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Items tagged with: tesla

Wut auf Tesla - warum das Werk in Brandenburg so viel Protest auslöst

Das Werk von Tesla in Brandenburg gilt als Leuchtturmprojekt – ruft aber regelmäßig Umweltschützer auf den Plan. Warum Tesla vor Ort umstritten ist.#Tesla #EAutos #Brandenburg #ElonMusk #podcast #nahdran
Wut auf Tesla - warum das Werk in Brandenburg so viel Protest auslöst

Betriebsratswahl bei Tesla: Echte Demokratie in Grünheide

Die Tesla-Beschäftigten haben einen neuen Betriebsrat gewählt. Stärkste Liste wurde die IG Metall – zum Ärger von Gewerkschaftsfeind Elon Musk.#Tesla #ElonMusk #Betriebsrat #IGMetall #Gewerkschaft #Elektroauto #Grünheide #GNS #Arbeit #Öko #Feed
Betriebsratswahl bei Tesla: Echte Demokratie in Grünheide

This is the equivalent of selling blue checks to any random idiot for that fascist's car business.

"Tesla will sue you for $50,000 if you try to resell your Cybertruck in the first year"

#elonmusk #tesla

Tesla's self-driving capability is something like 10 times more deadly than a regular car piloted by a human, per an analysis of a new government report. #ryanlcooper
has it:

#never #tesla #car #crash disasters


"A #motorcyclist on a #HarleyDavidson was #traveling in a high-occupancy lane on Interstate 15 outside Salt Lake City, shortly after 1 am. A #Tesla in Autopilot struck the #bike from behind."

“It’s very dangerous for #motorcycles to be around #Teslas,” Former #NHTSA senior #safety adviser Missy Cummings said.

17 #fatalities, 736 #crashes: The shocking toll of Tesla's #Autopilot


Check out the latest "Smashing Security" podcast, where @gcluley and Carole discuss how Tesla employees are sharing videos of customers, and sinister Operation Fox Hunt scams targeting Chinese citizens in the United States.

Find the show in all good podcast apps, or at

#cybersecurity #podcast #Tesla #scam #China
A more traditional fox hunt.

#Tesla employees, for years, privately shared sometimes highly invasive videos and images recorded by customers’ car cameras, reports Reuters.

The twisted tale of the two Teslas, and a deepfake sandwich.

All this and more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by computer security veterans @gcluley and Carole Theriault.

#cybersecurity #podcast #tesla #deepfake

After Tesla’s share price plummeted last year, it won’t be any surprise to hear the company’s in trouble, but from growing EV competition to increased scrutiny on Autopilot, that’s only the beginning.

This week on #TechWontSaveUs, @niedermeyer joins me for a deep dive into Tesla, the challenges the company is facing, and why it’s so hard to get away from Elon Musk.

Listen to the full episode:

#tech #tesla #elonmusk #ev

Can you imagine trusting a car made by the fool who runs Twitter?

#tesla #elonMusk #twitter

“Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — #ParisMarx #Gizmodo #ElonMusk #Hyperloop #California #HighSpeedRail #cities #transportation #Tesla #CityPlanning #UrbanPlanning

"Tesla will not be selling any bitcoin and we intend to use it for transactions as soon as mining transitions to more sustainable energy... We are also looking at other cryptocurrencies that use (less than 1 per cent) of bitcoin’s energy/transaction."

- #ElonMusk, CEO of #Tesla, 2021

#BitCoin #CryptoTokens #blockchain

😅 Nice research!
That's why you don't want to trust your life to an #AI system *I'm looking at you #Tesla*.
#AI #Tesla