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Items tagged with: ACAB

Le patron du premier syndicat policier est un nรฉofasciste - Contre Attaque



Chroniques de lโ€™ensauvagement policier

Trois policiers, dโ€™unitรฉs diffรฉrentes, de multiples infractionsโ€ฆ mais une chose en commun : le mensonge. Des mensonges garantis par lโ€™ensemble de lโ€™institution prรชte ร  tout pour protรฉger sa rรฉputation. Non, malgrรฉ ce quโ€™on essaye de nous faire croire, il ne sโ€™agit pas de ยซbrebis galeusesยป, la police entiรจre est une institution de malfrats et de criminels, qui fait rรฉgner la terreur et la violence sous couvert dโ€™impunitรฉ.

#ACAB #1312 #MortAuxVaches #AbolitionDeLaPolice

Aubervilliers : chronique de l'ensauvagement policier - Contre Attaque

Even in the Bible the de facto cops are bastards, bribing Judas to give up his friend. #ACAB

Oh, and it wasnโ€™t an โ€œoops, we hired a spy cop by mistake, weโ€™re sorryโ€ either. It was a โ€œwe hired a spy cop, fuck your feelings.โ€

#RaspberryPi #RaspberryPi5 #spyCops #surveillance #acab

So, funny story. Every cop's body cam is basically an AirTag. I did a talk at DEFCON explaining how you can detect and ID police body cams with your phone.

#BlackMastodon #TrackThePolice #ACAB

โ€œThe Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that.โ€
-Karis Nemik, 5 BBY
The Trail of Political Consciousness

#May4thBeWithYou #StarWars #Andor #StopCopCity #DefundThePolice #ACAB

โ€˜Proud of my communityโ€™: youth crime drops dramatically in Groote Eylandt
Elders say community-led justice reinvestment programs are having a real impact on the Northern Territory island

In 2018, the communities of Groote Eylandt were empowered through local decision-making agreements which gave them control over housing, education, economic development, health, local government and law and justice.

Police data showed young people aged between eight and 17 years old have been involved in far fewer crimes since then, with decreases in every category, including property damage, break-ins and assaults.

by Sarah Collard


I'm not sure how I feel about the principals of this company being acquitted of defrauding law enforcement agencies. #ACAB

Nevar forget the Quadro Tracker, the device sold to police agencies allegedly able to track anything, which instead of a circuitboard was revealed to just have ants glued to paper with epoxy


Hey everyone โœจ๐Ÿ‘‹

I'm Kookie, and setting up this account to focus on my music/ art work. My tech main is @spacekookie.

I'm an activist and musician from Berlin. I make a weird mix of house, techno, and drum & bass.
I also like filming videos and taking pictures of insects.

Looking forward to meeting new people from a different corner of the fediverse :flantifa:

#introduction #acab

#WellThisFuckingSucks #ACAB There aren't any good cops, it is ensured they either stop being good or stop being cops.


*CW: Sexual Assault

The lawyer for Houston Tipping, killed during an LAPD training exercise, was involved the investigation of a rape by four LAPD officers. According to Gage, one of those officers was directly involved in the beating.

More for @KnockDotLA to come.

Not only this official Ontario, Canada court decision is a satisfying defeat for overzealous police forces that public defenders from all over the world would envy, it also is written in an equally satisfying personal blog post tone.

This good read about the structural issues of police is doing the rounds again, so I thought I would share it again.

#ACAB #DefundThePolice

Interestingly, this also works for the police and rich white men at least in the US. We are the shield group while they abuse poor people and minorities.
#DefundThePolice #ACAB

Every abusive person keeps around them a cadre of people they are not abusive to.

These people are shields against criticism. They are there to nullify claims of harm.

If lots of people are reporting harm to you and you just "don't see it"

You're part of the shield group

I don't know if the person who wrote this is what they are claiming to be, and yet it is entirely irrelevant. The incivilities they describe are regularly reported elsewhere, and "Don't talk to the police" is valid advice in the absolute.
#ACAB #DefundThePolice #AbolishPrisons

Please read it.

I don't know what gets to me the most, the possible order from the top as an ad-hoc justification, the casual violence in a country where a car is often vital to move around, or the reported grins and laughters from the cops to a journalist. Meanwhile, #ACAB and #DefundThePolice

.@StarTribune identified these officers as state troopers and deputies from Anoka County Sheriff's office. They were following directions to puncture tires from the state-led command center.

Read more:

Tonight I had to explain to my 5-year-old that, no, we can't join the chanting protest marching in front of our apartment because it isn't safe either for him nor me. I told him about the @NYPD assaulting protesters, stealing bikes and what tear gas is. Great bonding time. #acab

I've seen some reports of actions or suggestions by city authorities to reduce funding to police department. It's great, of course, but I'm pretty sure some mayors and council members who spoke openly will receive visits from "friendly" police union members at home. #acab

This is a crucial illustration of why I don't care about the "bad apples" argument. If even the presumably good apples have to follow unlawful orders anyway, it doesn't matter if they are good, they are acting indistinguishably from bad apples. @NYPD #ACAB

NYPD officer tells me he has orders from above to remove his name tag badge number precinct pins and body camera downtown Brooklyn new york near protests. Refuses to identify his self. Violation of Right to Know act @AshAgony #GeorgeFlyod #BreannaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter #BLM

Find someone who care for you like police unions care for killer cops. #ACAB

At this point in my life, Iโ€™m ready to believe there might be a few good apples among police officers. #acab

I would never call the police for any reason because they are voiding their public service mission of any meaning. I thought it was a question of scale, but Hong-Kong police behavior seems to indicate they will always be government lapdogs no matter how corrupt it becomes. #ACAB

The racist policy itself isn't exactly news, but officers coming forward to clearly spell it out certainly is to me. Props to them, they are risking their livelihood in this highly corporatist environment.


Several NYPD officers testified under oath that they were told by their supervisors to target and arrest Black & Brown people and to specifically lay off of white & Asian people.

This is one of the small lies you could get a pass from me if you weren't wearing a uniform allowing you to carry the monopoly of the State's violence.


starbucks has a profanity filter in place to prevent things like this from happening. the only way for the name โ€œpigโ€ to show up on a cup is for the customer to set that as their own name in the mobile order app. in other words, the pig cops faked this for a bullshit sob story

It is a little scary to realize that I'm better protected from the #police by my #privilege shield than the actual law. I've thought about getting cocky and get in the face of police officers in the limits of my rights, but I know they could make my life miserable, even unlawfully, and I would need a lot of money to fight them in court.

I'm always impressed by people choosing to fight the good fight against increasingly oppressive regimes, including in supposedly democratic countries. And I definitely gained an eternal contempt for the police, no matter the country they're from.


Ordinary police racism. #ACAB

1/ On Halloween, my family saw NYPD converge on a group of black teenagers in Brooklyn. My wife and our 6-year-old daughter saw an unmarked NYPD car going against traffic *hit one of the boys.*

I asked the police about it.

They say it didnโ€™t happen.

