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Items tagged with: question

Why is there such a tendency for people to respond harshly to those that disagree respectfully with some opinion? And this happens even with those who, supposedly, advocate for kindness and respect!

#socialnetworks #question

Hello !Friendica Support,

is it possible to block a #fediverse platform like peertube completely, or do I have to block each instance individually?

Since Peertube is obviously only moderated on the fewest instances, I would find a #whitelist concept very good.

#question #peertube

Hi #Diaspora, can you suggest me a #film?

Just 2 favours:
  • No horror or gore films, please.
  • Do not tell me what it is about. No hints either. Just suggest me a good film. 😀
Thank you!

#movies #question #art #serendipity

#fediverse #question #newbie
Is it possible to have closed/private groups to share interests and ideas and organise ourselves? Or is that an add on thing through a different platform?
Am loving the fediverse experience so far. The more familiar I get with how it works the more awesome it is!!!

Backup server, HP middle range, 12x12TB drives, long writes, write performance is kind of important but so is space, 2-3 drives can be used for redundancy.

RAID 50/3, RAID 6 or RAID 50/2?

#it #question

I couldn't find the answer myself, so I'll ask here: in #PHP, why can't I override a class method with a more specific argument?

#programming #question #help

See snippet:

Hey, I got a #question

When you are isolated and you feel lonely, do you think it is more important to
- embrace the loneliness, or to
- work on overcoming it?

And why?

I'm feeling very lonely lately.
I'm not able to talk with certain people anymore, that I was able to share my heart with in the past

Being in this state of disconnection is intense for me, difficult to manage.
What would help me were to know when I'd be able to reconnect with said people again.
But I don't know about that

Hi all,

When I add a contact from another instance, why can't I see all the messages from all the users in that other instance in my TL?

In mastodon, in the TL always appear all the messages from all users of all instances of which I have added contacts. Instead, Friendica shows me only the messages from my contacts and the instance in which I have my account.


Al añadir a un contacto de otra instancia, ¿por qué no puedo ver en mi TL los mensajes de todos los usuarios de esa otra instancia?

En mastodon, en el TL siempre aparecen todos los mensajes de todos los usuarios de todas las instancias de las que he agregado contactos. En cambio, Friendica me muestra unicamente los mensajes de mis contactos y los de la instancia en que tengo mi cuenta.

!Friendica Support #question


How can I activate notifications that allow me to see, who likes my messages and who shares my messages?

Greetings to all

!Friendica Support #question

Hello everyone,

I have the following problem:
- why do the gnusocial network contacts show up as rss?
- Why don't I get notices when contacts comment on my messages?

Thank you for any help

#question #problem !Friendica Support

#question I get the use of "Latinx" as a gender-neutral replacement for "Latino" and "Latina". I've also seen "folx" used and I was wondering if the meaning was the same since I believe "folks" already is gender-neutral?

Or is it just slang/colloquial?