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#WellThisFuckingSucks I’ve known Kiwi Farms for a long time, when their targets were lower profile. High profile enough to be a target, but not enough to get back to the website. This new campaign (among many other untold ones) shows how emboldened they are.

I've been covering bad parts of the internet for long time now.

For years, there was one site extremist researchers warned me not to cover because publicizing it would be dangerous.

But it's time people know KiwiFarms—and how they're chasing political enemies around the world.
they’re nothing more than an organized hate farm; how that’s even legal is beyond me, much less how it anyone would be content to do business with them at literally any level
All of their actions require painstaking trace back to pinpoint the legal person responsible for it. They hide behind a few layers of anonymity to make the job of any investigative body hell, especially since there’s never any direct contact between them and their victims. Pushing someone to suicide is devilishly genius given the plausible deniability.

CloudFlare has been put on the spot given the prominence of their last target, and they’ve already issued a milquetoast public statement to defend keeping doing business with Kiwi Farms when they’ve dropped other websites in the past.