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Items tagged with: Bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

is sharing as a quote no longer possible with Friendica? At least I can no longer find the button.

Theme: #frio
Friendica 'Yellow Archangel' 2024.03-dev - 1542

#Friendica #bug #QuotedShares #2024-03-dev

Deleting posts

Hello !Friendica Support,

Shouldn't the deletion of posts also be federated?

  • I wrote a test post on instance A,
  • It arrived on instance B.
  • Now I have deleted it on instance A.
  • Now it should be deleted on instance B as well.

Both are Friendica instances. However, it is a calendar entry, but also deleting events should be federated after all.

#bug #federation

#Microsoft comes under blistering criticism for “grossly irresponsible” #security

Did Microsoft quickly fix the issue that could effectively lead to the breach of multiple customers' networks and services? Of course not. They took more than 90 days to implement a partial #fix—and only for new applications loaded in the service.

#Azure #problem #software #bug #cybersecurity #econemy #cloud #news

If your #github project uses #stalebot you are being actively hostile to your community and should stop it.

I'm looking at you, #esphome, and the 4 (at least!) identical bugs indicating problems with esp_touch that were all closed by stalebot. Some of them were reproduced and started discussion and debugging before being closed.

Auto-closing is for #support requests, not #bug reports. Bugs don't magically disappear just because you ignore them.

Event Calendar

Hello !Friendica Support,

for an event created in the Friendica calendar, you can now no longer specify whether you want to participate or not. Is this supposed to be like this or is it a bug?

#friendica #calendar #event #bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

I have the problem here that I only get posts from accounts I am in contact with via the Friendica forums. I don't see posts from profiles I'm not in contact with via the normal forums view.

#Friendica #forum #bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

since the last git pull I can't access the page /profile/montag/conversations anymore. A 500 Server Error is the result when I access the page.

Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2023.03-dev - 1513
PHP 8.1.14

#bug #500ServerError

Hello !Friendica Support,

When calling /admin/logs/view&level=error this error message appears:

Exception thrown in /src/Module/HTTPException/PageNotFound.php:49
Stack trace:
#0 /src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\HTTPException\PageNotFound->content(Array)
#1 /src/Module/HTTPException/PageNotFound.php(80): Friendica\BaseModule->run(Array)
#2 /src/App.php(738): Friendica\Module\HTTPException\PageNotFound->run(Array)
#3 /index.php(44): Friendica\App->runFrontend(Object(Friendica\App\Router), Object(Friendica\Core\PConfig\Type\JitPConfig), Object(Friendica\Security\Authentication), Object(Friendica\App\Page), Object(Friendica\Util\HTTPInputData), 1670609953.9643)
#4 {main}

#2022.12-rc #bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

since the last git pull, the hovercard that should appear when you click on the avatar no longer appears.

Tested with Firefox and Chromium on Linux
Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.12-dev - 1490
PHP 8.0.25
Theme: frio


#mastodon #bug
ERROR: materialized view "instances" has not been populated


That's it, if "Stay Local" is not selected the menu does not appear, if it is selected everything works as it should.

However, since I didn't change anything in the setting and it was working a few days ago, I think the whole thing is still a #bug.

But for now the workaround works

Hello !Friendica Support

The menu that pops up when you click on the avatar only appears for contacts that are not on Friendica. This menu does not appear for my Friendica contacts.

Here at this Hubzilla contact appears the menu

The menu does not appear for this Friendica contact.

Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.12-dev - 1488
PHP 8.1
Theme #frio

#friendica #bug

Hello !Friendica Support

my status stream first shows a post that is not mine, nor has it been shared by me.And this is the post on Mastodon that shows up first in my stream:Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.12-dev - 1488
PHP 8.1

#Friendica #bug

Hello !Friendica Support
maybe there is a bug with the emoji in the message Window?

If i write a comment i can choose a emoji with the ":somthing" option and i get an selection for the name.

but when i change a comment of mine and would like the make a emoji with ":something" i get no selection for the name.

is this known or is it a but?

I use Firefox (latest Version) and #friendca (2022.10)

#bug #Emoji #select

Hallo !Friendica Support,

nach dem letzten git pull ist mir aufgefallen, dass offensichtlich die Konfigurations-Einstellung Maximale Anzahl parallel laufender Worker nicht mehr beachtet wird. htop hat mir gerade doppelt so viele laufende Worker angezeigt angezeigt, als es eigentlich sein sollten.

After the last git pull I noticed that apparently the configuration setting Maximum number of workers running in parallel is no longer respected. htop just showed me twice as many running workers than there should be.

#friendica #worker #bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

one of the last pull requests causes a WSoD on the /network page again. The php-log file says this:
PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of Friendica\Content\BoundariesPager::getStart() must be compatible with Friendica\Content\Pager::getStart(): int in /src/Content/BoundariesPager.php on line 76

And the friendica log says this:
[ALERT]: Fatal Error (E_COMPILE_ERROR): Declaration of Friendica\Content\BoundariesPager::getStart() must be compatible with Friendica\Content\Pager::getStart(): int {"code":64,"message":"Declaration of Friendica\\Content\\BoundariesPager::getStart() must be compatible with Friendica\\Content\\Pager::getStart(): int","file":"/src/Content/BoundariesPager.php","line":76,"trace":null} - {"file":null,"line":null,"function":null,"uid":"4e396e","process_id":25063}

#friendica #bug #WSoD

Hallo !Friendica Support
wenn ich meine E-Mail Adresse für meinen Account ändern möchte - kann ich diese zwar eintragen, aber ich erhalte dann die Meldung "Falsches Passwort" ohne das ich eine Aufforderung zur eingabe eines Passwortes erhalten habe.

