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Items tagged with: WarCrimes

UN reports over 95% of Ukrainian prisoners of war were tortured in Russia

#Ukrainian prisoners of war are #tortured from the very first interrogation. They are beaten with metal rods and sticks, stripped naked and severely electrocuted. This is horrible. This is undoubtedly the worst thing I’ve seen in 20 years of my career while visiting the POWs on behalf of the UN.

This happened to more than 95% of Ukrainian POWs. These are #WarCrimes

#Russian #terrorism #POWs #Ukraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine

Blair government accused #IDF of acting like Russian army in West Bank

Tony Blair’s government accused #Israeli forces of acting more like the “Russian army than that of a civilised country during a major military incursion into the occupied West Bank, newly released official files show.

The tensions, which have eerie parallels to western concerns over current Israeli operations in the #Gaza Strip, are laid bare in papers released by the National Archives.

#WarCrimes #Israel #HumanRights #CiviliansKilled #CiviliansAttacked

Ukrainian survivor of Russian torture files legal complaint in #Argentina

A Ukrainian man has filed a criminal complaint to Argentina's Federal Judiciary against the Russian occupying forces who tortured him, The Reckoning Project (TRP), an international NGO that works to bring war crime cases to court, announced on April 16.

Argentina's constitution allows for trials on "international crimes, including crimes against humanity and #WarCrimes, irrespective of where they took place," on the basis of universal jurisdiction, TRP said in a press release.

Though this case is the first time a #Ukrainian #torture complaint has been filed in Argentina, Mr M said that he is "one of so many cases."

#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianTorture #StandWithUkraine

#Palestine / Spain’s prime minister says he will propose that parliament recognizes a Palestinian state

[…] “I will propose granting #Spain’s recognition to the Palestinian state, […] I do this out of moral conviction, for a just cause and because it is the only way that the two states, Israel and #Palestine, can live together in peace.”

[…] Spain demanded “respect for international law from Russia, and from Israel, for the violence to end, the recognition of two states, and for humanitarian aid to reach Gaza.”

Pedro Sánchez follows #France’s Macron and #UK’s Cameron, who signaled their country’s interest in promoting a similar initiative.

#Israel #WarCrimes #Gaza #WestBank

I'm supposed to give a workshop at the #NGI Forum in three days, and all I can think about is #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #WarCrimes (by Hamas and Tsahal) and all the belligerent bullshit floating around.

Who gives a damn about the #Fediverse in such times? History will remember social media of our times as dull, empty, senseless entertainment to avoid taking responsibility and #EndAllWars.

Really, I can´t think of anything that would make sense. Should I cancel altogether?