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Items tagged with: biodiversity

Biodiversity footprints of 151 popular dishes from around the world | #biodiversity #food #footprint

Relevant to my previous post, here is another article about the tragic ongoing loss of biodiversity.

TITLE -- "Biodiversity: State of Emergency"

Key points:

◘ By 2050, 38-46% of animal and plant species could be wiped out from the planet.

◘ Of particular concern are Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia, which are more vulnerable to soil impoverishment.

◘ Within 30 years, the number of people living in arid regions could rise from 2.7 to 4 billion, increasing the risk of migration crises.

◘ Land degradation and climate change, leading to declining crop yields and social and economic instability, are likely to force 50-700 million people to migrate by the middle of the century.


#Nature #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Biodiversity #Extinction
Photo of a lone elephant crossing the savannah in Africa.

People marching through the streets with a banner saying "degrowth needs direct action" during a demonstration in Liepzig in 2014.

I need to know more about the #dashboard for #biodiversity, I know some tries in this way, id’like to compare.

Lots of things people can do to enhance and protect #biodiversity, whether citizen, business, or politician. Some good ideas here:

In so many ways, it’s easier, more fun, and more tangible than dealing with climate. You can so often see the direct benefits of your actions. I recommend to everyone to learn a little and do a little. I’m sure you’ll end up loving what you try. And it’ll help with climate too.

Excellent read on the eve of #COP15:

"“I can be very optimistic about climate because ultimately humanity is going to deal with carbon pollution. It’s an issue for our well-being. We can solve it by building machines and making money. That’s obvious in the Inflation Reduction Act. … But with the biodiversity crisis, you can’t solve it with machines, and it involves constraints on our making money. And history shows we aren’t very good at constraint."

If you're in #Montreal for the #biodiversity #COP15 , please let me know! I'm not badged, but this is my hometown. I'm always interested in meeting people working in the field. The Open Source non-profit I work for, Open Earth Foundation, has a number of projects in the biodiversity space.