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Items tagged with: thunderbird

Our mission is to build the best email client we can. To make professional software that puts your privacy first. To boost your productivity, compliment your daily workflow, and meet your customization needs.

To expand the #Thunderbird experience to Android and iOS. And to do it all transparently, guided by the values of free and #OpenSource software.

Last year, our donors gave us a clear signal that they believe in that mission, too!

Here's our 2022 Financial Report:

A recent #Thunderbird Daily build introduced a nice, subtle change to the Application menu, aligning it with the window action buttons.

And a small green dot indicates that an update is available.


Embernek vannak hülye dolgai, így például: X év után megint felraktam a #Thunderbird -öt és megint rácsodálkoztam a közhelyre: akármennyire is szép és letisztult egy webes felület, azért a natív app odaver sebességben. Ahogy a művelt amerikai mondja: blazing fast.

One of the most important feature requests we've heard from you is "WHERE THE HECK IS MY #THUNDERBIRD MOBILE APP?"

Here's a straight answer:

YES, we're excited to announce that an Android version of Thunderbird is coming!

We'll have more details to share with you in a few weeks. We'll talk to you about it here, and over on our blog at

These days I stumbled upon #vdirsyncer. I was looking for a good solution to be able to display and edit my #CalDAV calendars and to synchronize them.
Until today I used #thunderbird, because I didn't find a good terminal based tool. Then I found #khal which is pretty nice I think. Now I can test it in everyday-life 🙂
vdirsyncer can sync local calendars with servers and server to server as well. I'm very excited 🙂

I'm beginning to get frustrated with my self-hosted mail. Somewhere between my android mail app (Samsung Mail), my desktop app (em client), and mail server (hmailserver), in a rare blue moon I'll have an email that gets out of sync and won't load on desktop. My theory is the android mail app is causing IMAP flags to not get set correctly, since #thunderbird has issues too.

I need a good all-in-one #mail solution that is #FOSS with a good admin UI.

Oki also #Debian ist mir einfach immer noch zu "bastelig" wenn ich aktuelle Software wie #Firefox, #Thunderbird oder #Gajim nutzen will.
Ach das ist einfach scheiße, das #LinuxMint kein #KDE mehr anbietet. 😖😳😒