it before and again today so I'll repeat it: Centralized social media platforms aren't bad because they are censoring (=moderating) too much, they're bad because they aren't moderating enough. Sure, there are egregious examples of progressive political speech suppressed on Facebook and Twitter, but it is relatively little compared to the massive amount of discriminatory speech that is not suppressed when it definitely should.

#socialmedia #decentralization

Rant about the social media tone police

Fuck the tone police on social media. If a reply to something you wrote expresses anger, either:
  • you disagree or it's a troll and you should ignore/mute/block.
  • it's a misunderstanding and you should clear it or ask clarification.

But in no case telling people to "calm down" will improve things either for you or for them. Being angry doesn't make one automatically right, but it doesn't make one automatically wrong either.

Similarly, you can deliver the wrongest statement in a calm tone and it will still be wrong. And if you enjoy people expressing anger on Internet, well, you're a sick fuck.

#socialmedia #tonepolice #rant