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Items tagged with: street

Lampe - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fedibikes #MdRddG #MdRgD #MdRzA #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC


#Welt! Bist du noch da?

#Bike and #Street #Lamp

Finster ist es Morgens noch, auf dem Weg zur #Arbeit!

Fand aber auch, dass dies ein #Foto wert ist, in #Anlehnung an die tollen Bilder von @Indiefotog.

Schaut mal bei vorbei.

Jetzt 'n #Kaffee!

Heute was aus der #Mottenkiste:

Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder - Ebony and Ivory

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!

Finally an outlet for my sizable personal production.
#street #sign
A real estate “For Sale” sign adorned with an “ART” sticker make the sign read “Fart Sale”

there are #QR #code #posters here in #Melbourne for #reporting #graffiti to the #council - and #someone has been #printing their own and #carefully #placing them over the #official ones
they lead to a #documentary on #hiphop/graffiti #culture
it's perfect #because the QR posters are #uglier than any bit of #street #art

Mr Hydrant is apparently still confused by the recent Daylight Savings Time change.
#FireHydrant #GooglyEyes #Curb #Sidewalk #Street
A curbside black fire hydrant is adorned with two large googly eyes looking in different directions.

Uncommon reminder that in this urban ocean there are actual bodies of water.

#street #truck #firetruck

Decorated construction fence on West 56th Street between 9th and 10th Avenue in New York City.

#NYC #OnlyInNYC #construction #streetart #street

These giant inflatable rats are a staple of New York City streets. They are used by unions to protest construction companies employing non-union workers.

#NYC #street #rat #union