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Items tagged with: Peertube

For the past few days we managed to trigger the auto-transcription for thousands of our peertube videos - All of our TROMcasts, our TROM documentary snippets, all of our videos indeed and all of the VideoNeat trailers now have an English caption. While it is not perfect, it is impressively accurate considering that it is automated. @PeerTube is a real alternative to Youtube, in all regards.

Every new video that is going to be uploaded to our Peertube will have a caption from now on.

Join us!

#peertube #youtube #trom

Improvements for :

Our TROM Social first page (login) is not anymore just an empty page with a simple login, it provides you a peek into the fediverse:

Now you can see what's going on on the network, maybe to convince you to join 😀. It took a lot of CSS and HMTL gymnastics to achieve this. From my tests on desktop with mobile emulators all looks good on mobile, but for some reason when I check it on my phone it does not look as it should....I shall investigate.

Implemented some dark toggles for some of our services, where it was doable, such as Call



And made our TROM Call, Jitsi Meet, more reliable.

Lastly we spent many days trying to figure out how to make our Peertube Live work better. Hours of tests, lots of logs. Hopefully we can make it more reliable.

#peertube #trom #tromsite #jitsi #searx #opensource #foss #friendica #fediverse


Heads-up for the #PeerTube community, it appears Google has been blocking many tools/IP ranges that try to synchronize with YouTube. At least for the creators on #tilvids this is a massive challenge, because they can no longer sync THEIR content on multiple platforms, requiring them to manually upload to both TILvids AND #youtube We appreciate our creators going the extra mile, and please remember this is why it's so important to support alternative platforms.


Youtube is doing its best and most aggressive lately to protect their ad platform. Third party services that allow you to watch youtube videos without ads or being tracked are suffering. Invidious, Newpipe, Freetube and the like.

Now Peertube is being affected and users cannot synchronize their youtube account with their peertube one. Basically a peertube instance has an IP, and google sees that this IP is trying to grab videos from their ad platform. So they blacklist the IP. Unfortunately we can't do much.

Nothing will change until we are brave enough to move to peertube entirely or similar platforms.

Therefore our is currently unable to import videos from youtube. And we may not be able to fix this.

#peertube #youtube #privacy

There's a singer-songwriter called Meshe making wonderful, beautiful songs and publishing them on PeerTube, would be nice if more people noticed/followed them 😀

Their account is at @meshe and if they haven't federated to your server yet you can browse their videos so far at

Particularly recommend "Nothing Lasts Forever" (which is at, but they're all lovely!

#Music #Songwriting #PeerTube

Youtube knipst euch gerade euer liebstes Spielzeug zum Teilen von Videos aus.
Du bist noch nicht betroffen? Warte noch ein wenig ab. Schon bald ist es soweit und dann wird auch euer Node gesperrt sein.

Wechselt daher jetzt auf die vorhandenen Tools des Fediverse.

Fedi-Video-Plattform Alternative:


wenn der Inhalt indirekt von Youtube kommen soll.

Es ist Zeit sich ein wenig zu bewegen.

#fediverse #peertube #invidious #piped #youtube #google

We now have 6 servers dedicated to transcoding/transcribing our Peertube videos - thanks to @Alexio who is providing 4 of them! Peertube is now a complete replacement for Youtube and I will make sure to push it a lot more in terms of use and promotion! We need to get people to use it, else without content, it won't go anywhere....

Feel free to use our instance!

#peertube #youtube #video #opensource #foss

Now our Peertube supports auto-transcriptions and the result so far is scary amazing- Check out this video -

This can be super useful for many people. Amazing!


Il s'agit de trouver un réseau social, ou effectivement une solution pour ne pas faire sans cesse avec l'extrême-droite... Mais bon...

Mastodon, c'est très clean (logiciel libre), pas de traqueur, mais pas il n'y a pas de protection de ce qui est publié, donc faut rester discret (comme ici, du reste), quant à Odysee, c'est tout à fait autre chose, une "concurrence" à youtube, c'est pour ça que t'en parle, je suppose.... Mais d'une, ce n'est pas fiable car ce n'est pas logiciel libre, et surtout, c'est avec traqueur aussi, du coup, bien sûr. J'y fais un tour là vite fait, et sans rien faire de plus : 7 traqueurs d'emblée, du google bien sûr, entre autres...
Si tu veux une alternative à youtube/Odysee, quelque chose de clean, c'est #Peertube bien sûr.

#Peertube prioritaire ici ?
Super !
Merci, ça fait plaisir à lire. 😀

Bienvenue 😀
#Peertube prioritaire ici ?
Super !
Merci. ça fait plaisir à lire. 😀

Je posterai de temps en temps des vidéos de médias indépendants "pure players" que j'apprécie (et auquel je suis abonné bien souvent pour aider à les financer). Et tant qu'à faire, autant éviter de passer par la fameuse plateforme qui commence par Y et finit par E. Ici nous passerons par des plateformes #PeerTube

We've updated our TROM Videos too. Now Peertube has more cool features like the storyboard - you can hover with your mouse over the seekbar of a video and see thumbnails. Pretty nice!

We are currently generating the thumbnails for all of our videos (may take a while to finish), but any new video uploaded from now one will have this feature.

You can also add chapters to your videos and more. Awesome job @PeerTube !

From now on we will post a "must watch" documentary from VideoNeat on our Peertube's homepage - so make sure you check that out and subscribe to our VideoNeat channel -

This year we will try to focus on the content for our TROM Videos and bring new creators, plus create new videos ourselves too.

