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Items tagged with: chat

Bonjour tout le monde, je suis #nouveauici. Mes centres d'intérêt sont #art, #chat, #faune, #flore, #french, #humour, #nature et #voyage.

Filtered word: nsfw

Wondering if you can run @matrix and @xmpp on the same domain (same subdomain) - same hosting, or not - connected with a bridge bot, connecting your personal user on both.
#matrix #xmpp #jabber #chat #integration #compatibility #networked #federation

Have you tried?

Gajim 1.6.1 has been released 🎉

This is mostly a bug fixing release, but it also brings some important improvements and adds more convenience. Thank you for all your contributions!

#gajim #chat #xmpp

Gajim 1.5.4 has been released 🚀

This release comes with a reworked file transfer interface, better URL detection, message selection improvements, and many fixes under the hood. Thank you for all your contributions!

#chat #xmpp #gajim

@Jakob :friendica:
I don't understand german so I have no idea what you have said so far - but I am 100% adding my +1 vote to adding/enabling #XMPP #chat into #Friendica.
Even if it is as simple as adding some javascript, ie: #ConverseJS

Je prends vos commandes d'illustrations ! 😃
Vous souhaitez une illustration personnalisée mais vous ne savez pas trop comment cela se passe ?
Je vous emmène en coulisses ! 😃

Boosts appréciés :boost_requested:

#art #illustration #commission #chat #blackmetal #indépendant
Les coulisses d'une commande d'illustration : à gauche des croquis d'un chat qui joue de la basse, à droite l'illustration finale en couleurs.

Gajim 1.5.3 has been released 🚀

This release brings back a feature many of you missed: selecting and copying multiple messages. Emoji shortcodes have been improved and cover even more emojis now. Gajim also lets you mark workspaces as read, so you don’t have to go through all conversations. Thank you for all your contributions!

#chat #xmpp #gajim


With's new Spaces Beta, we created #allspaces: \o/

Your Space is missing?

Ensure you added Matrix to your page and/or join #chat: :-)


anche il dipartimento di fisica della rinomata #ETH di Zurigo apprezza la funzionalità #LaTeX in #matrix

però funziona solo nei client versione, dove si deve attivare la parte "Labs" e dentro Labs la parte Beta e dentro Beta la parte... #LaTeX

WhatsUp lo sa fare?
Telegram lo sa fare?
Signal lo sa fare?
cos'altro hanno in comune, oltre a non saperlo fare?

Be Bold! Get Matrix!

#tex #element #chat