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Items tagged with: Genocide

Israel’s genocide in Gaza depends on the infrastructure and services of tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke with Mohammad Khatami and Gabi Schubiner of No Tech for Apartheid about how tech workers are pushing back on the companies’ complicity and trying to end their relationships with Israel.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #israel #gaza #palestine #genocide #google #microsoft #amazon

Pre-October, all I ever knew was that Google really doesn't want you to talk about this, and they will silence you at any chance they get. Post-October, it was like not only will the company silence you, but if other workers are literally stalking you or accusing you of terrorism, the company will not do anything about that.

I guess this is antisemitic?

Not to forget that Israel killed scores of Palestinians farming or fishing. Long long long before October 7.

#Hamas #Israel #Gaza #Genocide

'Horrifying' Israeli strike on girls' school in Gaza kills at least 30 | Middle East Eye

#politics #Israel #Gaza #genocide

A Gaza, le calvaire d’un jeune trisomique tué par un chien de l’armée israélienne

#politique #Israël #génocide #crimes

I just can't imagine the pain she is going through.

It's just not possible.

My. Mother lost 2 children and until the day she died, she had pains of loss deep inside of her.. watching her cary her dead children is making me so sad

Can't understand how people just ignore their pain and suffering. Specially when there are over 14900of them , a number keep increasing daily.

#empathy #NotATarget #Genocide #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

I've seen an increasing number of personal attacks on mastodon lately.

#Israel #trolls #genocide #politics

I don't really have principles.
I'm always ready to understand someone else's point of view even if I completely disagree with it.
The one thing I will never, ever accept is children suffering. Any children.
I don't care about their race, their religion, their nationality or if their parents are the worst murderers on the planet... in my book all children deserve to be protected (born children, for any Republicans lost on Masto who happens to read this).
Now I guess you have a pretty good idea what I think of a government that not only starve children to death when they have the choice NOT to do it but even push the indecency to publicly state they have no problem with it.

#palestine #israel #gaza #genocide #childrensrightsarehumanrights #children

Breslau 1941: clandestine photos tell of the Holocaust’s upheaval and terror

Images taken secretly some 80 years ago are being published for the first time to mark International #Holocaust Remembrance Day

#WWII #Hitler #genocide #racism #fascism #NeverAgain #Nazis

Had any of you read the Haugen/Facebook papers, you’d know:

Meta enabled #genocide, boosted polarising misinformation, created shadow profiles of their users, exploited their algorithms so much that it caused mental health issues in young teenagers (there are lawsuits!), sold out women who had abortions to the #police in #USA, did the Cambridge analytica thing, sold user data to thousands of data firms, and more, much more — if you think this corporation has your best interests in mind, idk.

So let’s do some maths:

Israel’s military estimates that out of the 13,000 or so Palestinians it has killed in seven weeks, 1,000 - 2,000 of them are Hamas fighters.

They estimate about 30,000 Hamas fighters in total and their stated goal is to wipe out Hamas entirely.

Given the current ratio of deaths, how many Palestinians will they have to kill to wipe out Hamas?

Answer: 195,000 - 390,000

(But don’t call it genocide.)


#israel #palestine #gaza #genocide

“Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rain water for domestic or agricultural needs.”

– Third Periodic Report of Israel’s violations of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights with regard to the human rights to water and sanitation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

(September 2011)

But, yes, this all started on October 7, 2023.

#israel #palestine #gaza #westBank #occupation #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide #water

I'm supposed to give a workshop at the #NGI Forum in three days, and all I can think about is #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #WarCrimes (by Hamas and Tsahal) and all the belligerent bullshit floating around.

Who gives a damn about the #Fediverse in such times? History will remember social media of our times as dull, empty, senseless entertainment to avoid taking responsibility and #EndAllWars.

Really, I can´t think of anything that would make sense. Should I cancel altogether?

Content warning: Treblinka Uprising; Holocaust