Items tagged with: amiga
If you have ever worked with Deluxe Paint or heard about it, be sure to check out PyDPainter, a great and free resurrection of the legendary DPaint pixel editor.
#pixel #PixelArt #graphics #GameDev #RetroComputing #tool #editor #tip #FediTips #Commodore #Amiga #MSDOS #retro
GitHub - mriale/PyDPainter: A usable pixel art paint program written in Python
A usable pixel art paint program written in Python - GitHub - mriale/PyDPainter: A usable pixel art paint program written in PythonGitHub
my name is Till, I'm a radio amateur and electrical engineer, originally from #Berlin, now living in southern Germany. My favourite hashtags are
#astrophysics #astrophysik
#reading #lesen
#biking #fahrrad
#hiking #wandern
and of course #hamradio #amateurfunk. I'd love to hear from you, be it here or in a qso :radio_tower:
#introduction #newHere #neuHier