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Items tagged with: OSS

fail2ban has one core maintainer and he has only 3 Github sponsors


I can't even comprehend how many servers are protected by fail2ban, how many compromises are avoided, how many people who run hobby things all the way up to major sites that get to sleep soundly every night... because of this single project.



With regard to xz backdoor, did anyone actually have any idea this was going on? With all these vendors doing source code scanning, was there any indication of maliciousness?

#OSS #Security #SBOM #xz

So now that we all understand that thanklessly relying on free work of overworked maintainers is a problem, how about we put our money where our mouth is?

I think @AndresFreundTec needs a fat bonus check for saving our asses.

And Lasse Collin needs a lot of support, and probably a nice vacation.

I pledge $100, for starters.

Now how can we make sure to send the funds to the correct people?

Or is there already any fundraiser that I missed?

#liblzma #xz #ssh #security #oss #floss

Welp. It's official. #Redis is no longer #OSS

While I wasn't a contributor to the core, I presented on it dozens of times, talked to thousands, and wrote a book about it.

I probably wouldn't have done any of that with that kind of license.

Very disappointed.

Screenshot from the Redis GitHub repo. The latest commit message says "Change license from BSD-3 to dual RSALv2+SSPLv1 (#13157)"

Cathedral or Bazaar? We made our choice.

Over the last 15 years, we have supported the use of open technologies in public administration.

The Open Source Observatory has helped the European public sector leverage open technologies effectively and efficiently by providing various resources, including a knowledge centre to reveal the benefits and follow #EU open source software development.

Join us on 21 November to discuss #OpenSource policies, funding, and more →


A visual with text at the centre: "Brussels 21 Nov - OSOR turns 15 - From Pioneering to Mainstreaming Open Technologies in Public Services"

On the top-right corner, the text "interoperable europe." 

On the top-left corner abstract elements.

"Open Source" can't just be about using the goodwill of a very desirable common label for software goods. It's an integral part of keeping the developer ecosystem healthy.

And "healthy" can't only be about profitability for companies.
#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #OSS #SoftwareFreedom
It’s a very interesting time to be in open source. Open source zealots need to realize that open source needs to be reinvented for the new platform architecture, and web 2.0 companies need to remember that open source isn’t just goodwill, but an integral part of keeping the developer ecosystem healthy. And everyone needs to experiment with new models, and not believe that the story has already been written.

"These repositories are available under the same BSL license as Sentry’s core repos."

So... It will *become* open source... eventually... in about 4 years or so.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #OSS #SoftwareFreedom #SourceAvailable

Simple Mobile tools

Explaining #OSS to my dad:

Closed source: Multiple places to get food but no one knows how its prepared
OSS: All recipes are published

Dad: WHattt, so anyone can cook it? How do OSS companies make money?
Me: People are busy and want takeout 😅