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Items tagged with: friendica

What is a short term solution to prevent the redirection scams run via #Friendica ? I just received an abuse email and would like to avoid this redirection somehow.

!Friendica Support

One thing that I've noticed from federating with #Friendica, #Hubzilla, and #Zap with #Pleroma: statuses that mention me render the mention with my display name, and not my user handle.

This isn't necessarily *wrong*, it's just that the mention is displaying in a way that's native to their own platform. Is there a way to improve how mentions are rendered, so that they look native on the platform that's rendering them?

Like, it'd be nice if I saw my mentions as @sean instead of @deadsuperhero or whatever. So I guess the question is, how exactly might this be fixed? Is there a way for both platforms to render the same mentions differently?


@ictus We do have a Gitea instance for #Friendica but it isn’t ready to run the Continuous Integration tests just yet.

Don't loose posts from rare posters anymore!

I had a problem with #Friendica, compared to Faceshit. I constantly read posts by only the most frequently posting accounts. And others were just lost on the timeline.

So I made a little script. Idea is to group contacts by posting frequency into couple of groups created just for this purpose, like "rare", "very rare" and "frequent". I run this script from time to time to automatically move contacts between these groups.

Script is written in Red, you can check the language out here:

@Friendica Support #fediverse #facebook

I've started creating attachment previews for links from other people's #ActivityPub objects. Wish you used the rel tag on hashtag links, #Friendica.

Thanks to @hypolite I'm having a little play with #Friendica over at @uxintro

It's an account that will self destruct in a week. Feel free to interact with it but don't be surprised if I disappear 😆

This is a test post to see how well I can ping from #friendica to other networks:
#mastodon: @Horatio Velveteen 🇦🇺
#diaspora: @uxintro
#gnusocial: @uxintro

I've managed to follow a #hubzilla account from the directory but I get an error (doesn't recognise network) when trying to add a hubzilla account from the contact search area. Any clues @Hypolite Petovan ?

#Friendica supports ActiviPub, Diaspora and OStatus (including GNU Social). If you're looking for a one-stop decentralized social network shop, you should check it out.

Absolutely, I love teaching in general, but it often requires more preparation than I'm ready to spend the time for so I end up doing it exclusively "on demand" when I see people asking questions here or on the #Friendica GitHub issue tracker or example.

Sometimes, working on #FOSS projects is a thankless job, but sometimes you get reminders like these that you aren't just doing it for yourself. #Friendica

Hello !Friendica Support
any cool idea what to do with the domain 😀

For the historical background of the name...

"Friendica (formerly Friendika, originally Mistpark) is an open, free, distributed social network."

Final thought for the day.. which will arrive first.. #pixelfed #MicroUI or #Friendica postgresql support?

One of those two will likely convince my friends and family to try the fediverse.. twitter-esque micro-blogging doesn’t interest them so this instance will for all intents and purposes remain a single-user instance ad infinitum.

not to insinuate that they are drawn to postgresql, or even know what it is.. that’s my line in the sand..

#Friendica #Fediverse12 #HappyFedi2U

Finally, thank you to @Mike Macgirvin , @Hypolite Petovan , @Michael Vogel , @Tobias and others who created and maintained Friendica. It was there not long after it all began, and it has been steadfast ever since.

As others waned and waxed, Friendica moved on in its own pace, smoothing out wrinkles, tying things together, offering a different view, a slower view of the Fediverse than the microbloggier nodes.

Sometime when I post a reply (did some tests) on my other #friendica server I only get an empty page only stating "success" as shown below.

What is wrong in this case?

Looks like this:

!Friendica Support

#Friendica 's legendary stability. 🙄

#Fediverse12 #HappyFedi2U

@Steffen K9 🐰 well, I updated - but is still on master. At the moment "master" is astonishing stable.

How can I see the jpm again? Does it require a certain log level? Had a tail -F running for a few minutes but didn't spot anything like it.

I got it activated in the config:
'worker_jpm' => 'true'

!Friendica Support #friendica

Today is #Fediverse12, the 12th birthday of the first post published on the #Fediverse by @Evan Prodromou on #Identica.

