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Items tagged with: WellThisFuckingSucks

I remember believing this lie, until I learned more about the US enacting political violence against socialists domestically and abroad.
“The United States won. Here in Indonesia, you got what you wanted, and around the world, you got what you wanted,” he said to me in 2018, sitting on the floor of his modest home in Solo, constantly shifting his weight, trying to avoid further inflaming a painful back injury. I had gotten to know him fairly well over years of interviews he helped organize. He continued, “The Cold War was a conflict between socialism and capitalism, and capitalism won. Moreover, we all got the US-centered capitalism that Washington wanted to spread. Just<br>look around you,” he said, gesturing to his city, and the entire Indonesian archipelago around him.<br>How did we win, I asked.<br>Winarso stopped fidgeting. “You killed us." The members of Taman 65 know that there’s a reason none of the tourists know about the violence that took the lives of so many of their relatives. The government has buried that history deep, even deeper than it was buried on the island of Java. The tourism boom, which started in the late 1960s, required that. Before Suharto, a huge amount of Bali’s land was communal, and often disputed. “They needed to kill the communists so that foreign investors could<br>bring their capital here,” said Ngurah Termana.<br>“Now, all visitors here see is our famous smile,” he continued. “They have no idea the darkness and fire that lurks underneath.”
As we have seen, in the years 1945–1990, a loose network of US-backed<br>anticommunist extermination programs emerged around the world, and they<br>carried out mass murder in at least twenty-two countries (see Appendix Five).<br>There was no central plan, no master control room where the whole thing was<br>orchestrated, but I think that the extermination programs in Argentina, Bolivia,<br>Brazil, Chile, Colombia, East Timor, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,<br>Indonesia, Iraq, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Korea,<br>Sudan, Taiwan, Thailand, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Vietnam should be seen as<br>interconnected, and a crucial part of the US victory in the Cold War. (I am not<br>including direct military engagements or even innocent people killed by<br>“collateral damage” in war.)

Reminder for new followers, I post news pieces that upset me with the tag #WellThisFuckingSucks , please mute it if you don’t need this kind of post in your timeline.

#WellThisFuckingSucks #ACAB There aren't any good cops, it is ensured they either stop being good or stop being cops.


*CW: Sexual Assault

The lawyer for Houston Tipping, killed during an LAPD training exercise, was involved the investigation of a rape by four LAPD officers. According to Gage, one of those officers was directly involved in the beating.

More for @KnockDotLA to come.

People online conflating "social media block" with "censorship". #WellThisFuckingSucks

#WellThisFuckingSucks The Israel Files: Wikileaks Docs Show Top Hollywood Producers Working With Israel To Defend Its War Crimes

Stumbled upon this in a Twitter thread about Tesla's car insurance pricing based on recorded behavior, and now I'm upset. #WellThisFuckingSucks

A good primer on both Armenia and Kyrgyzstan invasions. #WellThisFuckingSucks

In the past 4 days two wars broke out in the ex-USSR. Azerbaijan invaded Armenia and Tajikistan attacked Kyrgyzstan. There are many uncanny similarities between the two cases, one of them being how much the world ignores them compared to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 🧵

Between this and the scrutiny that people criticizing President Macron are facing in France, freedom of speech is having a rough time, and it has nothing to do with social media moderation #WellThisFuckingSucks

This is about Jeff Bezos quote-tweeting a bitter tweet about the British queen’s passing and #WellThisFuckingSucks

The richest man on the planet, and possibly in history, zeroed out a black woman professor because he felt her anger and her words were not acceptable and he felt he was the right person to put her in her place.

Says quite a lot.

#WellThisFuckingSucks I’ve known Kiwi Farms for a long time, when their targets were lower profile. High profile enough to be a target, but not enough to get back to the website. This new campaign (among many other untold ones) shows how emboldened they are.

I've been covering bad parts of the internet for long time now.

For years, there was one site extremist researchers warned me not to cover because publicizing it would be dangerous.

But it's time people know KiwiFarms—and how they're chasing political enemies around the world.


A nice writeup from CNBC about the HBO Max purge, which confirms that most of the content pulled was not getting high viewership and the reason it was pulled was to avoid paying union-mandated residuals to actors and composers:…


Journalists see someone being trans as a "position," not a state of existence. Many view the treatment of trans people as authentic human beings who are exactly who they say they are as a "biased" point of view. That's not the case for any other group.

#WellThisFuckingSucks I used to believe in this kind of legal euthanasia program (like Medical Assistance In Dying in Canada) but every implementation I've seen are ghoulish in our socially-blind, profit-obsessed societies.

When MAID has become the sixth leading cause of death in Canada we are well beyond "extraordinary circumstances" and "untreatable suffering".

We've reached the "anyone who is somewhat inconvenient to treat" and are headed rapidly to "everyone who fails cost-benefit analysis".

People are tracking the movements of some of the richest French people's private jets using publicly accessible flight information. Said rich people reported being "irritated" by the practice, and now fucking liberals are squealing about privacy.


Ah yes, a database of trans kids in a right-wing county. I'm sure this will be fine. /s

"In defense of the district, Spicker said the plan is tended to protect LGBTQ students and denied that the plan is some form of registry of trans students. It is not required for trans students to fill out the form, he said. However, if they do not fill it out, they may only be identified by school faculty with their gender assigned at birth."

So kids have to come out to their parents (I repeat, right-wing county) and get those parents to sign a document putting their transness in a database, under duress of being forcibly mistreated at school.

This isn't for anyone's "protection".


A right-wing think tank is now a church in the eyes of the IRS. It’s part of a growing movement of activist groups that are seeking church status.

And it’s all perfectly legal. Here’s how 👇

"Arizona communities would 'collapse' without cheap prison labor, Corrections director says"

Weird how this argument is used to keep prisons open, instead of as an indictment of our whole system.
Headline from a z central: "Arizona communities would 'collapse' without cheap prison labor, Corrections director says"


Texans: facing soaring electricity costs and now paying 18.5 cents per kWh

Bitcoin miners in Texas: enjoying 2.5 cents per kWh electricity until 2030

Can't argue they didn't get a sweet deal here.

Yesterday, in a public speech, a French minister stated that same-sex marriage is "against nature" (it isn't, animals have same-sex relationships). Asked for clarification in a follow-up interview, she said she didn't want to offend anyone as she has friends among "those people". #WellThisFuckingSucks

I'm starting a new series of posts stating an upsetting piece of news that affects my mood for the day and tagged with #WellThisFuckingSucks as a way to vent, I suggest you mute this tag if you don't want regular bad news.