Ist die ein Bug oder habe ich da etwas übersehen?

#change #email #password #bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

When updating my instance, I encountered this error message:

Error 1170 occurred while updating the database BLOB/TEXT column 'url' used in key specification without a key length 

The 1469 update of the database structure failed with the following error message: Error occurred while changing the database
ALTER IGNORE TABLE `post-media` MODIFY `url` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Media URL', MODIFY `size` mediumint unsigned COMMENT 'Media size';

Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.09-dev - 1469

#friendica #update #bug #error

Hello !Friendica Support

I noticed a very strange behavior with the button (link to the article).
If I update my timeline, this is there for a short time and then disappears.
If I click on the post specifically, this button is there again.

Is this a bug or is it intentional?

#friendcia #buttons #bug

Hello !Friendica Support, @Steffen K9 🐰

When I select the "Forums" account type in the Network Stream, the forums from are not displayed to me.

I have also created a user group "Forums" with all the forums I have subscribed to, but the forums from are not displayed here either.

Friendica 'Siberian Iris' 2022.05-rc - 1464
#bug #friendica

Hello !Friendica Support,

i just saw in the worker queue that there is an "Add Contact" line for a contact on a blocked server. Is this supposed to happen or is it a bug?

47215672 	AddContact 	0: 	2022-05-22 15:10:30 	40

Friendica 2022.05-rc - 1464

#Friendica #Serverblock #bug

Hallo !Friendica Support,

wenn ich unter /admin/features bei den Erweiterten Profileinstellungen den Punkt Zeige Foren abwähle, sollte doch eigentlich das Foren Widget nicht mehr angezeigt werden, oder?

If I uncheck Show Forums in the Advanced Profile Settings under /admin/features, the forums widget should not be displayed anymore, right?

Friendica 'Siberian Iris' 2022.05-rc - 1461
PHP 8.1.5

#friendica #bug

Posts with Pictures

Hello !Friendica Support,

I think there is a federation problem with posts that contain more than one image. On Friendica and Diaspora all images are visible, on Mastodon (and in apps like Tusky) only one image is visible.

For example in this post:

Friendica 'Siberian Iris' 2021.09-dev - 1429

#friendica #bug #federation

@Steffen K9 🐰@Hypolite Petovan
I tried to retest this " #bug ? " and it happened again.
The first time I called the (sub)domain page no "command line PHP" problem.
I pressed the "check again" button and the problem appeared.

Aparently Just the difference between:

@Steffen K9 🐰 @Hypolite Petovan
If I remember well, the last time I tried I got exactly the same in the first place.
The php path issue came up after clicking the "check again" button.

I tried to retest this " #bug ? " and it happened again.
The first time I called the (sub)domain page no "command line PHP" problem.
I pressed the "check again" button and the problem appeared.
The problem is marked with a yellow dot.
If you have a look at the screen I posted before, after adding the command line php path, it is marked with a green dot.

Per API erstellte Kommentare

Hallo !Friendica Support,

mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass Kommentare die ich auf via API auf Tusky erstelle, nicht an Diaspora ausgeliefert werden.

Der Beitrag auf Friendica:und auf Diaspora:@Michael Vogel

#friendica #diaspora #api #bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

Messages from blocked servers or profiles are not blocked if they are tagged with a keyword that is stored in my search.

#friendica #bug #Serverblock #hashtag

Unfortunately due to a rare software #bug in #Friendica many photos/pictures where lost at, developers did try to troubleshoot this, but the result was not conclusive. It is not sure why the photos were lost, but it seems that the photos are lost and the related entry in the database is still existing.

I apologize for this problem. As the photos were lost over a course of a few days, while moving the data from one supported storage type to another (within Friendica), I decided I will not roll back the system, as this would have meant to loose all data from the time the fault was discovered to the rollback time.

Please feel free to reupload or reshare all the pictures and add new uploads!

#Friendica !Friendica Support

Own Post not in own stream

Hello !Friendica Support,

this post did not appear in my owns stream /profile/montag. I can see the post on test accounts on Diaspora and on Libranet. If i click on the Link to original post i can see the post but with a weird address line: Montag via Montag

#Friendica #bug

Public Posts

Hello !Friendica Support,

As I just noticed, my own public posts do not appear on the /community page on my server.

Friendica 'Red Hot Poker' 2021.03-dev - 1385

#friendica #bug

Hello !Friendica Support,

Registration on my server is open by approval. However, at the moment it is not possible not to approve the registration, because unfortunately nothing happens when I press the Deny button on the /admin/users/pending page. The contact remains in the list.

Friendica 'Red Hot Poker' 2020.12-rc - 1384, PHP 7.4.13

#friendica #rc #bug

Despite server block posts have arrived

Hello !Friendica Support,

i have blocked the server, nevertheless i receive posts from this server that contain hashtags that i follow. I think that this behavior is a #bug. When I block a server, I don't want to receive posts from it.
