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Items tagged with: policy

Brief #Introduction, since it seems to be the etiquette around here. Hi! I'm Mel, a PGR at QMUL researching abortion policy implementation in subnational Argentina, through lenses of various geographies, #policy and subnational studies, and literature on #feminist #activism. Expect toots both in #Spanish and #English. Alongside #academicchatter, expect pictures and commentary on #popculture, #cats, #nature and #food, as needed.

After just a month away from #twitter, I'm only now starting to appreciate how extremely damaging these content delivery #algorithms are. The more I talk to younger people about their relationship to #SocialMedia, the more lean towards #policy which would put substantive constraints on companies who knowingly manipulate the human reward/dopaminergic system. The wholesale import of all the vile tools of the casino industry into the distribution of information is truly wrecking our brains.

Hi Mastodon: I'm new to the neighborhood so a bit about me if you want to follow:
I am a professor invested in public communication/informing the public/#scicomm: I post on topics related to #publichealth, #policy, & #community life. This includes stuff on #vaccinations, #pandemic preparedness, dis-/#misinformation, various things #COVID19, and disparities in all sorts of #health outcomes across different social groups (by #income, #race/#ethnicity, #gender, & sexual identity, geography).

Might as well do an #introduction

Name is Carey (@privacat). I am a Senior Catsultant for Castlebridge, a botique data protection consultancy in Ireland.

I think (and post) way too much on #dataprotection, #privacy, #privacyengineering #cats #beer and the #law. I think I'm funny, but YMMV.

Heads up: I am a bit/very sweary.

Come for the cat pics and snark, stay for the privacy & #tech rants and musings on data protection law and #policy.


Wow! I am super impressed that the #EU Open Source #Policy #Community Meeting 2021 organized by is taking place on the network (powered by The power of #opensource and #decentralized infrastructures!
