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Items tagged with: c64

Okay please someone do something, Troll from Fred Gray sings in my head for 4 hours straight now.
#c64 #chiptune

Fascinating book! How did I not know about this until today?!

"10 PRINT is a book about a one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program, published in November 2012."

Full PDF (CCA-NC-SA) available from the book's website:

#books #retrocomputing #c64 #basic
Page 1 of the PDF Page 17 of the PDF
Page 16 of the PDF Page 18 of the PDF

You win again. 😁

You guys are carved into a lot of brains, that's better than most of the backup solutions. 🙂
Thank you!


By the way the word "mastodon" always(!) remind me of Lane Mastodon from the #c64 interactive fiction "Lane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen" (1988).

- What's your name?
- It's… uh… Lane Mast… uh… ersson…
- Lane… Mastodon...?
- What? It's… uh… yeah, it's Lane Mast… uh… Mastodon!