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Items tagged with: Notifications

@Libranet Support I'm having a problem with #friendica #notifications. The 'bell' doesn't show comments, shares or likes of my posts. I can find them by going to, but both there, and on the post itself, I don't see the @names of the people who commented (etc), i.e., I see their 'full name' only, and I can't click to see their profile. I'm not sure if the second problem has always been that way? But it's a serious drawback. Is this a friendica/ mastocon issue? Thanks.

!Friendica Support

i got a strange wirred problem with my instance, maybe it is a bug or works as designed.

I organized my contact in groups ... every time one contanct in a group make an post there will be a 1, 2 or 3 in that group name.

When i klick on that group to see whats going on an the step back the number will always
be there. I thought this should be assigned for unread post?

When i click on the netwerk area in top of the page i see my complete stream an then the notification is away.

I hope this is understandable what i wrote?

#friendica #network #groups #notifications