Back in late 2016 I'm glad the #Fediverse (comprising OStatus/ActivityPub-compatible social networks) and the #Federation (comprising Diaspora-compatible social networks) welcomed me when my #Facebook account was frozen and I was (and still am) too stubborn to give in to their demand to give me back access to it.

I've been contributing to #Friendica ever since, mostly through dogfooding through my own single-user node.

Happy Birthday to us and thank you to everyone who has contributed or still is contributing to this mind-boggling common project.

I'm blocking/muting as liberally on the Fediverse than I do on Twitter, but since I run my own #Friendica node, I can do it even more efficiently on whole domains. Thanks Fediverse!

I couldn't find any implementation info on Twitter's API "cursoring" pagination system. I'd like to replicate it for #Friendica 's #API since we emulate their API, but so far I only have the "next_cursor" feature, no idea how to compute the "previous_cursor" value.

I'm looking for either a high-level explanation of this system that doesn't seem to rely on the usual "max_id"/'since_id" boundaries, or an actual implementation of it.


#help #webdev

Sind bei anderen Nutzern von #Friendica die Benachrichtigungen (trotz der Spracheinstellungen auf Deutsch) in Englisch?
Fiel mir bis jetzt nicht auf, aber nehme an da ist nen Fehler im letzten Release, kann das sein?

!Friendica Support

Someone shared this me recently, #Friendica has crap search so I can't find who it was easily but I can't be thankful enough, it is simple, it is fun, kids and adults can play together, it's perfect.

The numbers in the cell are the "fright score" players can add and compare.

Ed ecco il nostro #monstarroulette in tutta la sua beltade. La creatività al servizio dei più piccoli. Potete giocarci in famiglia quando volete e non vi stancherà mai!
#play #kids #covid19


My global #community stream is much more interesting than my personal network stream lately. 🤔
Also, because of the improvements @Hypolite Petovan has made the #Friendica community pages are now a wonderful place to waste your time.

@Friendica Support My #friendica instance is running for about 1 year now and the database has grown to 9.9GB. I found out about the remote items today and set the threshold to 20 days. After running the worker some 100 MB where gone from the database, but after running OPTIMIZE TABLE it is back on 9.9GB.

My instance has only one user. What can be the reason for such a lot of used space?

Since we now have contact filters, here's a breakdown of my contacts from #Friendica by protocol (Followers/Follows/Mutuals):

  • DFRN: 147/105/90
  • Diaspora: 174/103/96
  • OStatus: 171/16/8
  • ActivityPub: 139/89/39
  • Twitter: 200/154/(69 or 141?)

I think I will start to have a look to the #gnusocial api, that will also allow #friendica accounts to use the app.
I have no ideas how long it could take and if I will succeed. I just want to give it a try.
@Friendica Support

Twice I've been contacted about security bad practices in #Friendica by people I couldn't find anything about on the Web. Their recommendations check out, but it always leaves me a weird feeling to exchange with practical ghosts, even well-meaning.

Unexpectedly my #Friendica Server went into maintenance mode this night (I guess). I think it got stuck in the maintenance mode.

On the page I see:

#0 [internal function]: Friendica\Module\Maintenance::content(Array)
#1 /srv/http/src/App/Page.php(332): call_user_func(Array, Array)
#2 /srv/http/src/App/Page.php(388): Friendica\App\Page->initContent(Object(Friendica\App\Module), Object(Friendica\App\Mode))
#3 /srv/http/src/App.php(576): Friendica\App\Page->run(Object(Friendica\App), Object(Friendica\App\BaseURL), Object(Friendica\App\Mode), Object(Friendica\App\Module), Object(Friendica\Core\L10n), Object(Friendica\Core\Config\JitConfig), Object(Friendica\Core\PConfig\JitPConfig))
#4 /srv/http/index.php(42): Friendica\App->runFrontend(Object(Friendica\App\Module), Object(Friendica\App\Router), Object(Friendica\Core\PConfig\JitPConfig), Object(Friendica\App\Authentication), Object(Friendica\App\Page))
#5 {main}

I tried to run "bin/console dbstructure update", but in mysql there is no processes.

