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Items tagged with: linux

I share unique scripts, public #tutorials (+blog) in both writing/video, on various topics, mostly #Linux / #FOSS related, #security, #privacy, #cybersecurity, #HumanRights.

Check out my posts, organized by category and fully searchable (by title), here:

Ah that’s awesome!

I ended up getting a lil frustrated, so I’m taking a break for now. It’s seeming like it might be better to wait until I get a separate computer and slap #Linux on it

Today in User Space
🐘Respect for a fallen #Mastodon instance
🌲The history of #GNU nano -- It's trees
🦊 #Firefox can scribble on PDFs
📯Some of the #feedback that's piling up
✨And we use the @gnome Circle app, Warp

#linux #opensource

::: Linux 6.2 will include mainline support for Apple M1 hardware!

Currently, if running Apple M1/M2 Macs & wishing to put Linux in, one should use the Asahi Linux kernel.

There are drivers not yet mainlined, but bit by bit all is to go into the upstream Linux.

Nice OOTB experience for Apple's Arm-based hardware on mainline Linux will happen in near future; then there'll be no need to specifically use Asahi Linux.


#Linux #Apple #M1 #Pro #Ultra #SoC #Asahi #kernel

🎂Happy 29th birthday #debian !

#opensource #Linux #DebianDay2022 #mastoart @debian
Sur un fond bleu de restaurants floutés, une femme aux cheveux courts vétue d'une veste masculine arborant le logo débian porte une part de gateau d'anniversaire. les bougies indiquent le nombre 29. La femme tourne le dos au spectateur.

Debianähnliche Betriebssysteme würdet ihr als Adjektiv wie bezeichnen?

#Debian #Linux #Betriebssystem

  • debianoide (0 votes)
  • debianeske (0 votes)
  • Was anderes / Other (0 votes)
Poll end: 2 years ago

I need a server OS that basically maintains itself (automatic updates… ideally automatic rollback on failure but at least manual rollback support).

So I’m looking into Fedora CoreOS but very few VPS hosts seem to support it (wish Hetzner did… that would be ideal for me).

The other one I’m considering is OpenSuse MicroOS.

Any other suggestions? Ideally ones supported by at least one VPS provider with speedy instance setup + an API.

#vps #hosting #server #linux #web #fedora #coreos #microos

Bonjour le fediverse 👋

Je suis un utilisateur #linux qui joue ici par là. En ce moment c'est plus de #DeepRockGalactic et très récemment #ApexLegends (oui, ça marche nickel sous Linux) s'est ajouté à ma collection.

Un bon samedi à tous et toutes!

#introduction #GamingOnLinux

Am WE sind die Chemnitzer Linuxtage (online). Ich bin Sonntag um 15 Uhr dran mit "Orientierung und Produktivität auf der Kommandozeile", für alle, die nur gelegentlich eine Shell aufmachen oder aus der Windows-Welt kommen. #CLT2022 #Linux #freesoftware

Viel Spaß bei den Chemnitzer #Linux Tagen ( @Chemnitzer Linux-Tage ), das Programm sieht schon mal sehr reizvoll aus 😎👍

Some lectures are in English as well.

I always have a faint feeling of danger every time I use screen(1) on #Linux. Because it is meant to be a seamless virtual terminal, there are no visual hints about the keyboard shortcuts required to leave a session for example. Even after pressing Ctrl+a, there's no indication screen is in command input mode, so it always comes as a surprise and a relief to me that the next command actually does what I expected.

It's a sense of dread similar to using vim(1), but at least vim shows the command as it's typed. On the other hand it's always very confusing when I forget to enter input mode and start typing text.


Und wir haben fertig gebaut!
80 Vorträge erwarten euch in diesem Jahr, dazu noch ein paar Workshops und erneut unser virtuelles Hörsaalgebäude. Nun habt ihr wieder die Qual der Wahl!
#CLT2022 #Linux

Announcement: Downtime / / /

There might be a planned downtime tomorrow 14:00 CET. I am still figuring out if it is necessary to swap the NVME storage drive of the server and am in contact with the hosting company.

Please prepare for about 4-6 hours downtime to allow raid resync.

It might be much shorter, but I feel more comfortable with that prognosis.