So please, if you can, help us here - we only need 160 more people to donate 5 Euros a month to support TROM forever.

#tromlive #peertube #documentaries #documentary

A list of issues I have with Friendica, specifically as a replacement for other Fediverse software

Just a reminder that #Fedilab supports #Peertube software for viewers and publishers.

Also, Fedilab allows you to discover Peertube with your Mastodon account. It means you don't need a Peertube account to navigate and interact with Peertube instances.

Fedilab has a dedicated UI for this feature. If you want to know more about it, just click on Peertube in the main menu. You will have a helper to find instances that match your expectations. You will be able to switch between them easily.

Screenshot of the instances picker. They can be filtered by categories and languages. Screenshot of a video where it's possible to interact with a Mastodon account.
It's possible to write a comment, reblog, add to favorites or bookmark the video.
Screenshot of a Local timeline from a Peertube instance. The account connected is a Mastodon account. Screenshot showing a lot of available settings for the Peertube version.

People can be as upset about this as they want, but so long as they continue to watch #YouTube they continue tacitly supporting their user-hostile actions. If you really want to make a difference, stop watching, and tell content creators why. When you can convince them to move to platforms that don't shove ads down your throat every 3 minutes, THAT is when you'll see #Google change their tune.

#tech #technology #enshitification #PeerTube #tilvids

TIL how to #subscribe to a #PeerTube channel using my #Mastodon account - #ActivityPub is such a nice thing!

P.S.: not my video, just sharing it for you all

Framasoft o motywacji do stworzenia i najbliższych planach na PeerTube

Have questions about #PeerTube or want to know more about the team, and where the project is headed?

Next week there will be an Ask Me Anything with the @peertube team, streamed live directly on PeerTube!

I'll be the one to ask the questions to the team. You can already ask your questions right now, use the #PeerTubeAMA hashtag with your question to get them answered live on stream.

The stream will be Wednesday, Dec. 13th, 6-8 pm (CET)

You don't want to miss this!

Livestream #PeerTubeAMA - Dec. 13th, 6-8pm (CET)

If you missed it, we released #PeerTube v6 yesterday, packed with great features (learn more here :

Once again, we want to thank publicly @NGIZero / @EC_NGI and NLnet for their grant and support that helped us fund this year's work !

We need your help to ensure that #PeerTube (and all the actions of our not-for-profit) won't be funded solely by donations from the French speaking community!

We've got 5 weeks left to raise our 2024 budget: spread the word!


Screenshot of the Framasoft 2023 donation bar at 12% - €23575

Password-protected videos, video re-upload, storyboards, chapters...

We're proud and happy to present this year's work on #PeerTube v6!

Read and share widely:


Drawing in the style of a fighting video game, where the octopus of PeerTube and the monster of YouTube, Twitch and Vimeo go head to head.

#SepiaSearch is your companion for finding #PeerTube videos, playlists and channels from the PeerTube federation

We're currently testing #Meilisearch in favour of #ElasticSearch to index the data.

As it's difficult to know if the results are relevant in all languages, we're looking for public feedback!

So don't hesitate to test this new engine on and let us know what you think 😀

#Framasoft is doing some amazing work to better the internet, by creating alternative free/Libre #Software for everybody to use 😎 For instance, they've made #PeerTube. PeerTube is a YouTube-alternative using P2P tech combined with #ActivityPub!

As a non-profit they are dependent on donations to keep going. Please consider checking out their awesome work in the following link, and evaluate if this is something you're willing to support 😃 Go #FOSS 🟢👌🏻

Veronica (@vkc) who created the popular #YouTube-Channel "Veronica Explains", now posts videos to her self-hosted #PeerTube instance!

Nice content about technology and retro tech.

You can find it here:


Great to see that more good content begins to pop up in #PeerTube

#retro #retrocomputing #mastodon

There are many amazing talks about Blender being pubished due to Blender Conference.

However, you don't need to use Youtube to watch them! They're also being published on their PeerTube instance, @blender !

And yes, since PeerTube uses ActivityPub, you can browse, like and share, and even subscribe with your mastodon (or any other federated software) account!

Anyway, enjoy blender conference!

#blender #bcon23 #peertube

@davidrevoy yes, it's a bit unfortunate, hopefully in the future the instance might be able to use the new features of #peertube which allow off-loading some of the encoding to other machines.

I really hope that the #blender community will begin to embrace these alternatives, as we do with #Linux, the #Fediverse for example. Currently, it is not perfect, but unless we support them, they will never be mature.

Come to think of it, Blender is the post child for this mindset😀

If anyone else has noticed the delay of videos being posted from #bcon23 on the official #peertube instance, not to worry, they are still encoding, but unfortunately not being published as quickly as hoped.

All the videos are being mirrored, and available, though not fully transcoded, on the #bcon23 playlist here:

Go watch them there, hot and fresh😀

#blender #b3d #foss #opensource

Bcon23 playlist on the official Blender Peertube instance.

A reminder, you can watch a playlist of Halloween videos from the Fediverse at:


If you're watching it embedded, use the ⏩ and ⏪ buttons to skip through videos.

p.s. If a particular video doesn't work, try refreshing the browser. If it still doesn't work, go onto the next video. (The videos are hosted on many different servers, so any problems normally just affect a few of the videos.)

#Halloween #Spooky #PeerTube #Ghosts #Horror #Creepy #Skeletons