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Items tagged with: StandWithUkraine

Ukrainian survivor of Russian torture files legal complaint in #Argentina

A Ukrainian man has filed a criminal complaint to Argentina's Federal Judiciary against the Russian occupying forces who tortured him, The Reckoning Project (TRP), an international NGO that works to bring war crime cases to court, announced on April 16.

Argentina's constitution allows for trials on "international crimes, including crimes against humanity and #WarCrimes, irrespective of where they took place," on the basis of universal jurisdiction, TRP said in a press release.

Though this case is the first time a #Ukrainian #torture complaint has been filed in Argentina, Mr M said that he is "one of so many cases."

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianTorture #StandWithUkraine

Russia destroyed Kyiv Oblast power plant after Ukraine ran out of air defense missiles

#Trypillia TPP was completely destroyed in a Russian strike on Ukrainian energy infrastructure on April 11, leading to the 100% loss of #Centrenergo's generating capacity.

Russia launched 11 missiles in the direction of the plant, according to Zelensky. Ukraine was able to shoot down the first seven, and four "destroyed Trypillia."

"Why? Because there were zero #missiles. We ran out of all the missiles that protected the Trypillia TPP,"

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #electricity #AirDefense #StandWithUkraine

Pro-Kremlin military blogger dead after reporting Russia's losses in #Avdiivka

Ultranationalist Russian military blogger Andrey Morozov reportedly died by suicide days after posting claims that Russia suffered massive personnel losses in Avdiivka.

Morozov sparked outrage among pro-Russian outlets when he claimed on Feb. 18 that the Russian military lost 16,000 soldiers and 300 armored vehicles in its assault on Avdiivka in Donetsk Oblast.

#RussianAggression #dictatorship #MilitaryBloggers #StandWithUkraine

russian attacks on port infrastructure in #Odesa Oblast have destroyed 60,000 tons of grain, according to Ukrainian #Agriculture Minister Mykola Solskyi on July 19.

"This is a terrorist act not against Ukraine, but against the whole world," he stated. "If we cannot export food, then the population of the poorest countries will be on the verge of survival."

Read more here🔗

#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#СлаваУкраїні! #StandWithUkraine

A terrorist strike on a beautiful historic city far from the front lines. We have no meaningful laws of war if the international community ignores such rampant terrorism from a state actor and continues to withhold vital weapons Ukrainians need to defend themselves.

"Russian cruise missile attack on Ukraine city of Lviv kills 5 people and injures dozens

Russia fired cruise missiles Thursday at a western Ukraine city far from the front line of the war, killing at least five people in an apartment building in what officials said was the heaviest attack on civilian areas of Lviv since the Kremlin’s forces invaded the country last year.

(...) At least 36 people were injured, according to authorities.

The youngest of the five people who died was 21 years old and the oldest was 95, according to Maksym Kozytskyi, the governor of Lviv province, said."


#Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNOW #Russia #RussiaIsATerroristState

Mr Orban,
Ukraine is and will remain a sovereign state.
The people of Ukraine chose democracy over tyranny.
Ukraine’s future is in the EU and NATO.
Do not undermine the courage of brave Ukrainian men & women who defend their motherland, freedom, and future!


“I do not think that the world reaction to this #ecocide was enough. We have to talk louder about it, we have to raise awareness about what is going on.”

#Environmental activist #Greta #Thunberg visited Kyiv to draw attention to environmental damage caused by the russian invasion of Ukraine and criticized the world’s response to the collapse of the Kakhovka dam


#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#СлаваУкраїні! #StandWithUkraine

Environmental activist GretaThunberg visited Kyiv to draw attention to environmental damage caused by the russian invasion of Ukraine and criticized the world’s response to the collapse of the Kakhovka dam

“I do not think that the world reaction to this ecocide was enough. We have to talk louder about it, we have to raise awareness about what is going on."

“We should never do business with those who do business with Russia”

Great Words.

We must remember when shopping that #Mondelez still does business in russia.

Boycott Mondelez.

Their brands are…….

Chips Ahoy!
Club Social
Honey Maid
Sour Patch Kids
Wheat Thins


Nie wiem, czy sporo ludzi spoza Europy uważa, że Ukraina miała wybór i mogła się poddać, po prostu żyć pod rosyjską okupacją.

"Po prostu pod rosyjską okupacją" oznaczałoby ciągłą dyskryminację Ukraińców, prześladowania, a dla nieposłusznych - surowe więzienie, pełny zestaw Putina.

"Mogli również negocjować", aha, no tak, tylko z kim?

Było kilka prób dogadania się, w czasie których... Rosja ostrzeliwała nawet korytarze humanitarne, podczas ewakuacji ludności.

#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

Hi everyone,

my name is Till, I'm a radio amateur and electrical engineer, originally from #Berlin, now living in southern Germany. My favourite hashtags are

#astrophysics #astrophysik
#reading #lesen
#biking #fahrrad
#hiking #wandern

and of course #hamradio #amateurfunk. I'd love to hear from you, be it here or in a qso :radio_tower:

#introduction #newHere #neuHier

We stand united and firm in our support to #Ukraine and its people.



[2022-02-28 16:04 UTC]

#Russia seems to plan the annexation of #Ukraine:

#StandWithUkraine #FreeCrimea #FreeDonbas 🇺🇦

Many self-proclaimed “peace activists” are demanding the unconditional surrender of the #Ukrainian resistance in favour of a russian dictatorial #peace. They fail to understand, however, that a #russian military victory would not alleviate the Ukrainians’ suffering in the slightest, because #putin’s goal is evidently the annihilation of the Ukrainian people and culture.

[1/3] #Ukraine #StandWithUkraine #russia