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Items tagged with: greenenergy

Ukraine’s energy crisis drives green power decentralization

Ukraine wants to generate more #energy in smaller amounts closer to users, rather than centralized facilities that are targets for #Russian strikes. Though the war has created willpower to redesign the energy system, it has also created serious obstacles

Renewable energy projects have taken off as well. The Energy Ministry announced on July 2 that it had received 5,876 solar panels to power hospitals, as part of an agreement with the European Commission.

Hybrid systems, which integrate solar power, battery storage, and existing energy grid infrastructure, can bridge the gap between when a blackout begins and a hospital’s generator kicks in

#RussianAggression #GreenEnergy #electricity

Random, ignorant but serious question,

Why don't we ever hear about #thermalenergy capture? How is it any less practical than #solarenergy or any other talked-about #greenenergy alternatives?

Layman speak only plox

Not if you only use electricity when the sun is shining at 100% power. Yes unless that's not the case.
(Read: definintely yes.)

DYK that Hungarian electrical system is about to collapse (according to the honest local government) due to unable to store (and equalize) the solar and wind power intake? (Hungary has no mountains to use for water-gravity storage.)

#greenenergy #energystorage #solar #hungary