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Items tagged with: ads

Repeat a 1,000 times: #Google is an #advertising moloch and #Chrome browser monopolist, NOT your friendly free service provider!

Google is about to smack down on the #OpenWeb, killing it with their so-called "Web Environment Integrity API" #DRM proposal.

"Wanna watch those #Netflix or #Youtube vids? Better have Chrome without #AdBlocker then"

"Here's plenty #ads. Now hand over your #PII so we can grow our #SurveillanceCapitalism empire"

#GiveUpGoogle #DitchChrome
A paintbrushed mural made by activists showing the Google logo with the O's replaced by surveillance camera's.

Curated /etc/host

Everyone gangsta until youtube turns on ads for all videos.
P.S. You dont get the 40% cut unless you have 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.

YouTube’s right to monetize: #YouTube has the right to #monetize all content on the platform and #ads may appear on videos from channels not in the YouTube Partner Program.

#ublockorigin #odysee #peertube

I never liked #Telegram in first place.

Shady homebrew crypto that once got broken, crowning themselves as "savior of #privacy" when nobody can verify the whole stack, and now this: #ads in chats.

Use #XMPP with proper #e2ee (like #OMEMO) or nothing at all. You can't have a realistic expectation of privacy otherwise.

Link by @thenewoil ne
