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Items tagged with: friendica

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!Friendica Support

Vielleicht nehmen es die Entwickler und/oder @Steffen K9 🐰 als Betreiber einfach nur als Beobachtung und Lob - jedenfalls habe ich den Eindruck, dass die #Suche von #Friendica heute sehr viel besser funktioniert als vor ungefähr 2 Jahren.

Das ist wirklich sehr hilfreich! Wurde da was bewusst verbessert?

Friendica - A Decentralized Federated Open-Source Social Network That You Can Self-Host

Hello #Friendica team.

I'd like to update issue 7416 (still open). Sorry that I can't do it via GH account.

ATM, Friendica respects post retractions from Mastodon: send a DM from Mastodon, it arrives in Friendica as limited-view post; then delete initial post in Mastodon, it gets deleted (at least visually) in Friendica (I think with all the comments in the thread? not sure).

If I send a DM from Pleroma, it arrives to Friendica's "message" (envelope) interface. Any message in such an interface can not be deleted (retracted).

This is inconsistent behaviour: both Mastodon and Pleroma send via AP, why does Friendica treat them differently?

BUG: send DM from Mastodon tagging Friendica and Pleroma users. It will arrive to Friendica as limited view post, no problem. Try answering to such a conversation from Pleroma - your Mastodon user will get the comment. Friendica user will never get comments from Pleroma on limited-view posts initiated in Mastodon!

cc @Hypolite Petovan @Александр

I've been in this exact situation, and what worked for me to relieve the disappointment was twofold:
1. Identify what drew me to a project in the first place, and what task I ended up not doing when I lost interest. For me, the former was designing a game engine, and the latter was publishing it to other people. I made my peace with it, and now I know what engages me and what doesn't.
2. Involve myself in a project I am using. This has helped me stay engaged since I'm personally using what I'm working on. This has worked for me as a part of the #Friendica development team. I'm still picky about the tasks I'm taking on, but being part of a team means that what I don't do is likely to be picked up by someone else, and the other way around, I'm picking up tasks that other team members would prefer not to have to handle.


Hello #friendica helpers. Can I ask you a question about installation Friendica with #yunohost.

I don't know how to acces with admin.

!Friendica Support I'm trying to use some #friendica instances in some #Android apps (like #andstatus but it is reproducible in others too) and fail to connect the apps to #friendica. What happens: (a) App will redirect me to the login screen of my instance in some browser or web view. (b) I will log in there. (c) #friendica will provide me with a message whether or not I want to authenticate the app to have access to my data. (d) Expectation would be that I get redirected to the app for all further steps. In reality, nothing happens - I just keep on tapping that "Yes" button but still stay in the browser view.
Is that a known issue? It seems to work in *some* browsers but not in all, and it doesn't work in apps like #andstatus that don't allow for / use a different browser. Any ideas?

Connectivity friendica - hubzilla

!Friendica Support @Friendica Support
(^ist das so richtig?)

Ich versuche schon seit längerem, mit meinem #Friendica Account dem User @hubzilla zu folgen. Klappt nicht. Fehlermeldung:
Der Netzwerktyp wurde nicht erkannt. Der Kontakt kann nicht hinzugefügt werden.
überhaupt ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich kaum (keinen?) Hubzilla-Content mit meinem Friendica Account sehe. Kann mir da jemand auf die Sprünge helfen?
#hubzilla #fediverse

C’est vrai, #Friendica est compatible avec #Diaspora, #ActivityPub (Mastodon, Misskey, PeerTube…) et #OStatus (GNU Social, StatusNet) et même #IMAP nativement.

Hey @Tobias, noch eine Sache zum #Nitter Addon für #Friendica, der Link zum Author des Addons verweist auf:

Hello !Friendica Support
I made a post from this account, reshared it from @utzer <Mastodon> @utzer (on and @Admin (of, got three notifications at this account here, all the reshares are shown on the post itself too.

But the #Mastodon reshare is shown in the top (green), while the #Friendica reshares are shown in the bottom (purple). Why?

Hello #friendica! trying to really understand the state of interoperability of fediverse software these days especially because we are trying to get groups to work between them.

Followed, it just is the latest of ninth accounts across 5 different platforms from you I'm following directly from #Friendica !

Join #Friendica, your one-stop-shop to follow Liaizon Wakest on their magical journey to try all the existing federated social platforms!

If you're any good in frontend development, #Friendica needs you. We're sacked with backend developers but frontend is sorely lacking.


I can think of a couple special behaviors implemented based on software name in #Friendica, but to be fair we are trying to be compatible with several different platforms.

A while ago I started to write a JS-less #Friendica frontend, but I may have to accept that we will never be able to have this kind of nice things.

