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When it's too hot for anything else, Russian planes save the day

It is too hot.

The temperature limit of Canadian firefighter hydroplanes is 38°C, and it was 45°C in #Greece where the #fire was nearing Athens. Only the #Russian BE-200 (with a 43°C limit) was able to work, and the crew risked safety flying little above the limit. Done more than 35 flights between 14:30 and 21:00, dropped more than 400 metric tonnes of water that day (a few days ago).

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The Linux Foundation are carrying out a survey on "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Open Source", and I know this is something #foss #freesoftware and #opensource people (and opponents thereof!) on the Fedi have opinions on. So please boost and fill in.

Contributing to an evidence base may be a way of highlighting the problems and shaming people with money into doing something about them.

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Mic testing 1 2 4 5

@Zoot Allures So you're connected through GNU Social? Do you see me? ;)
When ever a new user comes in talking about the federation, I follow them to let them know it's working

grin reshared this.

I've just met with the `parallel` #GNU command line utility.
I am #flabbergasted.

Bye, xargs.

#linux #commandline

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(laughs) They wouldn't even let me touch the computers at the last place I worked....after hearing all sorts of weird talk about linux and such....

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#IRC Please get away from Freenode as soon as you can, the hostile takeover has devolved into a DNS typosquatting attack against and no matter what you think of the new Freenode administration in general, this isn't right.

Just typo'ed a servername while reconnecting to an IRC channel, and accidentally put in libera dot net instead of the correct dot chat, and you wouldn't believe where I found myself: Back on Freenode. Who've apparently secured that domain, and are using it to try to trick people back on to their services.


grin reshared this.

Typosquatting as a business? I feel 1994 a bit of a stretching here. 😁

I think I observed it being present en masse was about 2000.
no domain name speculating.....

That's a cool side-effect of the MathJax addon!
This entry was edited (3 years ago)
So any time someone add an on 😉 to Friendica it means that it will display differently than the source? Sounds weird.


Well preview shows me nothing:

`x_{1,2} = \frac { -b \pm \sqrt{ b^2 - 4ac } } {2a}`

This entry was edited (3 years ago)
So backtick seems to activate `\LaTeX` mode.

But no preview.

$$ \frac{2}{3} $$
This entry was edited (3 years ago)
Why does it sound weird?
Because it means that the communication channel distorts the information without the knowledge of the participants, which results information loss, misrepresentation and friction.

In theory - and ideally - one does not want that the same message conveys different meaning depending on where you look at it.
Of course but this isn't sustainable when you can't know all the software that can possibly send messages to Friendica. We only control one end of these exchanges, and it isn't the remote one.

For example people have been playing with the specific image display on Twitter where it shows a cropped version in the list display, and a click shows the whole image by hiding the most important part of the image outside of the usual crop.

We simply can't replicate the meaning of these jokes on Friendica because it is based on a platform-specific display choice.

This applies to text as well. We now support Markdown formatting in remote messages through another addon. How do we know whether a specific piece of plain text received from Mastodon is intended to be Markdown code or LaTeX expression if they both use backticks by convention?

We could differentiate them between Friendica nodes by using specific BBCode tags but from Mastodon or any other remote platform? We have to guess since we can't possibly know the meaning just from the message alone. And it gives this kind of funny mishaps.
It is not you to blame. This problem is reoccuring on most network where there is no feature agreement provided by the protocol between the wildly different clients.
I just mentioned that it is weird (not from Friendica but the whole Fediverse), since it effects to what I said above.

There is no actionable item here. Thanks for responding!
Do you have the Markdown addon enabled as well?

Poor mailer dæmon…

Poor mailer dæmon forgot to refresh her password. Luckily it can be extended, to Make It Safe Again™!

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The response from the Chinese Ambassador to the Hungarian opposition

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Pepper&Carrot official chat room moved from Freenode to a @liberachat room twined with a @matrix room. 🤩
Reasons, new adresses, how to connect(easy) and details:
Pepper fixes a machine with Carrot: the machine display a system redirecting a Freenode monitor to a Libera.Chat and [matrix] monitor. The ambiant is funny with bright colors.

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The #Hungarian altright gov't want to build a #university for #communist #china from #taxpayer money for chinese students, the outrage is huge, PM makes a law to stop blocking from local governments.
So the local (opposition lead) governments renamed the streets leading to the area:
- Dalai Lama str.
- Uyghur martyrs str.
- Free Hong-Kong str.
- Bishop Xie Shuguong str.


grin reshared this.

The corrupt politicians get that much? Geez what the hell
Check the person called "Lőrinc Mészáros". Maybe you'll find some fact on him. All his wealth is corruption money, and it's not his but of Orban's.

Singularity CPU

"AMD Ryzen 7 5700U Processor (8 MB Cache, 430 GHz clock speed)"

I want this but I'm a bit afraid that it'll create a black hole at switchon.

How systemd promised to be great and failed all the promises

This is one damn fine article about how things have degraded to the point of #systemd being created, what the promises were and how were they broken, one by one.
What great ideas went by, how were distros forced into the palace which turned out to be a "fun-house warped-mirror room" instead. And where are we now.

grin reshared this.


Do you have a few dozen gigabytes of free diskspace and a machine that can seed it via #bittorrent?

