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A good primer on both Armenia and Kyrgyzstan invasions. #WellThisFuckingSucks

In the past 4 days two wars broke out in the ex-USSR. Azerbaijan invaded Armenia and Tajikistan attacked Kyrgyzstan. There are many uncanny similarities between the two cases, one of them being how much the world ignores them compared to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. ๐Ÿงต
@Hypolite Petovan Kyrgyzstan is a bit far away, but I've been thinking about how the EU or NATO could come to Armenia's aid.

If that happened, it would create a very weird situation, because the EU/NATO would be replacing Russia as Armenia's ally, and be on the same side as Russia in that conflict, but on the opposite side of Azerbaijan's ally, NATO-member Turkey. And I believe the EU just struck a deal to buy gas from Azerbaijan to replace the gas they're not buying from Russia.

So that would be a really weird move. Ideologically, EU/NATO should support Armenia in the face of such unwarranted aggression, but on the political/economic field, they're kinda in Azerbaijan's camp. Maybe the EU could leverage that to get Azerbaijan to stop? I don't get the impression that the EU is very eager to take on more problems, though. Everybody already got their hands full with Russia.