Oof, not even a link, this doesn’t look good. @Michael Vogel did a lot of work on the quoted posts so maybe it will look better by the time you update on the upcoming release!
Is it not possible to show them anonymously? The URL still takes me there, whether or not I'm logged in.
I've got to admit I've got no idea how Twitter integration works, despite once (long ago) implementing a tweet button for a website (which is the only reason I have Twitter account at all).
Obviosuly not on develop/nightly. I asked because I see an empty post, as probably most everyone else, and was wondering how to handle this, apart from using a non-release version.
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Hypolite Petovan
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Michael Vogel
Martijn Vos
•Hypolite Petovan
•Martijn Vos
•Hypolite Petovan
•Martijn Vos
•I've got to admit I've got no idea how Twitter integration works, despite once (long ago) implementing a tweet button for a website (which is the only reason I have Twitter account at all).
Hypolite Petovan
Hypolite Petovan likes this.