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Items tagged with: friendica

Hallo, friendica devs und oder AhnunghaberInnen. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit von außerhalb post in meinen Account zu schreiben. Hab schon in der friendica developer Beschreibung rumgesucht, aber nichts für posts generieren gefunden. Suchmaschienen brachte mich auch nicht zum Ziel. Hat jemand n link oder Wörter zum Suchmaschiene füttern?

This sounds to me like OpenID or some other kind of identity provider, not an encouragement by any specific platform to support any more post types than they initially set out to.

My initial response was motivated by the software I'm working on, #Friendica. We offer formatted posts (correctly), photos albums (poorly) and events (poorly). We are able to display PeerTube videos (acceptably) in your content stream but no polls yet (work in progress). Even posting pictures is somewhat an adventure on Friendica, while it's a breeze on Pixelfed where it is the main focus, for example.

Was sagt ihr, ist #friendica 2022.05-dev sicher genug für den täglichen Einsatz? Ich bräuchte die Möglichkeit Beiträge in die Vergangenheit schicken zu können.

Was ist denn bei #Friendica der Unterschied zwischen
Neueste Aktivität
Neueste Beiträge
Latest Creation?

Hello !Friendica Support
for posts that came to me because I follow a hash tag, why is it not shown that this is the reason I see them?

@Michael Vogel
ja das weiß ich doch - aber #friendica wird doch vom Webserver bzw. über PHP ausgeliefert, somit läuft diese PHP App doch mit den rechten des Webserver oder sehe ich das falsch? Jede Datei die dann vom Webserver abgelegt wird und wieder angefordert wird hat doch auch die Rechte des Webservers, solange diese nicht extern geändert wurden.

Somit ist doch immer der Webserver bzw. der PHP Dienst derjenige der die Hohheit über alles hat. Das gleich passiert doch auch in der Datenbank - Der Webserver oder der PHP Daemon greift auf die Datenbank zu. Hier ist es egal ob du NGinx oder Apache laufen hast .... PHP ist in Apache ein Modul und bei NGinx läuft es halt als eigener Dienst ...

Aber Ok - ich will da keine Diskussion entfachen - also nichts für ungut.🖖‍
Ich denke ihr wisst was ihr da macht und hattet wahrscheinlich da schon Probleme, weshalb ihr alles in die DB schreiben lasst.

:smiling face with smiling eyes

Hallo !Friendica Support
meine #friendca instanz läuft nun seit ca. 7 Monaten und die Datenbank wächst und wächst ... aktuell liegt die bei ca. 11 GB - gibt es da keinen Job der die Datenbank wieder verkleinert - weil sonst laufe ich irgendwann Space out ...
Für die Accounts habe ich schon eine aufbewahrung von Beiträgen von 90 Tagen eingestellt (vorher waren das mal 365 dann 180 Tage)

#friendica #db #space

!Friendica Support

Generelle Frage zum ändern von Beiträgen und Kommentaren.

Was passiert wenn ein Beitrag oder ein Kommentar von mir geteilt wird und ich verändere den Kommentar/Beitrag nachträglich in #friendica nochmals.

Wird der Beitrag oder Kommentar dann auch akutalisiert wenn er geteilt wurde, oder nur der Ursprungskommentar bzw. Ursprungsbeitrag?

#beitrag #kommentar #aenderung

Hello !Friendica Support
when I compare this post once here and then here, there is mentions shown in Mastodon. Can I activate that I see this mentions as well in the "body" part of the post on #Friendica?

Connecting to instances without relay

Hello there

Yesterday i found out that you are able to add #Mastodon instances to relays (did not worked with #Friendica servers). I'm not sure though, if this actually works, or Friendica only adds it as relay and it does nothing (no messages received so far).

Question is, is there similar way to connect to Friendica instances?

I would have deployed relay to do the job, but it seems that most used Pleroma one suffers of bug that does not let me manage it.


!Friendica Support

@Daniel slow, convoluted and cumbersome?

You realize that #mastodon servers right now absorb several new accounts per minute all over the place since this musk-twitter thing became public?

I understand why you like diaspora better than mastodon.

But then the #fediverse is bigger than just #mastodon, #diaspora, #friendica or whatever....

I strongly dislike the way you try to introduce sharp lines dividing the overall network.

Because I could

!Friendica Support

i got a strange wirred problem with my instance, maybe it is a bug or works as designed.

I organized my contact in groups ... every time one contanct in a group make an post there will be a 1, 2 or 3 in that group name.

When i klick on that group to see whats going on an the step back the number will always
be there. I thought this should be assigned for unread post?

When i click on the netwerk area in top of the page i see my complete stream an then the notification is away.

I hope this is understandable what i wrote?

#friendica #network #groups #notifications

!Friendica Support One of the "issues" I constantly experience in #friendica while using this via apps is: Hashtags and accounts look and feel different than while being connected to Mastodon. In example #tusky: Connecting to Mastodon, in hashtags the "#" is part of the link and clicking that link makes the app open a view displaying posts for that hashtags. Connecting to Friendica, the "#" in a hashtag apparently is not part of the link, but clicking the hashtag will open an external browser and display content for that particular hashtag in a Friendica web interface. This is a bit weird, hard to describe and hard to explain (maybe I'll add screenshots). For accounts, this is similar. Any idea why it happens this way...?

