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Hello !Friendica Support,

since the last git pull, the hovercard that should appear when you click on the avatar no longer appears.

Tested with Firefox and Chromium on Linux
Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.12-dev - 1490
PHP 8.0.25
Theme: frio


Oh, that's a little funny now. The last time the error popped up, it was due to the "Stay local" setting. To make the hovercard appear again, I had to enable the setting. Now it only works when "Stay local" is disabled. Interesting and a bit funny.

Here is the link to my last message about these bug
@utzer ~Friendica~ is it possible that this error is related to this issue?I will create an issue anyway.
@Montag Interestingly, today I fixed the issue of the hovercard when "Stay local" was disabled, but I didn't check if it was still working with the setting enabled. 😅

Friendica Support reshared this.

Ah interesting.. I have the friendica version distributed by yunohost. Had the same problem as you, but I need to enable "stay local" in order to get that hover. So it seems ths yunohost distribution is somewhat older..
But thanks, now I know at least, how to get that overlay back! :-D
@Grischa your server is actually running on the current dev, someone made a mistake and released a new Friendica package for Yunohost based on some development status. There is now a discussion what to do about it, I think the version you're on is a bit buggy, but you'll probably have to wait till they release the stable version in December or so. Make sure if a new package in Yunohost shows up that it is not a stable version older than 12.2022 (the soon to be released one)!
The yunohost version is buggy in what sense? Only with this overlay or more problems known? :-)
And why should I check the version of the next yunohost friendica release? It should be a stable version? Or only a version not older than 12.2022?

P.S.: ATM I can not send (new created) posts to this forum. They simply don't show up. Is this maybe a known bug with my version too?
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@Grischa Hmm, this isn’t a known issue, are you following the forum account?

Friendica Support reshared this.

Yes, I do. I am fan of that forum and it is listet in my forum section on the left side of the screen (there are two forum entries I follow)
I switched on again, that anybody can see my contacts. The support forum is listed there, too. :-)
@Grischa because you're on a developement branch that does not allow a downgrade to and older version, Yunohost people were discussing to downgrade, but this would probably break Friendica because there were some database changes already from last stable to 12.2022-dev (your servers version), so take care the next package is newer than or same as 12.2022 (09.2022 the last stable could cause problems).
So only a version not older than 12.2022 should be updated to.

Also the version you're on is having more bugs than the current development state (at least I see less problems now than 2 days before, not sure which state exactly you have).
Okay, thank you, understood. :-)