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Items tagged with: Fediverse

The coolest thing about #Fediverse & #Mastodon user numbers (a topic of much discussion in the tech media) is that for those of us here, if we're enjoying the interactions (I know I am) and feeling like it's a 'better place', it will continue to attract others to join in.

I dearly hope many others, especially in under-represented groups, seize the unprecedented opportunity the Fediverse represents: to create a space that meets all their needs far better than any corporation could.

Calckey is a Fediverse server type which includes lots of features that Mastodon doesn't yet have, such as emoji reactions, markdown, customisable interfaces, widgets and lots more.

To see for yourself, have a look on the official website at:


For the latest updates, follow the official account at:

➡️ @calckey

If you want to try signing up, there's a stable server at:


#Fediverse #Calckey #ActivityPub

Zapraszamy do przeczytania artykułu z portalu
Termin „media społecznościowe” w odniesieniu do wielkich platform jest nadużyciem. Nastawione są na zysk, a zysk generowany jest przez reklamodawców, których interesy często nie pokrywają się z interesami społeczności. Czy jest alternatywa? Jest, nazywa się Fediverse

Michał rysiek Woźniak


#fediverse #okopress

ICD #34 - Co jeśli nie Facebook, Instagram i reszta? Fediverse!

Content warning: #aplikacje #apple #bezpieczeństwo #big #czas #działać #facebook #fediverse #firefox #google #internet #kontrola #korporacje #linux #media #mozilla #nowoczesne #opensource #Podcast #prawa #privacy #prywatność #security #social #tech #technologia #technolog

@popetelony Ja wprawdzie nie o mastodonie ale: jak już ogarniesz temat mastodona (czyli mikrobloga) to zapraszam do zgłębienia tego co poza horyzontem czyli reszty #fediverse. Jak widzę produkujesz różne formy: dłuższe słowo pisane, słowo mówione, video - wszystkie one mają swoje federacyjne narzędzia publikacji. Jednej nawet już używasz 😀 -strona #wordpress po dodaniu jednego prostego plugina staje się pełnoprawną częścią federacji czyli ( pozwala subskrybować , podawać dalej wpisy na innych platformach, w tym mastodona. Do słowa mówionego takie dwa dobre projekty federacyjne jak #CastoPod i #funkwhale. A video - #peertube .

You know from websites, if there is a link or an embedded element that guides you to another website, there is a note telling you that you load external stuff or you are led to another website.

I think it would be a good addon or feature, if all projects in the #fediverse #friendica #mastodon #pleroma #hubzilla #misskey would start to mark such links especially to facebook, instagram, tiktok, twitter, google and so on with a warn sign, that your data will be collected and you will be definitely tracked.

I am writing this because there is an increasing number of people posting on such networks and spamming the fediverse with links and urls teasing the contents on those networks that you only can see on those networks.

How do you think about that?

Are you a developer? Do you want to help one of the most flexible, long-established and interesting Fediverse projects?

Friendica ( needs developers to help on the frontend, between the server-side PHP modules and views and the client-side HTML/CSS/Javascript aspect.

(It would also be nice if they ran their own Friendica node to help with testing.)

➡️ Are you interested? If so, get in touch with @hypolite

#Friendica #Fediverse #AskFedi :boost_requested:

Meta aka Instagram is working on a Twitter competitor that is rumored to be ActivityPub compatible.

If you run a fediverse instance (Mastodon, Pixelfed, Calckey and others), would you ban a Meta instance?

Boosts appreciated 👍 #fediverse #barcelona #activityPub #meta

  • Yes (31%, 47 votes)
  • Undecided (19%, 29 votes)
  • No (18%, 28 votes)
  • Show results (31%, 47 votes)
151 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

a 10 second meme I made about NPR allegedly joining #Mastodon / the #fediverse . Wouldn't an org that big make its own instance? Or at the very least, join the same instance that other large publications have been joining?
A "suspicious Fry" meme I made with the caption "me when a new account on the fediverse claims to belong to a large journalistic publication...but they made an account on"

Audon is a great real-time audio streaming service for the #fediverse! Think Spaces or Clubhouse, and you pretty much got it. You create a room for audio, where other people can listen to you, or just give them the role of speaker as well.

