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Items tagged with: UrbanPlanning

I never did an #introduction and I keep hitting the character limit on my profile blurb, so:

I'm Michele Ann Jenkins aka Maj.
I was federated before it was cool and have just been biding my time on FB and Reddit until a critical mass happened somewhere better and now here we are!

I am equally interested in anachronisms, futurism, and current events. In all timelines, looking to listen & learn from a diversity of voice and lived experiences.

Ever evolving tag cloud because I keep being reminded of other interests:

#Equality #Justice #Socialism
#Liguistics #SciFi #Taxonomy #OpenWeb #IA #UX #DigitalGovernance #Feminism #Journalism #Writing #Français #Geek #90s #Marginalia #UrbanPlanning #Expat #Immigrant #Python #Perl #Costuming #History #UrbanPlanning #Sustainability #Upcyling #Repairing #DIY #MLIS #InfoSci #Sighing

“Elon Musk admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even tho he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project to get in the way of that actually succeeding.” — #ParisMarx #Gizmodo #ElonMusk #Hyperloop #California #HighSpeedRail #cities #transportation #Tesla #CityPlanning #UrbanPlanning

They say “We can’t do that. We’re not #Amsterdam.” You respond “Amsterdam wasn’t always like that either,” showing before & after transformations illustrating that the cities we admire made CHOICES. And they’re still making choices TODAY. They make more tired excuses. You don’t accept them either. (1e van der Helststraat, 1978 & 2005) #Dutch #Cityplanning #urbanplanning #streets #urbandesign #cities #streetsforpeople

#Introduction: I'm a #gay, married, cis man, in #Seattle. I work in #urbanplanning. I used to work in #historicpreservation and am #historian of #modernism in #architecture in #Hawaii and #Oregon

I have #adhd which I sometimes manage. I run an #omeka site, watch boring #history #documentaries and play cutesy #indiegames.

I'm #black ✊🏾 but have a white fam. I don't think they meant to adopt a #mixedrace kid. God's joke on them! I also grew up all over so... weird, wondering identity.
