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Items tagged with: COVID19

If you paid for funeral expenses for someone who died in the US, and their death certificate mentions COVID as a cause, you may be eligible for up to US$9,000 in funeral expense assistance from the US federal government.

Eligibility does not depend on your income, even if you have a high income right now:

More info:

Currently, no end date for submitting applications (ongoing/no deadline).


Had two #polyamory first dates scheduled this week, but neither happened. The first had to be postponed because he got #Covid19 at #DragonCon. The second is in the process of being rescheduled because he is working extra shifts to cover an unexpected expense. Maybe I'll actually meet these men offline soon? I've been talking to them both for about 4 months now. #dating

So, I'm just going to be sure I have this straight.

Back in 2019-2020, when #covid19 first burst onto the scene, nobody had any idea what we were dealing with. Out of an abundance of caution people were urged to stay at home, and keep away from other people.

In the almost-four years since then, we have learned exactly what we are dealing with - a disease never dealt with before on this level, that attacks and destroys multiple systems of the body, leaves many people disabled/bedridden, or with any of a huge number of chronic conditions.

It attacks the heart and brains of everyone infected (to varying degrees), and confers no long lasting immunity against future infections (which tend to get worse each time).

But with all that knowledge, we've now dropped any semblance of protection, and actively discourage masking, isolation and cleaning the air.

... Do I have this right?

UPDATE: WE GOT PAXLOVID! Your inputs worked. Thank you!!

#LongCovid #Covid19 friends, I need urgent help:

wife tested positive for covid. It's bad. Online Doc refused to prescribe #Paxlovid citing she's <50yrs. Said LongCovid isn't real and pretty much gaslit the thing.

PCP offices are closed.

CVS w/o prescription requires labwork that we don't have handy.

The blockers in the US #healthcare are systemic.

In GA, how might we get Paxlovid? Any ideas?

#covid #mastodon #medicine

"Researchers at the University of Helsinki have developed TriSb92, a molecule that can effectively prevent infection from all known SARS-CoV-2 variants when administered nasally."

It's passed animal testing and will now be tested on humans. As yet unknown how long it keeps protecting humans against #COVID19 #vaccine

"A new comprehensive study of organ impairment in #longCOVID patients over twelve months shows organ damage persisted in 59% of patients a year after initial symptoms, even in those not severely affected when first diagnosed with the virus."

I just learned about for positive #COVID19 tests thanks to @violetblue ‘s newsletter. I haven’t had a positive test yet (hoping to keep doing prudent things like #MaskUp and keep avoiding it). But we are having to step up as the #CDC gives up and tries to find something else to work on.

"NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER! consider this to be your friendly reminder that even if your feed is back to 'normal' we should not go back to normal. Normal wasn’t working, normal wasn’t healthy, normal wasn’t safe. Our society had normalized racism, greed, violence, complete exhaustion & capital gain at the expense of others." -

#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #Disability #Pandemic #KeepThePHE #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealth #SocialWork
NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER! Moth illustration with moon phase patern on wings, ferns and fungi along bottom. Banner running between moth and fungi reads, "NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER"

Future people in 2025: "OMG, why didn't anyone warn us #COVID19 damages our health and shortens our lives akin to HIV?"

Wuhan doctor in February 2020: "The influence of COVID-19 on the human body is like a combination of SARS and AIDS as it damages both the lungs and immune systems."

Where do we stand on masks? Here's a helpful, nuanced overview.

Many people are desperately afraid of “forever masking.”

I'm afraid of #COVID19 remaining a top five cause of death indefinitely.

I'm scared COVID will leave billions with lasting damage to their heart, brains, and immune systems.

I'm frightened that children infected three, four or nine times will have lifelong health issues.

I'm worried that a rapidly mutating virus could yet spin off a deadly new variant.

Why is it so hard to do something so simple to possibly save a life? #WearAMask

3 things I wish everyone understood about #COVID19 now:

- The main risk isn't acute illness or death but chronic harm to hearts, brains & immune systems:

- You can get Long COVID following a mild illness:

- COVID is evolving to be more dangerous by defeating our immunity protection:

This means we should try to avoid spreading COVID & helping it evolve. And we should be more concerned for ourselves and others. #WearAMask

Preferred Covid-19 mitigation strategies included those that resulted in 1) lower infection risk (such as sheltering-in-place more days a week), 2) financial compensation from the government, 3) fewer health (mental and physical) problems, and 4) fewer financial problems.