You can help save an unbelievable trough of scientific knowledge from disappearing behind the elites' paywalls!

Spread the word and seed till you bleed – for the betterment of humanity!
Poster of the raven from the Sci-Hub logo perched atop the ruins of JSTOR, Elsevier and Springer tagged "To remove all barriers in the way of science!"

grin reshared this.

Just curious - is there any danger of DMCA takedowns or the like due to the archived contents in these?
Very probably, the point of BitTorrent links is to increase the cost of DMCA takedowns by spreading the target surface.

searchlight capital? I've heard that name somewhere... mmh...

Well, I am familar with Star Trek and it highly depends on the people behind it: when they want to use serious hard SF material it's pretty good; when they go for cheap effects it hurts.

## WHAT!? ##

Must be kidding. More data? Names?

Interestingly /friendica/ redirects to /network/, and the redirect doesn't seem to be in apache.

Well, how could I know whether it's "barracuda" or if it isn't? Is there any commands which shall work or fail? System table does not contain file_format info.

You can perform the command bin/console dbstructure toinnodb to convert the tables to "Barracuda" if they are still in an older format.

I thought so. It sucks, I can understand the sentiment behind the video.

It is weird though because I thought that IKEA specifically cared about employer work quality internationally and it seems weird that they would actually gave it up in the US.
But... it's the USA. I shall not judge it by European standards.

First, you ignored my request on context, and by context I don't mean one single video but what really happened and why.

Second, are they required by law to have "little tags" (what are those?) on their bikes? And if not is it a crime?

Ok. So maybe think about thing before you defend the people chaining others.

The violence is the chaining. One side didn't have little tags on their bikes. One side put the others in chains and threatened them.

Terms of Service

I seem to have carefully crafted the Terms of Service of my Friendica instance back then in the middle of the night I have installed it: ToS

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Remember your sadness when the Notre Dame was on fire? this kind of thing happens and how often it is ignored because it's happening to non-white, non-European landmarks & structures

Now, University of Cape Town Library, which housed thousands precious documents, has been burned





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spam spam spam

Today I have deleted 80% of my "users" on the server.

Almost all of them logged in first and last the same day as the account was created, posted an advertisementy bio, some even posted one ad, then left and never came back.

It takes multiple clicks and fiddle to delete those, and while they should not have been there anyway it would be nice to be able to remove them easer and faster.
Now, for a change, I have set preapproval for #registrations.
There is about 6 #spambots per day, out of which about 0.5 being a #spammer human.
I only had 3 #friendica spambots today. What's up guys, net problems?
(Would be neat to have some captchas, ain't it?)

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#mobilizon v1.1 is out!
The open source, federated replacement for "facebook events" or GetTogether from @mobilizon

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I see your post twice. Are you two person? 😉

I'm seeing your post here on hubzilla as well now.

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As much as a Mac fan as I am using it in space is dump. What would you do if the Mac broke? Can’t bring it to a Genius Bar. Having other hardware (anything not from Apple) allows for DIY repairs which is a must in space.
As for windows that’s just dump anybody needing an explanation there should never even touch a Lego rocket.


Mikrofonpróba! 1... 2... 3...


Pletyó reshared this.

Detected languages in this post:\nGerman (de): 0.25050\nIcelandic (is): 0.24419\nSwedish (sv): 0.24391

grin doesn't like this.


I seem to have became an involuntary tester of what happens when Friendica worker doesn't run for a long period of time.

Porn setting

One of my settings say:
When an account is created on the site, it is given a hard
I am not completely sure I want to know what's this setting for…


What's the point of spambot registrations?

I see that my little server have accumulated about a dozen of registrations, some from the well-beloved protonmail, others various freemail email registrations.
As far as admin UI knows they have never logged in, never have posted anything.

What Is The Point of empty registrations?

!Friendica Support ← maybe this works that way?
This entry was edited (4 years ago)

Hello wo… I mean, um, here we go again

As for #facebook alternatives the list isn't that long: diaspora is one, friendica is other, and... um...

So it seems I shall rather update the instance and get it for good public use. People are getting booted from FB in raising frequency.
It's much more 2020.09-1, if you don't mind me correcting.

My fight with #Friendica goes on

Apart from plenty of PHP errors in apache log (and zero in log/friendica.log) the system seems to work. More or less.

The current source of fun is worker.php, which is supposed to run every 10 minutes or so. Looks like Friendica doesn't continuously dequeue outbound or poll inbound but it have to be done periodically. Oh my.

Still, worker runs for the last 20 minutes and doesn't show any sign that she would like to finish too soon. God knows what it's doing since there's no output, no log, no none. Does a lot of web connection to unknown places for unknown reasons. Pretty low visibility.

Still direct message (PM) doesn't seem to work too well: there is no recipient.

Oh, and now I see that input field doesn't offer
Click to open/closeformatting after writing
The PM problem turned out to be broken theme problem: both Vier and Smoothly is broken regardig thise (and possibly others).

Thanks go to @Hypolite Petovan

Mumbling to particularly nobody

So it seems installing #Friendica was succeeded.

I still have to review the config, since it's PHP you know, shall be untusted as much as possible.

So far it seems to work flawlessly, albeit pretty slow.

Some tests already succeeded to #mastodon and #diaspora (more or less).

I'll see whether I'll see this message elsewhere. 😉