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Items tagged with: Threads

meta's public policy director for and other platforms is one of the authors of project 2025

#FediPact #meta #threads #project2025

post screencap idk from what platform

his name is dustin carmack. he wrote a chapter of project 2025. he is now meta's public policy director. the summary below fails to mention that he will be in charge of threads' public policy, too. get familiar with this name, and remember it when you hear it again

you're not wrong to. not with this guy employed by meta and likely driving many of the reasons we'll get silenced here. dude literally wrote the intelligence section of project 2025

Ahh, a former "fellow for cybersecurity, intelligence, and emerging technologies at The Heritage Foundation" (which is behind "Project 2025" is now working at Meta.



#threads #meta #Project2025

i quickly checked and the info here is accurate, it seems. another reason to defederate from threads and #fediblock those who do
cropped twitter screenshot (maybe bluesky or threads actually, i don't know). anyway user zayshad is quoting user tonyserrata

tonyserrata says:
you're not wrong to. not with this guy employed by meta and likely driving many of the reasons we'll get silenced here. dude literally wrote the intelligence section of project 2025 (tony misspelled it though)
included is a picture of dustin overlaid on top of the meta office

zayshad comments:
his name is dustin carmack. he wrote a chapter of project 2025. he is now meta's public policy director. the summary below fails to mention that he will be in charge of threads' public policy, too. get familiar with this name, and remember it when you hear it again

Threads is opening up for the fediverse, and @zuck is already in place. Welcome!

Although, so far it's only possible for Threads-accounts in USA, Canada or Japan:

@socialmedianews @fediversenews #socialmedia #threads #markzuckerberg

Don't be too hasty! That would be unfair. Let's see how well it integrates first. ☝️😌

#activitypub #threads #meta 🤢 #fediverse

Huge threads logo surrounded by countless very small and small ActivityPub logos.

Mich nervt die ganze Diskussion um Threads.

ActivityPub ist ein offenes Protokoll und jeder kann mitmachen.

Dann sollen die Admins der jeweiligen Instanzen bitte auch die diversen Mailanbieter für die Registrierung neuer Accounts sperren. Ist im Prinzip das gleiche. Große Konzerne die fragwürdig mit den Daten umgehen. Macht aber NIEMAND! Selbst wenn man eigene Mailserver betreibt, käme niemand auf die Idee Gmail zu sperren.....

Yahoo Mail
Telekom Mail
AOL Mail

#mastodon #threads #fediverse

Dear @Gargron,

A fediverse server called Threads is violating’s second server rule:

“2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia…
Transphobic behavior such as intentional misgendering and deadnaming is strictly prohibited.”

Can you please defederate from this server to protect the trans people on

Thank you.

PS. It’s run by these guys:

#mastodonSocial #fediblock #threads #meta #mastodon #transphobia

The Fediverse: "Anyone who uses or supports a Meta product like #Threads is a Nazi sympathizer and is enabling Nazi hate!"

The Nazi Sympathizers on Threads, I Guess:

Screenshot of the official White House Threads account for Joe Biden Screenshot of the official Threads account for Barack Obama
Screenshot of the official Threads account for the LA Holocaust Museum Screenshot of the official Threads account for the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum rolling out the red carpet for Threads is like an independent shop inviting a supermarket to set up next door.

But what’s done is done. And I’ve wasted enough words on this whole sorry affair over the last year.

So this is the last you’ll hear about it from me. When, eventually, you’re writing your “what went wrong?” articles, feel free to look up what I’d written on the issue back when.

#threads #mastodon #mastodonSocial #zuckerberg #facebook #meta #fediverse

How to block Threads on Mastodon -- with screenshots! (UPDATED AGAIN)

Now with two options and a discussion of privacy tradeoffs!

Should the Fediverse welcome its new surveillance-capitalism overlords? Opinions differ! If you're one of the fediverse influencers who sees Threads arrival it as "historic" and "a glimpse of the future" ... well, you might want to skip this post.

But if you're one of the many many people on the fediverse who doesn't want to deal with Threads, read on!

#BlockingThreads #Meta #Threads

I created an account on the Fediverse
*because* it is not Facebook,
*because* it is different,
*because* it is better,
*because* it doesn’t have ads,
*because* it is more respectful of its users,
*because* it doesn’t have an algorithm deciding what I see,
and *because* is has much better ethics and moderation.

