Items tagged with: disability
Touchscreen card devices may prevent blind customers paying
'Blind customers are being left "frustrated" and "embarrassed" by inaccessible payment devices. Some shops have buttonless touchscreen card readers, meaning you need sight to tap in your PIN'
Very short-sighted tech developers. They should have thought about this, and about the security issues. As should the businesses involved.
Touchscreen card devices may prevent blind customers paying
Businesses could be breaking the law by failing to make payment machines accessible.By Drew Hyndman (BBC News)
Pop n'Drop
Are you ready for a helping of badass? Turn your wheelchair into a rocket!Pop and Drop, LLC
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #Disability #Pandemic #KeepThePHE #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealth #SocialWork
Wheelchairs and electric scooters are used due to pain, weakness, balance issues, orthostatic intolerance, etc.
#Disability #Wheelchairs #DynamicDisability #ChronicIllness #MEcfs
I am disabled not because my body and brain are different, but because our society renders my state of being disabling.
"But you look healthy!"
But you can't see my disability.
You'll never see my chronic pain. You won't see my bruises. You won't notice when I've recently dislocated something for having the gall to move. My ADHD and anxiety won't show up on my sleeve.
When I'm most impacted, you won't see me at all.
But I am disabled.
#IDPWD #IDDP #Disability #DisabilityDay
#Accessibility #Disability
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#StrongerTogether #Accessibility #Disability #Solidarity