#NICHDImpact #Covid19 #Health #PublicHealth

“A staggering 90 percent of people living with long COVID initially experienced only mild illness with #COVID19.”


Last week, 3,000 Americans died from #COVID19 and there were no headlines.
This week, 4,600 US flights have been cancelled, and there are endless headlines.
Our priorities are showing, and they're not very caring or logical.

My spreadsheet of #COVID19 studies showing longer-term damage to the body has grown to 100 studies. Here's a link and a thread of some of the most interesting. The conclusion is that COVID can attack many parts of the body, remain present in the body, increase risks of serious cardiovascular, brain, lung and immune system disorders, and increase risk of death and disability. Stop taking it so lightly!

Hi Mastodon: I'm new to the neighborhood so a bit about me if you want to follow:
I am a professor invested in public communication/informing the public/#scicomm: I post on topics related to #publichealth, #policy, & #community life. This includes stuff on #vaccinations, #pandemic preparedness, dis-/#misinformation, various things #COVID19, and disparities in all sorts of #health outcomes across different social groups (by #income, #race/#ethnicity, #gender, & sexual identity, geography).

Während die Zahl der offiziell registrierten Infektionen in Ö nur minimal steigt, zeigt das Abwasserminitoring ein anderes Bild.


Grafische Darstellung der Viren im Abwassermonitoring im Vergleich zu den offiziellen Neuinfektionen seit Juni 2022. Auffallend ist eine Entkopplung in den letzten Wochen. Abwassermonitoring zeigt eine zuletzt deutlich steigende Virenzahl, offizielle Zahlen steigen nur minimal.
Genkopien pro Einwohner und Tag seit September 2022 in den einzelnen Bundesländern. Hälfte des Oktobergipfels schon erreicht.
Anmerkung: Vergleich zwischen den einzelnen Bundesländern ist aufgrund unterschiedlicher Messstellen nicht sinnvoll.

Seit vielen Monaten sterben mehr Menschen als statistisch zu erwarten wäre. Die Gründe sind noch unklar, es gibt verschiedene Hypothesen. Was aber sicher ist: Die Impfung ist nicht die Ursache der #Übersterblichkeit

My advice of the day…

Please don’t get #COVID19 again & again.

I have patients with #LongCovid who tell me that reinfection made them worse.
First bout ➡️ POTS & some fatigue.
Second bout ➡️ ME/CFS.

I recently saw an article about the “hygiene theater” of surface disinfection now that we know it does little to prevent #COVID19 transmission. I can confirm it’s still raging in my #NYC subway car, with no less than four ads for products with no pandemic-relevant effectiveness.

Got my second #COVID19 vaccine dose today, which means that I can safely return to my favorite pre-pandemic pastime, staying at home all week-end on my computer.

Content warning: Oklahoma politics, COVID

"pulling out of the WHO at any time, but *especially* in the midst of a pandemic that's killed over 200k Americans and 1M people around the world, is one of the most ill-advised, dumbest things we could possibly do. And I mean that, f*cking literally."
- John Oliver makes us cry for once


Trump is withdrawing the US from the World Health Organization in the middle of the deadliest pandemic in a century 😫

I have absolutely no sympathy for people downplaying the #COVID19 pandemic ending up sick or dead. Individualism is a death cult that disproportionately affects other people, so I do enjoy this kind of direct repercussions, because so many other people died for no good reason.

Physical Education teachers' emails are the saddest looking in this period of extended remote learning. #COVID19

I was at the grocery store today with my 5 year old kid, a woman noticed my kid's undersized mask was slightly sliding off his nose and told me to fix it and I was like "Look, lady... you're right, thanks for the tip." #COVID19

I'm not crying, you re crying #COVID19

Daughter created a "hug glove" so she can hug her mother on mother's day.

Grandma got the warmest hug from her grandson too 😭❤


I knew my lack of exercise would pay off one day: I’ve barely lost any physical capacity as a result of my near total #COVID19 home confinement.

Someone shared this me recently, #Friendica has crap search so I can't find who it was easily but I can't be thankful enough, it is simple, it is fun, kids and adults can play together, it's perfect.

The numbers in the cell are the "fright score" players can add and compare.

Ed ecco il nostro #monstarroulette in tutta la sua beltade. La creatività al servizio dei più piccoli. Potete giocarci in famiglia quando volete e non vi stancherà mai!
#play #kids #covid19


Announcing airbreak, a toolkit to jailbreak inexpensive CPAP machines to turn them into emergency #COVID19 ventilators by unlocking all operational modes and allowing custom software extensions.