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Items tagged with: disability

watercolour photo of a woman with dark hair holding her head in her hands. There’s a shadow behind her and white text that reads 
Pregnancy Will Likely Kill You but You May Want Babies! A look at misogyny in medicine, bodily autonomy, infertility and the struggles women face with not being trusted to make decisions for their own body. WWW.DISABLEDGINGER.COM

The Sound of One Leg Dancing

In a desperate search for happiness, a Nepali girl who loses her leg to a fire accident, facing stigma and family rejection, dares to compete in a national dance competion.

Touchscreen card devices may prevent blind customers paying

'Blind customers are being left "frustrated" and "embarrassed" by inaccessible payment devices. Some shops have buttonless touchscreen card readers, meaning you need sight to tap in your PIN'

Very short-sighted tech developers. They should have thought about this, and about the security issues. As should the businesses involved.

#disability #technology #tech

I just got a really cool thing. It's called a Pop 'n' drop and it lets me attach a recreational, consumer, electric scooter to my wheelchair! This was invented and is produced by a guy in a wheelchair. Learn more and purchase at: #disability #adapt 🧵
A view of how my electric scooter attaches to my wheelchair. The view is looking down, between my legs at the attachment. It has metal clamps my wheelchair's frame slides into with pins to hold it in place. My wheelchair  attached to my scooter. Both can be seen both fully from the side.
My electric scooter locked to a bike rack

"NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER! consider this to be your friendly reminder that even if your feed is back to 'normal' we should not go back to normal. Normal wasn’t working, normal wasn’t healthy, normal wasn’t safe. Our society had normalized racism, greed, violence, complete exhaustion & capital gain at the expense of others." -

#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #Disability #Pandemic #KeepThePHE #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealth #SocialWork
NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER! Moth illustration with moon phase patern on wings, ferns and fungi along bottom. Banner running between moth and fungi reads, "NOT BACK TO NORMAL FORWARD TO BETTER"

This is your periodic reminder that ambulatory wheelchair users exist. Many folks think wheelchairs are only for those who can't walk at all, or folks who can only take a couple steps.

Wheelchairs and electric scooters are used due to pain, weakness, balance issues, orthostatic intolerance, etc.

#Disability #Wheelchairs #DynamicDisability #ChronicIllness #MEcfs
Purple t-shirt with the message "ambulatory wheelchair users exist." Under the text there's an illustration, from left to right, of a stick figure getting up from a wheelchair, then an arrow, then the stick figure walking.

I am disabled.

I am disabled not because my body and brain are different, but because our society renders my state of being disabling.

"But you look healthy!"

But you can't see my disability.

You'll never see my chronic pain. You won't see my bruises. You won't notice when I've recently dislocated something for having the gall to move. My ADHD and anxiety won't show up on my sleeve.

When I'm most impacted, you won't see me at all.

But I am disabled.

#IDPWD #IDDP #Disability #DisabilityDay
The logo of International Day of People with Disabilities.

All-terrain wheelchairs arrive at U.S. parks: ‘This is life-changing’. Georgia and South Dakota are the latest states to provide off-road wheelchairs on public trails.

#Accessibility #Disability
Brittanie Wilson traverses the snow in a track chair at Minnesota's Myre-Big Island State Park on March 22. (Deborah Rose/Minnesota Department of Natural Resources)

A gentle reminder to folks who are new to Mastodon. In solidarity with those in the disabled community who rely on screen readers, we ask that you:

* Add alt text/image descriptions when you post media
* Capitalize the first letter of every word in a hashtag #LikeThis

#StrongerTogether #Accessibility #Disability #Solidarity

I often forget that I have been raised around disabled people as both my parents worked in a rehabilitation center, so I do have blind spots when it comes to misconceptions about #disability like this article lists for visual impairment. Via @Stéphane Deschamps