Items tagged with: neovim
I just completed "Tuning Trouble" - Day 6 - Advent of Code 2022. The task was really easy for me and I found the solution quickly, so as an additional challenge I started using #HelixEditor instead of #NeoVim. I need to relearn some basic shortcuts that I've known for years in NeoVim, but I like Helix it so far. #AdventOfCode #RustLang
I use on my keyboard. On #wayland it happens frequently that the Mod3 key is not respected, and I have no idea why. It sometimes takes 3-4 tries until I can type a ':' or other non-ascii characters, which is really annoying, especially when typing fast and developing software in #neovim. May be something specific to my configuration, haven't tried to reconstruct the issue on other machines yet. Currently on #debian unstable. Any ideas why that happens? #neolayout
Neo – ergonomisch optimiert
Neo ist eine ergonomische Tastaturbelegung, welche für die deutsche Sprache optimiert