I really hope it stays that way :facebook: :nes_fire:

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Threads #Facebook #Meta

We want to clarify some recent allegations regarding Threads hiding posts containing "pixelfed"

Several users pointed out they were unable to reproduce this, leading us to believe it was a glitch.

We're happy to see Threads open up federation, and look forward to working together to build a better fediverse.

#fediverse #threads

Meta's #Facebook, #Instagram, and #Threads are down due to outages. However, #Fediverse instances of #Hubzilla, #Friendica, #Mastodon, #Misskey (family), #Pleroma (family), #Pixelfed, are up and running, with everyone in the #ActivityPub network continuing with our digital lives. ^_^

Stop Using Threads consumes a list of users and tells you which of those users interact with Threads. You can use it to remove Threads participants from your timeline.

You can find out the tool's opinion on you by entering your own name, or you can just Submit with default settings to find out about Gargron.

Data practices, anti-abuse and opt-in/out are behind the link. If you didn't opt into search, you're not visible here either.

#threads #fediblock

HTML page screenshot:

Stop Using Threads
These users have connected themselves to Zuck in some way. (user follows (refresh)

I'm still investigating a few users, such as:

Any information about the current state of the Fediverse integration by Threads users? I mean the number of AP activated users from that Fediverse instance?

#Fediverse #Meta #Threads

"... the website loads in a special browser built into the app, rather than your phone’s default browser. In 2022, privacy researcher Felix Krause found that Meta injects special “keylogging” JavaScript onto the website you’re visiting that allows the company to monitor everything you type and tap on, including passwords. Other apps including TikTok do the same thing."

What the hell?? This is so creepy.

#Meta #JavaScript #Privacy #web #SocialMedia #News #Threads

Honestly, the way #Threads is evolving right now, I can absolutely understand why so many Mastodon instances are already blocking Threads before it becomes part of the #Fediverse.

For over a year now, I've known how social media can be and how social it really could be. In less than two weeks Threads has managed to become a brown swamp of anger and hate speech.

If this hits the Fediverse, then all the moderators' work over the last few years will have been for nothing.

Threads is simply turning into a racist, trans-hostile, homophobic swamp due to a lack of moderation.

As a moderator of my Mastodon instance, I was one of the few who was against blocking threads directly without having seen anything of it. Now I would very much vote in favour. (And I'm glad we voted for the block already together with the community)

A lot really needs to happen for Threads to earn a place in the Fediverse. If it will ever happen. (Doubt)

Looks like the #threadiverse has been widely used by the #Lemmy and #Kbin communities for years, but now it's slowly being co-opted (including by #Meta staff) to refer to the #federation of #Threads.

I predict a complete takeover of the #hashtag, and term in general, before the end of 2024.

#Mastodon #ActivityPub #fediverse #socialweb #hashtags #predictions

this is why many people who're so adamantly against federating with threads are so goddamn ANGRY

we're so fucking tired tired of having our safe spaces -- our refuges against queerphobia -- ripped away from us

queer people, outcasts, weirdos, etc. -- we built this fucking this network. we laid the groundwork for its very existence and now you're trying to tell us we don't matter, that we should just give it all up in the face of some evil megacorp. well fuck that

we're not going down without a fight

#FediPact #threads #meta

there've been widespread reports of threads pushing virulently transphobic bullshit into peoples' instagram feeds to advertise itself

that should tell you all you need to know about why we're so against meta federating

threads is NOT a safe place for trans people, period

#FediPact #threads #meta

bluesky screencap

Taylor Lorenz

"Threads is already cross promoting anti trans hate posts on IG for engagement 😌"

and it's a screencap of a threads post from "helenashimira" that says 

"Trans men are NOT men.
Trans women are NOT women.
They are NOT the same. Pumping you..."

Threads needs to be blocked at server level.

Leaving it up to individual choice puts people in physical danger. Here's how:

1. Meta/Facebook/Threads allows accounts that incite hatred against vulnerable groups
2. Some follow these hateful accounts and believe their lies
3. Innocent people are physically attacked in real life

This actually happens:

#Meta won't stop it:

Please block #Threads.