Also if you know your way around NVME replacement and raid resync I am open for suggestions on how to do this, maybe it is possible to resync the system while it is running, last time I did not manage to do this and had to use a rescue live #Linux system to recover.

Details on the time scheduled in your timezone:

#Announcement #Downtime #Friendica #Admin @Friendica Developers

Announcement: Downtime / / /

There might be a planned downtime tomorrow 14:00 CET. I am still figuring out if it is necessary to swap the NVME storage drive of the server and am in contact with the hosting company.

Please prepare for about 4-6 hours downtime to allow raid resync.

It might be much shorter, but I feel more comfortable with that prognosis.

Also if you know your way around NVME replacement and raid resync I am open for suggestions on how to do this, maybe it is possible to resync the system while it is running, last time I did not manage to do this and had to use a rescue live #Linux system to recover.

Details on the time scheduled in your timezone:

#Announcement #Downtime #Friendica #Admin @Friendica Support

The Hive #ransomware gang now also encrypts #Linux and #FreeBSD using new #malware variants specifically developed to target these platforms.

I was a little interested to hear about linus of linus tech tips trying to switch over to #linux for home/gaming use. But after hearing him bitch about downloading a shell script on github on his podcast I've lost interest.

For the interested it's largely the same problems a windows user might have downloading a powershell script off github.

I.E. more about linus's lack of comfort with the OS, and with github. Shouldn't actually be a linux critique. #ltt
A cartoon newspaper clipping, featuring a photo and a headline of "Old man yells at cloud." The old man depicted is clearly Abraham Simpson from the cartoon "The Simpsons".

Ich bräuchte ein wenig Hilfe und Ideen zum Thema Linux Installation.

Auf einem alten 64 Bit PC, dessen BIOS beim Booten leider nur USB Sticks mit maximal 2GB akzeptiert, würde ich gerne ein aktuelles Kubuntu 21.04 installieren. Das ISO ist leider 2.7GB groß.

Was könnte ich machen, um Kubuntu 21.04 hier zu installieren, ohne dass ich über die 64Bit 18.04 64 Bit Version und sämtliche Updates gehen muss.

#Linux #Kubuntu #Ubuntu

Hello, world! Twitter was a bit too news-y for me so I'm trying out Mastodon. I like #gaming, #linux, #rust, and #docker

8 Reasons to Switch from #Windows to #Linux - Make Tech Easier

There's been an upsurge in the number of users switching from Windows to Linux. Here are the reasons to make that switch from Windows to Linux.

Installed #Linux Mint to see what it was all about. My impressions so far.

1st day: Wow! So many features built-in and they work out of the box! It is just like Windows!

2d day: Not everything works actually but it can be fixed intuitively...or not. Some things seem to be too hard to fix, it is better to get used to them. Just like in Windows.

3rd day: But I already have #Windows.


I’m no longer running #Linux on the desktop.

I've just met with the `parallel` #GNU command line utility.
I am #flabbergasted.

Bye, xargs.

#linux #commandline

Jul 9
Aspettando il Linux Day 2021
Fri 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Il 23 ottobre 2021 ci sarà il Linux Day, il grande evento nazionale dedicato ai temi di Linux e del software libero.

In attesa di questo grande giorno, ci prepariamo con una tavola rotonda informale sul tema di quest'anno, "Dati a chi?" (non vi preoccupate, saranno quattro chiacchiere in libertà sull'argomento).

Vogliamo dunque invitare tutta la community del software e della cultura libera e di Linux della provincia di Bari a partecipare, in modo anche da poter discutere dell'organizzazione del Linux Day Bari 2021.

A conclusione della serata, un piccolo aperitivo offerto da Wikimedia Italia e poi una pizzata tutti insieme, per chi vuole fermarsi ancora un po'.

Per ragioni di sicurezza, vi chiediamo di inviare una mail segnalando la vostra partecipazione a

Kiwi Farms is a murderous community that gets away with it because of the benefit of the doubt since there aren't any "physical" interactions between Kiwi Farms users and their victims. But the damage they do is real. On the #Fediverse you can block the domain but I'm afraid there is little that can be done to thwart them beyond that.

Seems like the famous Byuu/Near who developed bsnes/higan (the best SNES emulators) has committed suicide. Very sad. #linux #linuxgaming #emulation #supernes #nintendo #byuu #near

QT marcan42: A message about Near from a mutual friend.