Should I try to finish maintenance mode manually?

!Friendica Support

Frage | Friendica: Viel mehr aktive Kontakte, aber auch viel weniger Feedback?

Eine Frage an !Friendica Support

Ich bin ja jetzt schon von Diaspora kommend eine ganze Weile bei Friendica. Was mir dabei auffällt ist das ich sehr viel mehr aktive Kontakte habe, aber ebenso das ich viel weniger Feedback zu meinen Beiträgen bekomme als bei Diaspora.

Woran könnte das liegen? An sich sollte ich doch bei mehr aktiven Kontakten auch mehr Feedback auf meine Beiträge bekommen oder?

Tags: #de #frage #friendica #diaspora #feedback #kontakte #ravenbird #2020-03-18

#Fediverse tale: a #Friendica contact of mine announced he moved to #Mastodon, a different social media platform. I can still follow him, so the move has been seamless for me.

That’s it. That’s great. Join the Fediverse.

Frage | Friendica: Warum bekomme ich diesen Beitrag?

Frage an !Friendica Support

Guten Morgen Zusammen, ich habe gerade folgenden Beitrag in meiner Zeitleiste gefunden und würde gerne wissen wie er dort hin gekommen ist. Nein es ist nicht der einzige in der Art, aber er dient mir hier als Beispiel.

Bei Diaspora woher ich ja ursprünglich komme bekommt man Beiträge von Kontakten, über Hashtags denen man folgt und über Hashtags die man im Profil angegeben hat in den Stream, sprich man kann ziemlich gut und genau nachvollziehen warum man einen Beitrag im Stream hat. Aber bei Friendica ist das für mich oftmals nicht nachvollziehbar. Ich habe keinen Kontakt zum Account über den der Beitrag erstellt wurde, der Beitrag wurde auch nicht weitergesagt (da gibt es ja offenbar zwei Varianten von) und er enthält keine Hashtags.

Meine Frage ist also in dem Fall wie dieser Beitrag bei mir landet

Tags: #de #frage #friendica #beiträge #verbindung #ravenbird #2020-03-01

if you click on a post date on one of your reposts of my content this appears on #Friendica, if I flick follow it loads a blank page at

@hypolite #FriendicaBugs

A #Friendica feature I really like is that you can delete any post or reply you received in your feed without having to block or mute the author. It is useful in a variety of reasons like unexpected NSFW content or out-of-character anger outbursts.

Your feed, your choice.

Frage | Verzögerungen bei der Federation

Frage an !Friendica Support

Hallo Zusammen, ich mal wieder mit den Verzögerungen bei der Federation. Im Bild seht Ihr einen Beitrag der ca. eine Woche gebraucht hat um zu mir zu kommen. In der Zeitleiste standen über und unter diesem Beitrag jeweils Beiträge vom selben Diaspora-Account die es innerhalb weniger Minuten zu mir geschafft haben.

Wo liegt das Problem? Kann ich daran etwas ändern? Evtl. auf Adminebene?

Tags: #de #frage #friendica #federation #diaspora #verzögerung #ravenbird #2020-02-25

Frage | Friendica von einem Kontakt überrollt?

Frage an !Friendica Support

Hallo, ich habe eben den Fall das ich von den Beiträgen eines einzelnen Kontakts den ich aber schon länger habe gerade überrollt werde. Da sind bestimmt 40 Beiträge in meiner Zeitleiste die in den letzten 60 Minuten hinzugefügt wurden, die der Kontakt aber in den letzten Wochen erstellt hat. Natürlich nicht mehr in der Ursprünglichen Reihenfolge. Der Kontakt sitzt dabei auf einen Diaspora Pod. Ist schon ziemlich auffällig.

Tags: #de #frage #friendica #federation #kontakte #beiträge #ravenbird #2020-02-23