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Items tagged with: anarchist

Today, someone on #Diaspora called me a troll. It was the second time that happened! And who were the kind people calling me #troll? Well, two kind supporters of #Russian mother land! Two #communists!

I have to thank the first Russian #propagandist because, after having had the first dialogue, I ended up reading some more information about #communism, which strengthened my anti- communism position and led me to discover #anarchism!

Today, this fellow, called me troll because I didn't agree with him and his propaganda discourse! He said that I had to prove everything I said. I don't have the time to write a treaty every time I say something. Nor do I want to bother myself with blindfolded communists!

He blocked me! Wow! Great argument!

It's interesting that all the sources they cite are good, but any that I mention isn't!

Well, I'll just say this here: it's an honour for me to be called a troll by #communists, #capitalists, #fascists, #racists, etc! They are all the same!

I'm just an #anarchist and I have dedicated my life to contribute for a better world, not for killing people!

Dostałem takie słodkie stworzenie do przedstawienia na magnesie 3D. Czy ktoś mi pomoże przerobić ten obrazek na czyste kolory (czerwony, czarny, biały)? Jest to na razie poza moimi zdolnościami technicznymi. Pięknie proszę.

Here's a sweet Riot Unicorn I was asked to depict on a 3D printed magnet. Would somebody please help me, by converting it to simple red/black/white version? That is beyond my technical abilities for now. Pretty please?

A black-red unicorn with an Anarchist sign on its rear and a red-black flag

#Anarchizm #grafika #jednorożec #Anarchist #Riot #Unicorn

The man who run's GameScience a popular #rpg #dice company, just sent out a marketing message, which was a nationalistic screen against #immigrants, #socialists and #anarchist; and given the timing was probably a dog whistle signaling their support for cops.

Stop buying gamescience.