You can easily log in with your fediverse (Mastodon/Calckey/Pleroma) account, create a room, share the link, and you're ready to go!

Check it out at
screenshot showing creation of an audio room
Screenshot showing the room itself with my personal account as host and speaker, and this account as listener

@David Slifka
"Server choice is a major obstacle to growing the #fediverse"

Question - how many people give up on #email because they don't know which #server to #choose ? I don't know anyone like that...

PS. Dzięki hakerom za #fediverse! Fejsbuk ostatnio postanowił mnie pogrzebać algorytmicznie, a tutaj zawsze jednak ktoś zauważy, rzuci gwiazdką... Nie wiem, cenne to dla mnie 😳

I beg of you, just say Twitter. Don't say birdsite, or T******, or any other cute thing. Just say Twitter, so people can mute that word and not see your post.

Same with Musk. Or Trump. Or any other thing you think some of your audience doesn't want to see. Just say the word and let people mute that word. Please.

#Fediverse #Twitter #Etiquette

Screenshot (by of official Mastodon app with emphasised/filled in “Join” button on top of a deemphasised (hollow) “Pick my own Server” button

Which #fediverse apps consume nodeinfo data and what do they do with it?

@Wilfred Chan I encourage you to use the term #fediverse more often. If people hear/read only about mastodon everywhere (especially the titles!) they are usually not aware that there is a whole complete ecosystem in which there is room for different forms of publishing.

any #fediverse client apps with an interface for easily recording audio and posting it like signal or telegram have?

#fediverse alive stats

servers: 21,551 (-24, max: 21,575)
users: 9,001,401 (-14,143, max: 9,053,210)
MAU: 1,465,692 (-2,402, max: 2,444,236

top five projects (users / MAU / servers):

:mastodon: 7,397,832 / 1,367,428 / 12,434
😛eertube: 325,995 / 27,936 / 1,263
😛leroma: 130,593 / 15,210 / 1,358
😛ixelfed: 144,069 / 11,681 / 443
:fedibird: 29,354 / 11,147 / 3
mau graph servers graph
weeks graph users graph

@Stefan Bohacek Completely wrong question asked because just being here IS #influencing the development of the #fediverse .

The question should rather have options like : in which of the following (here a long list of options) activities for the development of the fediverse do you participate.

Do you feel like you can influence the direction of the fediverse?

Either through direct contribution as a developer, providing feedback, making feature requests, etc.

#mastodon #fediverse #SocialMedia #poll #survey

  • Yes, I do! (47%, 120 votes)
  • Not really (52%, 135 votes)
255 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Is it federated on the #AT protocol? Or via #ActivityPub / #Fediverse? Last I heard they were doing their own thing.

@Rep. Ritchie Torres Welcome to the #Fediverse from Brooklyn! 👋 Gentle reminder that your Mastodon account can be followed from a number of different platforms, like #Friendica which I represent here. 😊

Yes, but that is still not good. Within ActivityPub, one cannot write a *message* that, a priori, is known to be correctly readable by any of the intended recipients -- unless it is a short (< 500 bytes) text in plain ascii, with no italics, boldface, or other markup, and no embedded images... >>

#Fediverse #ActivityPub #FediverseFragmentation

But that is BAD, VERY BAD! So the Fediverse is split into a myriad platforms -- and hence communities -- with incompatible features.

That may be great for the computer nerds who will join a dozen platforms just to revel in the features. It is terrible for those who only want a platform to communicate with other people...

#Fediverse #FediverseFragmentation

There is a lot of talk on the #fediverse #mastodon about how #media sites should own their web/social presence and their audiences, by self-hosting.

Case in point,

But why stop there?

We should also be promoting the use of #peertube as a home for organizations to OWN their video presence as well.

Here's a great example of a media organization doing just that:

If you speak any French, you can follow them here: @blast_info

#selfhosting #video

@Gabe Kangas If you want to have everything that is on #mobilizon + two-way interaction with the entire #fediverse then rather choose a #friendica account

Fully nomadic Mastodon fork!