So its been about 6 weeks since I've been on here and I will say I think what I appreciate most about #Friendica is the ability to follow RSS feeds. I haven't really followed RSS feeds in years, and even when I did it wasn't for long. I started when I was disappointed that I couldnt' find many "people" to follow that shared stuff I was interested in. Now not only is my "timeline" full, but I'm reading for more high quality content then when I was getting my "news" from centralized social media like Twitter/Facebook. Thanks, particularly to @Hypolite Petovan and @Steffen K9 🐰

!Friendica Support Are there known issues when it comes to "star"/"reshare" visualisation while using #friendica with any of the #mastodon client apps? I learnt that though for the majority resharing or starring a message works, I never seem to see that directly in the app. Is that an API limitation or a mere bug...?

Hello !Friendica Support,
I see #Friendica still does not remove the GPS Exif location tag, right?

There is this user setting, but it seems that is still not working or still I misunderstand what this setting should do?

What should this setting do?

!Friendica Support
is there a document which #mastodon API Functions are already implmented in #friendica
I don't know if this is a bug in #tusky or the api is not implemented.

If i make a bookmark in tusky i will not be in friendica. On the other hand if I mark on entry in friendica it will be shown as bookmark in tusky.

I can speak from my own experience at #Friendica and here's what we need the most:

  1. User-facing documentation with step-by-step how-tos, several features are de facto hidden because there's no specific display for them, like the built-in RSS reader.
  2. Interface translation, especially since we keep adding new strings to translate.
  3. Detailed bug reports with clear reproduction steps.
  4. Frontend development. We're mostly a backend-orientated team, which means we implemented federation with several decentralized social media protocols but there still isn't a convenient way to add an image to a post.

As you can see, actual programming is pretty low on the list, there are several areas where non-programmers can intervene and are very welcome to do so.

!Friendica Support In current environments, the #friendica frontend is somewhat slow in my browser even on somewhat "recent" hardware. It doesn't seem very much to depend on the browser or theme I'm using or the instance I am on. Is there anything that can be done (configuration, alternate frontends, ...) to ease this a bit? Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

Jetzt habe ich schon 3x versucht die Datenbank von #friendica zu verschieben und immer wieder bricht mir beim einspielen das ganze ab, weil man keine Super User Rechte hat. Komischerweise hatte ich diese auch beim erstellen nicht.

Irgendwelche Ideen?

One the big disadvantages of using #Friendica is that there's no big drama around the makers of the software, and instead they're just nice.

So I end up seeing a huge number of posts about people's sex doll money and being incredibly confused

Abstimmungen bei Mastodon

!Friendica Support

Erst dachte ich, es fehlen wieder Bilder:
Screenshot: Unvollständiger Post in Friendica

Aber auf der #Mastodon - Seite sieht man, dass es eine #Abstimmung ist, welche bei #Friendica nicht angezeigt wird:
Screenshot: Post in Mastodon mit Abstimmung

Muss das so oder haben wir eine Chance, solche Features ebenfalls angezeigt und vielleicht sogar daran teilnehmen zu können?


Why is it using local-sample.config.php?

[24-Mar-2022 15:56:52 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Friendica\Module\Register' not found in /srv/http/config/local-sample.config.php:37

!Friendica Support #Friendica

Die Logik der Nichtunterstützung bei #Mastodon erschließt sich mir überhaupt nicht. Wer #Nonmentions nutzen will, nutzt dafür auf Twitter ohnehin Screenshots. Bei Mastodon bleibt einem ja gar keine andere Wahl - das Ziel wird ja mehr als verfehlt, weil es so *erst recht* Nonmentions gibt, da Leute bei Screenshots ja nicht erwähnt werden.
Finde es daher absolut unterstützenswert, dass das bei #Friendica unterstützt wird.

Dazu auch noch mal die Beobachtung zum #Reshare: Habe heute einen Beitrag reshared von einer Friendica-Benutzerin, die selbst scheinbar einen Beitrag von #Mastodon per #QuoteShare geteilt hat.

Mein Reshare von #Friendica ist nicht in #Diaspora sichtbar.
Es ist kompliziert...

LVL004: Friendica - A Review

This is my review of the Friendica social network, and a follow-up to a previous video I did about the Fediverse. Friendica is my new favourite way to interact with social media, and in this video, I explain why.

As always, my current social media contacts are always on my web site.

For more information about Friendica, see their website.

For more information on the Fediverse in general, this site gives a nice overview.

Hello !Friendica Support
I have another problem, for a few days many pictures are missing in various posts, I just realized it because of empty posts, so I wondered why these are empty and found that the remote version got pictures in them.
It seem Firefox is not blocking anything and there is nothing for |grep Error in the #Friendica log.
This happens since 3 or 4 days on stable, I checked php info and it says there is gd and imagick running.

How can I prevent that #Friendica uses more workers than it should?

2022-03-21T11:14:12Z worker [NOTICE]: Load: 5.078125/12 - processes: 174861/37/105455 - jpm: 806/114/251 (0:36, 1:0/13, 20:0/1655, 30:0/200, 40:1/278448) - maximum: 38/25 [] - {"file":"Worker.php","line":819,"function":"tooMuchWorkers","uid":"fd72e1","process_id":741975}

38 instead of maximum 25 will always cause oom kill for PHP.

!Friendica Support @Friendica Admins