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Items tagged with: eu

#EU #RightToRepair: "Today, the Commission is proposing new rules to help consumers make informed and sustainable choices when purchasing mobile and cordless phones, and tablets, under the existing EU Energy Labelling Regulation. This new proposal comes on the same day as the approval of measures to make these devices more energy efficient, durable and easier to repair by the European Parliament and Council, following a Commission proposal in November 2022, under the EU Ecodesign Regulation.

These measures help to make the EU's economy more circular, save energy, cut our carbon footprint, support circular business models and deliver the benefits of the European Green Deal for consumers.

Mobile phones and tablets produced according to these rules will save almost 14 terawatt hours in primary energy each year by 2030. This is one third of the primary energy consumption of these products today. The new rules will also help to optimise the use of critical raw materials and facilitate their recycling."

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the breaches of the Rule of Law and fundamental rights in #Hungary and frozen #EU funds

An extreme amount of valid points.

People marching through the streets with a banner saying "degrowth needs direct action" during a demonstration in Liepzig in 2014.

This is big. No #embargoes. No #APCs.

"The #EU is ready to agree that immediate #OpenAccess to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm, w/o authors having to pay fees & that the bloc should support #nonprofit scholarly publishing models.

In a move that could send shockwaves through commercial scholarly #publishing, the positions are due to be adopted by the Council of the EU member state governments later this month."

#Europe #RightsRetention

Dear @EU_Commission, I said this at the European Parliament but let me repeat it:

Public funding for tech should come with a stipulation that the organisations that take (our) public funds should not then be able to take venture capital (VC) and have private capital enclose what is built with that public funding.

Context: Delta Chat (@delta), which has received public funding from multiple #EU funds, #NLNet, etc. is reportedly now considering a VC offer.

#DeltaChat #EU #VentureCapital #VC

The US understands the threat of foreign tech companies/apps gathering data on US citizens and manipulating their behaviour and is looking to ban TikTok.

Dear @EU_Commission, here’s an incomplete list of foreign tech companies/apps gathering data on EU citizens and manipulating their behaviour:

- Meta Platforms, Inc. (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.)
- Alphabet, Inc. (Google, YouTube, etc.)
- Twitter, Inc.
- Microsoft (Windows, etc.)
- Snap, Inc.


#SiliconValley #BigTech #us #eu

For those of you, like me, watching America’s rapid descent into fascism in abject horror from the sidelines in Europe, remember: where America goes, the West soon follows. If we don’t like where that is, we must do better than doing the same things and hoping for different outcomes.

What I’m saying is America is a warning, not an instruction manual.

#america #us #usa #republicans #conservatives #fascism #europe #eu

23 rekomendacje pierwszego europejskiego panelu obywatelskiego - na temat przeciwdziałania marnowaniu żywności.
Gorąco popieramy panele obywatelskie, o ile tylko ich wyniki są potem wdrażane, a nie trafiają do szuflady.
#eu #citizenassembly #foodwaste

At #FOSDEM, @marcel_kolaja will present the #EU pilot project to look into open-sourcing the EU's apps and publishing them outside of #BigTech including on @fdroidorg. @eighthave will join, talking about how F-Droid will help pull the EU towards #FreeSoftware.

(sorry for copying the post, but for some reason we can't boost it)

One of the benefits of #Mastodon being #OpenSource: The EU can help make it more secure.

"Awards of up to EUR 5000 are available for finding security vulnerabilities in LibreOffice, LEOS, Mastodon, Odoo and CryptPad, open source solutions used by public services across the European Union. There is a 20% bonus for providing a code fix for the bugs they discover."
#EU #OpenCollaboration

Now imagine if Mastodon didn’t exist and this was happening.…

Aren’t we lucky that some guy in Germany decided to spend his own time, money, and effort to build it?

Hopefully we’ll get lucky again…

Or, you know, maybe we can finally consider supporting tech that’s in the common good from the common purse. And fund organisations and long-term development, not just ad-hoc academic “projects” that get abandoned the moment the money is gone.

#funding #tech #eu #commons

#corruption in the #EU:
Amount: €1.5 M
Arrested: everyone
Kept positions: 0
Prevention: serious law change

#corruption in #Hungary
Amount: €3700 M
Arrested: nobody
Kept positions: all of them
Prevention: attacking journalists to prevent other ones to be published
Bonus: laughing meme about corruption

Content warning: GDPR and Mastodon

Today, 🇪🇺 @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen visited 🇷🇸Serbia.

Read her statement on the EU supported Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector, the EU's Energy Support Package and the necessary steps needed for 🇷🇸 to advance on its 🇪🇺#EU path



The #RightToRepair Initiative published a clear and nice illustrated summary about the current #EU Commission's draft act for the new #Ecodesign rules on #smartphones and tablets.

The good, the bad and the ugly:

funny thing: there were multiple cases when data was locked away and copyrighted in Hungary but the gov't was forced to forward it to Europeana where it was published under CC0. We Hungarians often get Hunagrian data only from the #EU. Thanks, gals and guys.

Gesetz gegen Kindesmissbrauch: EU-Kommission will private Nachrichten durchleuchten – #Client-Side-Scanning #EuropäischeUnion #Kindesmissbrauch #chatkontrolle #eu-kommission #PatrickBreyer #YlvaJohansson #MoritzKörner #Überwachung #CSAM #EDRi

Great news #Fediverse it is Official. The #EU #EuropeanCommission just launched two servers 🚀

Welcome to #EUVoice mastodon and #EUVideo peertube 🎉

So say hi to 👋

Love #FOSS with @EC_OSPO 💘

Stay in the loop with @EC_DIGIT

Help make things fundamentally right with @FRA ☀️

Regain balance with @Curia ⚖️

Protect that data with @EDPS 🔐

Let's go global with @CDT 🌐

Get us heard at @ombudsman 📣

Watch and boost from:

And explore:


Wow! I am super impressed that the #EU Open Source #Policy #Community Meeting 2021 organized by is taking place on the network (powered by The power of #opensource and #decentralized infrastructures!


Das geht in die völlig falsche Richtung: Nächste Schlacht in den #CryptoWars – EU-Ministerrat plant Anschlag auf Verschlüsselung
#ccc #eu #eupol

Are you from the #EU? Do you wonder what data #ClearviewAI has collected about you? Why not send them "requests for access to personal data as per Art. 15 GDPR"? Template at [1], contact details at
