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Earlier this week, an ambulance was called to a man in his 60s in Budapest, Hungary because he was having difficulty breathing. Within minutes, the ambulance arrived on the scene and treated the patient, who weighed almost 170 kilos, and was expected to be taken to hospital. However, there were not enough paramedics to move the patient safely.

At this point, one of the paramedics remembered that they were parked across the street from a fitness centre. She quickly ran down to the gym where she told them they needed a little help. According to the report, the gym members immediately abandoned their workout and rushed to the paramedics' aid as a team.

The operation went so well that in the end, not only was the patient, who was fixed on a stretcher, carefully brought down from the fourth floor, but even the bags and instruments were not allowed to be taken down by the paramedics. The paramedics were thanked for their help and transported the patient to hospital in a stable condition.

(Translated with

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Intolerance here around

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– If you could have sex with any famous people, dead or alive, which one would you choose?
– Alive.

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How to explain corruption to Germans

#Hungary buys a locomotive. Extract from an article:

"In the meantime, however, we have been hit by a shoddy toilet built to steal EU development money and cheap world market loans, so it is questionable whether we have the money to buy so many locomotives, but the job has been entrusted to János Lázár, who for some reason seems to think that Siemens is not corrupt enough.
If you want to explain the corruption in Hungary to a German, you just have to say that not even Siemens is corrupt enough for the Hungarian government, and they will understand everything."

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Pride sidenote

"I don't have a friend that I like because they have size 41 feet. I don't have a person I don't like because they have size 41 feet. If, in any context, it comes to my attention that anyone has size 41 feet... well, nothing changes. If people with size 41 feet are discriminated against in any way because of their foot size; it is my job, my turn, to stand by them. If you say let's have a day when people with size 41 feet go out on the streets because it's important, well so be it, let's have a demonstration for equal rights, let's have a commemoration, let's just have a happy afternoon. Let's have it.

For me it's as simple as that.🌈"
(– Andrea Sinkovics)

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A python programmer walks into a bar, and asks for ten unopened cans of beer.
The bartender gets pretty angry:
- Canned beer? Why do you want me to serve you canned beer? And ten?
The programmer shrugs:
- Sorry pal, but I need all the tabs I can get.

Nov 17
Thu 4:20 PM
A Leonidák meteorraj, melynek radiánsa az Oroszlán csillagképben van, szülőégitestje az 55P/Tempel-Tuttle üstökös, maximuma november 17-ére esik. Nevezetes 33 évente ismétlődő kitörése (a legutóbbi 1999-ben volt), melynek oka, hogy a Tempel-Tuttle üstökös ekkor jár a Nap közelében, és amelynek bekövetkezésekor a ZHR elérheti az 1000 meteor/órát is.


Tried to upgrade friendica from 2022.06 to 2022.11. It's been a bad idea.
After upgrade only 500 error, no error logged into either apache or log/ dir.
Tried tgz to no avail.
Removed addons finally, and it started. Put back addon and it keeps running.
I hate no logs.


I wonder how the AP userbase will change due to recent events on #twitter ...


I have acknowledged one follower and I've got a spammer trying to follow me. No new follower requests for the last year. Strange coincidence.

spambot confession

It is interesting to see how desperate some spambots are: I had a few registering on Friendica, noticing that pre-approval is active, and sending a message to the admin that "if you need super cash opportunity this is your chance"...

I can imagine their suprised face when their account was insta-deleted.
"How?! HOW?? How can these damned admins figure out that I am a spammer?!?"

Pfizer Smoking-gun “Secret Document”: Their Deadly COVID Vaccine

A Pfizer document (which was never supposed to see the light of day but was disclosed as part of a FOIA suit) describes the adverse effects from just the first three months of injections with the company’s COVID vaccine.

Pfizer admits that in the first three months of the vaccine rollout, it logged a staggering 42,086 cases of adverse reactions. And as far as I can determine from the Pfizer document, these 42,086 cases represented a total of 139,888 adverse events. In other words, in many cases, there were reports of multiple adverse events.

By Jon Rappoport
Global Research, December 08, 2021

That is what nameservers see when #facebook bites the dust.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some NS actually went down due to the tenfold pressure and traffic.

In #Budapest there are more than 30000 hand-picked small pebbles laying at the Margit-island. All those pebbles contain a number and an age, some a first name or nickname, some just "mom". Every pebble is for one person who died in #COVID in #Hungary. People started to put pebbles there last year, and soon thousands and thousands of new pebbles appeared, one by one, bordering the running strip around the little island.

