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#France leads the way.

New legislation demands all *existing* carparks with 80 or more spaces must install a #solar roof (in 3-5 years)

This could generate up to 11 gigawatts, which is the equivalent of 10 #nuclear reactors!

#climate #renewables
okay where will you store it? ๐Ÿ˜”
Not if you only use electricity when the sun is shining at 100% power. Yes unless that's not the case.
(Read: definintely yes.)

DYK that Hungarian electrical system is about to collapse (according to the honest local government) due to unable to store (and equalize) the solar and wind power intake? (Hungary has no mountains to use for water-gravity storage.)

#greenenergy #energystorage #solar #hungary
โ€ฆactually last month #hungary government have stopped residential #solar installations by forbidding "selling" surplus energy back to the grid, additional to forbidding solar power plants last year by closing all the grants related to them.
Screeching halt.
Oh and they have forbidden building new #wind turbines last year as well "until further notice". Lovely ain't it?