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Items tagged with: climate

Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg), from page 19 of The Climate Book:

"Most people today are living well within the planetary boundaries. It is only a minority of us who have caused this crisis and who keep driving it forward. The widely popular argument that ‘there are too many people’ is a very misleading one. Population does matter, but it is not people who are causing emissions and depleting the Earth, it is what *some* people do. It is some people’s habits and behavior, in combination with our economic structures, that are causing the catastrophe."


#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Emissions #ClimateJustice
A photo of Greta Thunberg, holding a microphone and speaking at a rally -- shown along with the front cover of The Climate Book.

Siberia swelters in record-breaking temperatures amid its ‘worst heat wave in history’

(CNN) — Dozens of heat records have fallen in Siberia, as temperatures climbed above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 Celsius).

Despite only being early June, records are tumbling across parts of Siberia as extreme heat pushes into unusually high latitudes

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #climate #Siberia

UN COP meeting for #climate has been officially compromised, with UAE state oil company reading org emails, and helping set the agenda for talks.

The journalist Nick Breeze will be releasing a book (this year?) called ' Copped Out' about the problems inside the COP meetings, but now it's just brazen.

Chart that shows trends in atmospheric CO2 versus global temperature change.

CO2 concentration rises from ~315 ppm in 1962 to ~420 ppm in 2021. Chart is annotated with dates of international meetings to address climate change, none of which have had any appreciable effect.

People marching through the streets with a banner saying "degrowth needs direct action" during a demonstration in Liepzig in 2014.

☣️ Unsurprisingly, #Amazon continues its planet-destroying practices. Reporting today exposes them secretly spending massive amounts of money to fight a new law up for vote next week in #Oregon (US). The new rules would require large data centers and crypto miners to move to clean energy over the next 17 years.

⌛ Never mind we don't even have that long to stop irreversible #climate damage.

:boost_love: Please share widely to expose their evil, and #DitchAmazon.

Report proposes tax on the ultra-rich to finance a global climate fund

Led by French economists Thomas Piketty and Lucas Chancel, the study advocates a progressive rate of 1.5% to 3% for fortunes of over $100 million

#ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#ClimateChange #Climate

Electrifying the US postal service fleet as we replace the old trucks we've been using for decades was an obvious win if we could make it happen. Its now happening!

#uspolitics #climate #climatecrisis #climateemergency

Six news websites across Alabama and Florida have been secretly taking payments from power companies to run stories attacking clean energy.

Bombshell investigation from NPR.

#energy #climate #climatechange

This comic hits home, but when you see the 2007 publishing date in the lower right hand corner it hits even harder.

#climate #nature #sustainability #environment
Comic from 2007 with an adult man lecturing a young girl: “How about if your generation spends less time studying how my generation destroyed the environment, and more time figuring out a magical solution?” From

One thing #covid and #climate have in common is that many people focus weight the cost of acting highly and neglect the cost of not acting.

But not counting the cost is not the same as there not being a cost.


#France leads the way.

New legislation demands all *existing* carparks with 80 or more spaces must install a #solar roof (in 3-5 years)

This could generate up to 11 gigawatts, which is the equivalent of 10 #nuclear reactors!

#climate #renewables

Time for another #introduction. My name is Chris Dolunt (he/him).

I live in #Michigan. I'm a #solarpunk (recovering #cyberpunk) focused on community support and #climate action.

I work in #library technology, building digital archives to support academic research.

I write #ttrpgs for fun. I wrote "Nyambe" for d20, "Rippers" for #SavageWorlds, and I'm a canon NPC (Kargas Dolunt) in Dave Arneson's Blackmoor. I've been nominated for (and lost) the Diana Jones, Origins, and Ennie awards.