In august 2021 the pebbles were so many that they were in danger from the large masses of people of the popular island, so the government of Budapest city and the people originally organised the memorial and their countless helpers have moved all the stones, a handful a time, into an inner park of the island, into a multiple spiralling line.

If you happen to be around, nice to know what these pebbles are. Lots and lots of stones.

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A well-written #conservative / #right leanig article about how #Hungary's Victor #Orban is not "valuing conservative values", using the apropos of Tucker Carlson (Fox News "paleoconservative" commentator) coming to Hungary and having a happy meeting and country tour in a government-controlled bubble.

It is a rarely-found help for English-speaking conservatives believing Orban is their comerade.

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Just listened to Runaway Train from Soul Asylum and got curious about the names listed (of lost children). My pick was "Emily Tamara Pois, missing since 1992".
Found her in 2016, arrested shoplifting $1232 and possessing heroin. And motor vehicle theft the year before. Then possessing drugs before that.
I stopped looking for others. *sigh*

When it's too hot for anything else, Russian planes save the day

It is too hot.

The temperature limit of Canadian firefighter hydroplanes is 38°C, and it was 45°C in #Greece where the #fire was nearing Athens. Only the #Russian BE-200 (with a 43°C limit) was able to work, and the crew risked safety flying little above the limit. Done more than 35 flights between 14:30 and 21:00, dropped more than 400 metric tonnes of water that day (a few days ago).

It is too hot.

The temperature limit of Canadian firefighter hydroplanes is 38°C, and it was 45°C in #Greece where the #fire was nearing Athens. Only the #Russian BE-200 (with a 43°C limit) was able to work, and the crew risked safety flying little above the limit. Done more than 35 flights between 14:30 and 21:00, dropped more than 400 metric tonnes of water that day (a few days ago).

Mic testing 1 2 4 5

@Zoot Allures So you're connected through GNU Social? Do you see me? ;)
When ever a new user comes in talking about the federation, I follow them to let them know it's working

Poor mailer dæmon…

Poor mailer dæmon forgot to refresh her password. Luckily it can be extended, to Make It Safe Again™!

The response from the Chinese Ambassador to the Hungarian opposition

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Singularity CPU

"AMD Ryzen 7 5700U Processor (8 MB Cache, 430 GHz clock speed)"

I want this but I'm a bit afraid that it'll create a black hole at switchon.

How systemd promised to be great and failed all the promises

This is one damn fine article about how things have degraded to the point of #systemd being created, what the promises were and how were they broken, one by one.
What great ideas went by, how were distros forced into the palace which turned out to be a "fun-house warped-mirror room" instead. And where are we now.

searchlight capital? I've heard that name somewhere... mmh...

Well, I am familar with Star Trek and it highly depends on the people behind it: when they want to use serious hard SF material it's pretty good; when they go for cheap effects it hurts.

## WHAT!? ##

Must be kidding. More data? Names?

Interestingly /friendica/ redirects to /network/, and the redirect doesn't seem to be in apache.

Well, how could I know whether it's "barracuda" or if it isn't? Is there any commands which shall work or fail? System table does not contain file_format info.

You can perform the command bin/console dbstructure toinnodb to convert the tables to "Barracuda" if they are still in an older format.

I thought so. It sucks, I can understand the sentiment behind the video.

It is weird though because I thought that IKEA specifically cared about employer work quality internationally and it seems weird that they would actually gave it up in the US.
But... it's the USA. I shall not judge it by European standards.

First, you ignored my request on context, and by context I don't mean one single video but what really happened and why.

Second, are they required by law to have "little tags" (what are those?) on their bikes? And if not is it a crime?

Ok. So maybe think about thing before you defend the people chaining others.

The violence is the chaining. One side didn't have little tags on their bikes. One side put the others in chains and threatened them.

spam spam spam

Today I have deleted 80% of my "users" on the server.

Almost all of them logged in first and last the same day as the account was created, posted an advertisementy bio, some even posted one ad, then left and never came back.

It takes multiple clicks and fiddle to delete those, and while they should not have been there anyway it would be nice to be able to remove them easer and faster.
spam (x) spambot (x)
Now, for a change, I have set preapproval for #registrations.
There is about 6 #spambots per day, out of which about 0.5 being a #spammer human.
I only had 3 #friendica spambots today. What's up guys, net problems?
(Would be neat to have some captchas, ain't it?)