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Items tagged with: Debian

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Does anybody know an easy way to make a #debian #package for a #rust software from #archlinux?

Celebration time: All #Lomiri packages we need for #Debian 12 have landed in Debian unstable. Now we'll need to make sure that all pkgs migrate to Debian testing. Then comes the fine-polishing and then Debian will have a new Operating Environment highly suitable for touch based devices such as tablets and phones. Cudos to all the developers and contributors over at the #UBports Foundation.

I got the #rust program lsd ( ) packaged into #debian ( ). It's my favorite ls replacement.

#rustlang #linux

I need some one liner for #Linux CLI to convert a PDF to DIN A4 paper size.

Background, I scan a receipt or something and the scanner creates a PDF in the size of the receipt paper slip, I want that to be converted to an A4 paper with the content in the middle of the page. Anyone have an idea that does not require to much dependencies and can be setup with basic available #Debian packages from official sources?

I'm grateful to lots of people for the hard work they are doing to make this world a better place, and I'd like to show some appreciation. Of course I can't mention everybody, the list is too long and I'd miss many as well. None the less, I'd like to say a big "thank you" to at least a few. Thank you @kattascha @brodnig and @Pia for fighting #conspiracy ideologies. Thank you @liw for giving free #RustLang courses to open source developers. Thank you @debian for processing the #Debian NEW queue.

FreedomBox 22.27 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable. Typically, the freedombox package will migrate to testing in 2 days, and then can be uploaded to stable-backports.

- minidlna: Fix incorrect marking for firewall local protection
- zoph, wordpress: Add conflicts on libpam-tmpdir


#FreedomBox #Debian #Wordpress #FOSS

remember how people say that #debian is always out of date and old? i did the math, we have the passing grade! (in unstable: 65% up to date, 20% out of date, and 12% errors, and 3% *newer*), not bad no?

Hello #Fediverse! We are, a #Mastodon instance based around #Linux and #Gaming on the OS. No matter if you are running a desktop #debian build or an #arch based #steamdeck, we're here to discuss games, configurations, how-tos, and finding new friends to share our passion with!

Our registrations are limited at the moment as we are still in the process of configuring the server. You're welcome to submit for an account though!

Hope to see you soon!

@caleb aka @cfultz

I have rediscovered Celestia 🌠 (, the absolutely mindboggling #astronomy simulation for #linux and game consoles (aka. windows®). For more than a decade it has been removed from #debian but after a todays mention (and in fact I had to figure out its forgotten name) I realised that they again offer fresh working versions for download. 🤩
And I am speeding through the galaxy arm right now at about 500 ly/s. 😁 (That's about 10^10 c.)

Ich habe hier einen älteren HP-Laptop (EliteBook 840 G3) mit #Debian #Bullseye und #XFCE, der bei jeder Fehleingabe und beim Aufruf von xfce4-session-logout einen lauten BEEP von sich gibt, und zwar auch dann, wenn die Lautsprecher leise bzw stumm sind.
Hat jemand aus der #Linux-Gemeinde einen Tipp, wie ich diesen nervigen, überflüssigen Beep abstellen kann? Weder mit pavucontrol in XFCE noch im alsamixer im Terminal habe ich einen passenden Regler gefunden. covers the #debian social network activities. No mastodon instance as far as I can see, but other ActivityPub compatible services.

is #debian already running a Mastodon server like but then for FOSS project with (main) .deb packages?

I use on my keyboard. On #wayland it happens frequently that the Mod3 key is not respected, and I have no idea why. It sometimes takes 3-4 tries until I can type a ':' or other non-ascii characters, which is really annoying, especially when typing fast and developing software in #neovim. May be something specific to my configuration, haven't tried to reconstruct the issue on other machines yet. Currently on #debian unstable. Any ideas why that happens? #neolayout

Updated Post: How To Create a Multiboot USB with Ventoy Using Linux

#100DaysToOffload #archlinux #debian #linux #ventoy
Ventoy Adamsdesk theme screenshot. Boot items listed with associated logos, Alpine Linux, Arch Linux, Debian, Deepin, Elementary OS and FreeDOS.

🎂Happy 29th birthday #debian !

