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!Friendica Support In current environments, the #friendica frontend is somewhat slow in my browser even on somewhat "recent" hardware. It doesn't seem very much to depend on the browser or theme I'm using or the instance I am on. Is there anything that can be done (configuration, alternate frontends, ...) to ease this a bit? Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!
Please activate the "rendertime" addon.

Also enable these settings:
	'rendertime' => [
		'callstack' => true,
		'minimal_time' => 0.01,

and this system config:
'profiler' => true,
Then have a look at what is lagging.
@Kristian this might also be bad database tuning, I am running two Friendica servers and the tuning is not easy, I never got it working perfectly and am struggling every now and then. Requirements change with releases and with growing number of local posts/media.
@utzer (on Vogel Thanks for your support on that. As at the moment my main instance isn't "my own", I probably can't check that here. Maybe either @Matthias/E can do, or I will try that initially on a custom local instance to see whether I can get any further. Not sure whether it's anyone else or just me here, too.
@Matthias/E Ah, ok. Do you see rendering stats for my account too...? Or do I have to somehow access to that? For the minutes, I _think_ to have gained some speed in here after disabling the Sprachfilter (language filter?) addon in my account settings. Not finally sure about that either.
It is only displayed for admins.
@Michael Vogel@Matthias/E Ah ok, was wondering... so, anything meaningful I can try here? Otherwise, I wouldn't bother doing much here to be honest. It's not a big deal, just a bit inconvenient. 🙂️