Daemon ausgefallen

Und ich wundere mich schon, warum ich seit 2 Tagen so gut wie keine Reaktionen auf meine Antworten krieg...

ich hab bei meiner #Friendica Instanz nicht einen Cronjob, der die Worker startet, sondern ich habs mit dem worker-daemon gelöst. Das funktioniert ansich sehr zufriedenstellend.

Aber aus irgend einem Grund stürzt mir der Daemon immer wieder einmal ab und wird nicht mehr restartet, trotz
in der systemd-unit.

Ich hab es jetzt um RestartSec=10s ergänzt und lass mir außerdem, wenn er wirklich dann failed, der job, ein Email schicken.

Ich beobachte einmal.

!Friendica Support

@Gidi Kroon no limit in #Friendica

Can you try the current release candidate, it is pretty stable. If it is the same there than file an issue on Github.

The README of the #Friendica project I'm contributing to doesn't look good in that regard: "Welcome to the free social web. Friendica is a decentralised communications platform that integrates social communication. Our platform links to independent social projects and corporate services."

Your regular reminder that #Friendica natively supports following #RSS / #Atom feeds, often you can just put the website URL in the search box and we’ll find the feed for you!

I have tested many RSS Readers, and there are some great ones, but Friendica also acts as one and does a fantastic job at. This was one of the features that convinced me to move form Mastodon to Friendica. The fact that I can follow anyone on the fediverse + any RSS just too good! I keep on saying this, but Friendica is really underrated. #tromlive

My quite big patch to #friendica has been merged into develop. Thanks to @Hypolite Petovan for his patience rewieving the thing.

Now let the new bugs it creates come to me...


Just installed #grapheneos on my phone and sending from #tusky on #friendica !

Most modern PHP applications now have hosting requirements that go way beyond normal shared hosting. #Friendica which I'm replying you from used to somewhat work on shared hosting when it was created in 2011, but not so much anymore since 2016 or so because of the requirement of a background process to handle all the federation stuff.

@ginAd ich bin nicht wirklich die richtige Person für so Support in der Art, aber das scheinen alles Zeilen zu sein, wo es um logging geht.

Ich bin nicht sicher weshalb keine anderen Leute antworten, vielleicht sind die im Urlaub, aber vielleicht solltest du noch mal @Friendica Support auf Englisch probieren, da sind mehr Leute die das sprechen mit erreichbar, meistens geht es ja recht schnell bis jemand bei #Friendica #Support leistet.

Hello !Friendica Support
is there a way to see if the upgrade after a switch from stable to development is running? Is there a way to manually start it from CLI to see if there is any errors?


@Michael Vogel@Olaf Ich meine, das ist auch technisch nur schwer moeglich, da dann alle Instanzen von allen anderen Instanzen die Beitraege speichern muessen. Also wird viel Traffic und Datenbank verbraucht. Wenn ich mir das so ansehe, dann toppen die Datenbank zu #Friendica und #GNUSocial alle anderen, inklusive #Nextcloud (okay viele Nutzer habe ich nicht). Und das jetzt schon mit 31G (in Adminer nur als "Size" bezeichnet).

Hello !Friendica Support,
when I got to /settings/connectors I only get a white screen. Anyone else see this problem?


Hello #MariaDB people, my #Friendica server is down since I installed the latest MariaDB update and it also switched from #PHP 7 to 8.

All I get in the php error log is this:
4047 InnoDB refuses to write tables with ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or KEY_BLOCK_SIZE.

Any ideas are welcome! I need your help!

!Friendica Support #help

I absolutely love that #Friendica is the subject of 50% of your federation posts while not using it yourself.

That said, I wouldn't mind a corporate job working on Friendica. I don't mind the corporate frame as it can be a useful wall to lean on, otherwise there are so many possible avenues of development it's a little dizzying.

Hoher Speicherbedarf seit Wechsel auf letztes stable-release

Seit dem letzten Update stelle ich einen stetig steigernden Speicherbedarf fest. Die Daten lege ich nicht in der DB ab, sonder in einem /storage Ordner. Dieser braucht seit dem Wechsel nun ca. 1/3 mehr Speicherplatz. Vorher war der Speicherbedarf sehr stabil.

Gibt es ähnliche Beobachtungen oder Ideen, woher das kommt?

#friendica #speicher #storage #speicherplatz

!Friendica Support

Let's just say the average word count of all your #Friendica commits is between 2 and 3.

We've received a vulnerability report on the security email of #Friendica because the Drone config file is accessible on any Friendica node. 👀

!Friendica Support
Mit #Olympia wir überdeutlich, dass wir auf #Friendica eine richtige #Filterung der Beiträge nach #Tags brauchen. Damit meine ich das vollständige Löschen Inhalte aus dem Stream. Andernfalls hat man seitenweite kollabierte Beiträge dort stehen. Wenn man das mit den Sprachen verbinden könnte, um so besser.
