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Items tagged with: Birds

Heute Morgen konnte ich einen kleinen Schwarm #Distelfinken đŸŒ”đŸŠ im Hof-Beet beobachten. Die alten Samen von #Wegwarte 💙und #Nachtkerze 💛 locken sie immer noch an. Schaut euch auch die anderen Bilder an und zĂ€hlt, wie viele Distelfinken da waren.

Auch in naturnahen GĂ€rten werden die alten SamenstĂ€nde im FrĂŒhjahr oft abgeschnitten, was eigentlich schade ist. Inzwischen ist das neue GrĂŒn so dicht, dass sie sowieso kaum noch auffallen.

#Naturgarten #mygarden #Vögel #TiereImGarten #Birds #NaturnaherGarten #WilderGarten #NaturImGarten #wildflowergarden #wildgarden #NaturnahGÀrtnern

🐩 Unser Hof ist immer noch fest in der Hand von Familie #Rotschwanz. Sie scheinen sich auch auf unseren Hof / Gartenanfang und den des Nachbarn zu beschrĂ€nken. Wahrscheinlich habe sie hier irgendwo genistet, aber bisher haben wir noch nichts entdeckt. Mal sehen, was die Reinigung der NistkĂ€sten im nĂ€chsten Monat ergibt.

đŸȘ¶ #birds

A common murre in uncommon times. I cut my foot on a rock trying to see it. #photography #birds
Common murre sits against gray rocks

#mywork #myphoto #balcony #sunflower #birds #parakeets

heute haben sich dann auch die sittiche fĂŒr ein sonnenblumen-abendessen entschieden ;)

Die jungen #Blaumeisen sind noch so lĂŒtt, dass sie problemlos auf den BlĂŒtenstĂ€ngeln landen können. đŸȘ¶đŸŒ± #Naturgarten #mygarden #birds

Die jungen HausrotschwĂ€nze tummeln sich jetzt immer mehr auf unserem Hof. Man traut sich gar nicht mehr hindurch, so grimmig gucken sie, wenn man es doch einmal wagt. đŸ€Ł

đŸȘ¶ #birds
đŸŒ± #garden

Ente auf Totholz betrachtet den See / Duck on Deadwood Looking at the Lake

am Bergsee im Erholungsgebiet Schwafheim in Moers, Mai 2024

Ente auf Totholz betrachtet den See

#Vögel #Enten #Schwafheim #Niederrhein #Bergsee #Moers #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #ducks

Papa #Hausrotschwanz war gerade mit seinem Nachwuchs im #Garten unterwegs. So sĂŒĂŸ, die kleinen Puschel 🐣! Obwohl der Hausrotschwanz keine Seltenheit ist und die NĂ€he des Menschen nicht scheut, bekomme ich ihn im Garten eher selten zu Gesicht đŸŒ± #Naturgarten #birds #birdwatching

An interesting #android app appeared in F-Droid: whoBIRD, that tries to recognize #bird species by sound. It uses well-known #birdNET model, but contrary to official birdNET app, whoBIRD works offline – a very welcome feature, as internet access in the woods or among bogs usually leaves much to be desired.

I have yet to test it on real #birds, but so far it has properly recognized “human whistle” and ”machinery sounds” ;)



Today's birds
White-eye, great tit, kingfisher, bulbul

#birds #Photo

Das Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

am Schwafheimer Meer, einem Naturschutzgebiet an der Stadtgrenze zwischen Rumeln (Duisburg) und Schwafheim (Moers)


Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

Rotkehlchen im Winter 2016/17

#Vögel #Tiere #Rotkehlchen #Niederrhein #SchwafheimerMeer #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #songbirds #robins

Piepkugel aka Rotkehlchen / Robin

22.Januar 2017
Am Schwafheimer Meer, einem Naturschutzgebiet an der Stadtgrenze zwischen Rumeln (Duisburg) und Schwafheim (Moers)

#Vögel #Tiere #Rotkehlchen #Niederrhein #SchwafheimerMeer #Foto #Fotografie #photo #photography
#animals #birds #songbirds #robins

Some hummingbird shots from this cloudy afternoon, Rufous on the left and Anna's on the right.

