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Items tagged with: fountainpens

I'm looking for some penfriends

Hi everybody!

I'm looking for some penfriends from the Northern European countries, Canada, Greenland, Australia or New Zealand for long term letter exchange.

I love traditional writing tools and papers. And I also love learning about new people and different cultures.

If you think that you might be interested about exchanging letters with a Portuguese EFL teacher who is really interested in learning more about your lovely country and you, please, feel free to drop me a line or two.


#penfriends #penpals #fountainpen #fountainpens #fountainpeninks #letterwriting #pens #inks #paper #letter #calligraphy #portugal #canada #finland #sweden #norway #denmark #iceland #greenland #australia #newzealand



I'm Jules or Elya and I'm new on .art but you might know me already from other fedi places. This is me trying a more public artsy account. I'm not very comfortable sharing my work publicly on social media but want to give it another try.

Things I'm into:

#photography #filmPhotography #landscape #streetPhotography

#printmaking #linocut #woodcut

#fountainPens, #ink and #paper

#fibreArts like #dyeing #spinning #knitting and sometimes #weaving

#watercolor #sketching
Photograph of a ruin of an old lighthouse on a stone beach with graffiti on it

Let's play a game, to help some of the newcomers make connections: name subjects and topics that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
Here are some of my pet #hashtags:

#silentfilms / #silentmovies
#snailmail / #letterwriting