#opensource #Linux #DebianDay2022 #mastoart @debian
Sur un fond bleu de restaurants floutés, une femme aux cheveux courts vétue d'une veste masculine arborant le logo débian porte une part de gateau d'anniversaire. les bougies indiquent le nombre 29. La femme tourne le dos au spectateur.

Debianähnliche Betriebssysteme würdet ihr als Adjektiv wie bezeichnen?

#Debian #Linux #Betriebssystem

  • debianoide (0 votes)
  • debianeske (0 votes)
  • Was anderes / Other (0 votes)
Poll end: 2 years ago

The #Debian bug reporting system ( is a blast from the past, and something that I try to avoid if I can. Currently debugging a bug report I sent a few days ago by e-mail, but which never made it into the bugtracker (no error response either) 🙄

the bad of being part of a maintainer team within the #debian project: since this morning I get spammed with hundreds (thousands?) of useless messages similar to this one


Welches Paket sollte $mensch unter #debian aus den offiziellen Paketquellen für Remote Desktop nehmen?

#remotedesktop #followerpower

On todays :debian: Sid upgrade I got an unexpected surprise:
Looks like ISC is ending its maintenance of isc-dhcp-client (dhclient).

"ISC DHCP Client and Relay End of Maintenance"

AFAICT there are 2 alternatives for Linux:
- Busybox' udhcpc
- dhcpcd

I'm not too sure whether udhcpc is a proper replacement ...
(especially on #Debian which still has BB version 1.30 😕)

Any others? comes to mind 🤔


Now #Debian upgrades I'm not afraid of. Those go smooth far more often than not. (Though... lenny? Jeez, that's ancient!)

It's just that I'm running stuff like postgres 9.6, and the last time I tried upgrading (dumpall -> upgrade -> restore), everything broke, error messages were completely unhelpful, and I ran out of time. So I'm back at 9.6, and feel a little bad about that.

Guess I'll try again a year or two from now. :P

I upgraded two squeeze and one lenny this month. It went rather smooth; lot of config-fixing though. #Debian handled library deps just lovely.

With #Debian I get this:
E: The repository ' bullseye/updates Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.

when I run #apt-get update && apt-get upgrade&& apt-get install package, as bit before there is
Ign:1 bullseye/updates InRelease
Err:2 bullseye/updates Release                      
  404  Not Found [IP: 2a04:4e42:3::644 80]

Anyone can point me in a direction to solve this?

I wonder if it is a good time to upgrade #Debian 10.11 to 11.x now? Is there any urgent need to do this?
According to Wikipedia I should upgrade before 07.2022, but up to then it should be fine? Right?

Are upgrades smooth?

Oki also #Debian ist mir einfach immer noch zu "bastelig" wenn ich aktuelle Software wie #Firefox, #Thunderbird oder #Gajim nutzen will.
Ach das ist einfach scheiße, das #LinuxMint kein #KDE mehr anbietet. 😖😳😒

Wie war das bei #Debian gleich nochmal? Wenn ich aktuelle Software nutzen möchte, dann muss ich Backports oder so aktivieren oder?

Hello friends,

Do you know of a tech coop that is accepting new members? Does your community require some IT work to be done (programming, running servers, and similar)? Does your small company want to contract or hire an extremely experienced IT person? I need to work on a part time basis, and I have over 20 years of experience. I am the only member of our four person household that can currently support us. Please help.

#python #debian #trans


#fastly #debian #reddit
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.

#fastly is choking, #debian and #reddit feels it as well.

Investigating - We're currently investigating potential impact to performance with our CDN services.

What's up with #debian cache network? Throwing varnish errors at me on

Hubzilla sendmail sorted but WHY must Debian make life difficult


Git Help...

Hi folks,

there is a project that I'd like to contribute that uses #GIT to upload the translations, I thought that I would able to understand the process but I was wrong.

I did some translations in the clone folder but I have not idea how to move forward, I found the same GIT (poorly written) tutorial spread in hundreds of pages with the same content; It is pretty frustrating.

Does anyone of you know a practical and nice tutorial for beginner considering that I am not a coder and I don't have any coding background?


#linux #opensource #freesoftware #debian