#Birds #Birding #Hummingbirds
A Rufous Hummingbird is shown with its tail feathers flared and wings drawn back. A Rufous Hummingbird is shown with wings drawn back approaching a feeder.
An Anna's Hummingbird is shown in profile approaching a feeder. A molting Anna's Hummingbird is shown with its body in focus and wings blurred approaching a feeder.

Blue Melody
By Ivailo Nikolov ©

#art #nature #trees #birds
Rather abstract painting of a tree branch in many colours, full with abstract mainly orange coloured leaves, and two bright blue birds on it. On the right you see some bright blue background with touches of red, green and purple in it.

Wings of Gold
By Catherine Ingleby ©

IG @Inglebyart

#art #birds #nature
Bright painting of two yellow and blue coloured parrots, sitting on a purple tree in a forest scenery. There is a lot of foliage in various shades of green around them. The background of the painting is coloured in shades of bright blue and purple.

Be ungovernable, like birds who make nests OUT OF ANTI-BIRD SPIKES. A new study describes resourceful Dutch & Belgian corvids besting evil architecture by stealing metal anti-bird strips and using them like thorny twigs, to construct their homes.

Like thorns, the spikes may protect their nests from predators.

Lead author Auke-Florian Hiemstra wrote an epic đŸ§” about his research that's worth a read:


#science #SciComm #birds #netherlands
A bird's nest made of metal anti-bird spikes, against a white background.
A bird's nest in a tree in Antwerp. The nest is made of metal anti-bird spikes.

An older digital painting that I still quite like, of a great blue heron.

#illustration #art #birds
Painting of a portrait of a great blue heron in soft, warm light on a dark background. The neck is twisted into a loose figure eight with the bird looking towards the viewer.

Why did the Meadowlark cross the road?

This is one of two eastern meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) that I found a couple weeks ago near a road intersection. I posted a photo of one on a road sign then. I'm not sure if this is the same bird. This bird walked across the road. It's sort of like the Beatles Abby Road moment.

"The sweet, lazy whistles of Eastern Meadowlarks waft over summer grasslands and farms in eastern North America. The birds themselves sing from fenceposts and telephone lines or stalk through the grasses, probing the ground for insects with their long, sharp bills. On the ground, their brown-and-black dappled upperparts camouflage the birds among dirt clods and dry grasses. But up on perches, they reveal bright-yellow underparts and a striking black chevron across the chest." -

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #birds #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #EasternMeadowlark
This meadowlark is seen here running across the road's gravel shoulder.  I initially wanted to use a photo of the bird crossing the yellow lines, but it wasn't quite as sharp as this one.  In the frame the bird is running to the right and its right side faces the camera. It is a slender bird; black and white camouflage mark its head wings back and upper legs.  Its eye is black, and it has its longish narrow gray and black beak open as if singing while running.  Just behind the beak above the eye is a yellow marking.  The throat below the beak is also bright yellow as is the breast. There is a black chevron that separates the yellow throat from the yellow breast.  It has a rather short gray tail. Its lower legs and feet are pinkish; the right foot is forward while the left is thrown to the rear with only the front talons touching the ground.

"Eastern Meadowlarks are chunky, medium-sized songbirds with short tails and long, spear-shaped bills. In flight, their rounded wings, short tails, and long bills help set them apart from other grassland songbirds.  Eastern Meadowlarks are pale brown marked with black, with bright-yellow underparts and a bold black V across the chest. Though most of the tail is brown with blackish barring, the outer feathers are white and conspicuous during flight." -

Another roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja).

#photography #animals #birds #zoo
(photo: @kernpanik | license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
An exotic bird with a spoon-shaped beak.

A little bit of bird watching this #Caturday. It turns out there's a nest out in the corner of the overhang, which explains the bird activity. George is an indoor cat, so he was observing only and not participating in the local ecosystem.

#cat #GrayCats #birds #BirdsNest #IndoorCat
A gray cat standing and leaning against a wooden-framed screen door, looking out at a porch.  A small bird can be seen perched on the back of a piece of outdoor furniture.
A bird's nest in the corner where a wooden rough meets a wall.  The beak of a baby bird is sticking out as if waiting for its mother to return with food.

A Tree Swallow checked out a nest box in our garden

#birds #birdwatching #swallows
A blue and white Tree swallow sits on the roof of a nest box
