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Items tagged with: mastodonmigration

Exactly two years ago, we started to post links on #Mastodon via our account @heiseonline 👇

It took longer, than I expected, but here we are: it seems like this account now brings continuously more #traffic to than #X (#Twitter) in its entirety, although it only has ¼ of the follower number (and many of them don't seem to be active anymore).
I'll prepare some graphs after the weekend.


Vorerst ist das hier der offizielle Mastodon-Account von heise online.
Wird jetzt erst einmal händisch befüllt, aber wir haben schon weitergehende Pläne und wollen hier mehr machen.

ℹ️ Outra dica para quem está chegando agora do #Twitter no #fediverso:

Usem #hashtags! Elas facilitam encontrar as coisas no fediverso e permitem que os termos apareçam no "Em alta agora" de sua instância.

É possível acompanhar hashtags e assim acompanhar um determinado assunto também. Ainda permitem que as pessoas filtrem conteúdos que não as interessam.

#️⃣ #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #MastodonMigration

Screenshot z apki Mastodon na Androida sugerujący, by jednym kliknięciem wybrać założenie konta na instancji

Content warning: Mastodon and journalists

My latest for WIRED: The Mastodon features Elon Musk should steal but won't because he hates you

Posting this here tonight for you all. Will post on Twitter tomorrow. We'll see if I have a Twitter account still on Tuesday. #TwitterMigration #MastodonMigration