Future people in 2025: "OMG, why didn't anyone warn us #COVID19 damages our health and shortens our lives akin to HIV?"
Wuhan doctor in February 2020: "The influence of COVID-19 on the human body is like a combination of SARS and AIDS as it damages both the lungs and immune systems."
Wuhan doctor in February 2020: "The influence of COVID-19 on the human body is like a combination of SARS and AIDS as it damages both the lungs and immune systems."
Autopsies offer key clues for early stage COVID-19 patients
Autopsies show severe damage to COVID-19 patients' lungs and immune system, according to a doctor in Wuhan reached by the Global Times, who called for measures to prevent fibrosis of the lungs at an early stage of the disease.www.globaltimes.cn