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Items tagged with: TrumpVIrus

#WordSalad du jour....

I think I need a vacation... because I actually followed his 'train of thought',
as it's just all his classic sound bites: energy, windmills, making donuts, bad economy, "Only I can save you" bla bla....

But then I'm a #dogwhistle whisperer, and longtime observer of the pre and post-plague #TrumpVirus

Donald Trump was asked how he’d lower grocery prices and his answer was already jaw-dropping, but written down it was incredible

#WordSalad #psychopathology

“Reasoning” is the wrong word to use with Trump supporters


GQP Crazies

I am waiting for him to do a Jim Jones

Not that he wouldn't, in an eye-blink, if they stopped loving/paying/believing him.

Die for Me

Ironically, he and - especially - the #DeathSantis variant actually did an effective job of significantly thinning their voter ranks by wholesale killing their base with #TrumpVirus (preventing info, treatment, prevention, etc.)

He told them to drink bleach to cure Covid and quite a few of them did it. There’s still hope.

Yes. But those still pledging allegiance to Dark Lord #TrumpVirus are so dug in, with so much reinforcement of their anti-#truth #media bubbles... they keep "doubling down" on the insane alternative to reality, in the 'cognitive dissonance' arena.