Embrace, extend and extinguish. That's was the strategy behind Google's adoption of the open protocol #XMPP, which eventually died from it. And it will be the strategy when Facebook attempts to extinguish the #fediverse via #threads,_extend,_and_extinguish For at longer story and analysis, read here:

Threads kapcsán pár gondolat, avagy Metat megölni nem kell félnetek jó lesz ha mindenki egyetért én nem ellenzem #threads

#Streams is taking care of #DefederateMeta by raising walls against #Threads dev-side, and the main man behind it is giving advice on how to raise them further.

You don't see stuff like this happen in the #Fediverse often.


Content warning: Threads, EEE, This Is A Real Thing

Federating with a surveillance capitalist doesn’t make you a surveillance capitalist, it just means that surveillance capitalism isn’t a deal breaker for you.

#mastodon #meta #facebook #instagram #threads #mastodon #fediverse #adtech #peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism

A reminder that if you don't want to remain on a #Mastodon instance that federates with #Threads but also don't want to abandon your content, you can move it using #MastodonContentMover 👉

(I need to update it to use the most recent version of the #BigBone library, but I don't want to try to rush that and mess something up, especially not right now, and the version that's there should still work fine. If you run into any problems with it please do let me know 🙏)

nobody i've seen trying to criticize fedipact in depth seems to actually like understand the point of it lmao

they think it's all about data scraping or opposition to meta on principle or just being gatekeepy or something

some of what they bring up are valid concerns, but far from my main one. my biggest concern here is entirely practical: allowing threads onto fedi will bring about a torrent of hate

the reason i started it was always "protecting queer people and other marginalized groups on here from harassment"

further reading:

#FediPact #meta #threads

like... why should we want anything to do with an instance that willingly allows GaysAgainstGroomers and LibsOfTikTok to exist on their platform? these are the kinds of hate speech accounts that get queer people killed every single goddamn day

that's basically like federating with fucking gab but with a few extra steps

#FediPact #meta #threads

i think the most annoying thing about this whole discourse is that people refuse to judge threads by the standard of any other fedi instance

like if a mastodon instance got set up and federated right now and it allowed the shit threads allowed it'd be widely defederated IMMEDIATELY

there are accounts literally CALLING FOR THE DEATH OF QUEER PEOPLE on there right fucking now

the only reason people are even willing to give them a chance is because it's a big corpo, but that should only be reason to give them less of one lmao. especially considering meta's history in particular

don't let them lower the bar for moderation standards here

#FediPact #meta #threads

Update: Auf den Mastodon-Instanzen von #Digitalcourage ist ab sofort limitiert. Was das bedeutet, steht hier:


There's a common false dichotomy about #Threads: cut them off, or leave it to user choice.

I can't speak to other software, but Mastodon offers a third option: limiting Threads. This can be done for all users of a server.

- You can follow Threads accounts after clicking through a warning.

- People who don't follow those same people won't see their posts.

- You have to manually approve followers _from_ Threads.

Basically, it puts Threads in quarantine, without cutting off all connections.

There's a common false dichotomy about #Threads: cut them off, or leave it to user choice.

I can't speak to other software, but Mastodon offers a third option: limiting Threads. This can be done for all users of a server.

- You can follow Threads accounts after clicking through a warning.

- People who don't follow those same people won't see their posts.

- You have to manually approve followers _from_ Threads.

Basically, it puts Threads in quarantine, without cutting off all connections.

IMPORTANT. Threads stated policy is to collect and exploit Fediverse user personal data without explicit consent.

Now is a very good time to review Threads Terms of Use ( and Supplemental Privacy Policy (

Note just by following a Threads user or replying to a post, Meta claims they are entitled to your personal data.

And what do they say they will do with your data? Provide you with "business services (including ads)."

#threads #DataPrivacy

If for whatever reason you never wish to interact with #Threads, you can personally block it for your account. This hides all posts and profiles from Threads, prevents anyone from Threads from following you, and stops your posts from being delivered to or fetched by Threads. Simply click the "Block domain" option on any Threads profile or post you see in Mastodon.

Hi @joanna, I hope you're well!

I noticed #Threads is blocked on your instance.
I'm curious about the reason behind this decision and would appreciate hearing your perspective.

What stops you wanting to interact with Threads users? Knowing you're on small instance, I understand it's a personal decision.

But I want to make sure that this isn't a situation when you just block Threads because everyone else blocks or 'cause you're a hater of #Meta .

Thanks in advance for reply.