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Items tagged with: aiart

Let's stop using the term, "ai art," and start saying, "ai content."

They want us to call our work, "content," and they want us to call their junk, "art." No.

this is what happens when you feed "#AIArt" (heavy quotes on the "art") only supermodels for all its source material.

Покраска картинки с помощью контрольного нета

#aiart #машинные_рисунки #aimages

Yeah, as usual the humans are all labeling things wrong.

There is no such thing as AI Art.

There are AI images, but there is no *art* in the images, because art is the product of human emotional connections to the subject, and all there's here is amalgams and machine associations.

Wish they'd just use #aiimage instead of #aiart

Not sure if I need such distinction.
But if not using isn't an option, then the #HumanArt because it uses the same convention as #AIArt which is already in use.

I would insist on ditching out AI art into a specific category rather than making people put their hand-made/manual works in their own category. When something is done by machine learning, there is always a chance of copyright infringement, so posters of such things really need to make it clear that some work of unknown origin may be transformed by an AI. So, I suggest the opposite of manual hashtag: #AIArt should do it.

In my opinion everything from the AI ​​should rather contain #AiArt. And the other way around, you shouldn't have to worry as much.

lol. they didn't even bother filling in the part where the #AIArt bot awkwardly meshed the hair into her cheek.
screenshot from a suggested Instagram account for an AI "artist" featuring a generated image of a Caucasian woman with strands of brown hair on her cheek, only the hair awkwardly meshes into her cheek, which could have easily been remedied with the slightest bit of digital drawing.

I still have to recognize the genius of artificial intelligence with this proposal for the cover of Pepper&Carrot book 5 and its half-melted Pepper and its faithful companion Carrot as a yellow rabbit with a dragon-cow in the background (with obviously hemoroid problems). Or this cocaine addict Kiki mascot in the midst of a withdrawal crisis. Striking!

#sarcasm #humor #aiart
A screenshot from , AI generative art web app. The prompt: Photo of the cover of the comic book 5 of Pepper&Carrot. 
The result is really random; a pseudo letter title reads: CAPEP & PEPEM and for the visual, it is possible to see a half-melted doll that is certainly Pepper with a violet dress and a witch hat (melted too), and an orange and yellow rabbit, that is probably her cat, Carrot. They both have issues with eyes, but that's probably something the AI figured it would be best-seller. 
In the background, a plain and the Sky, a large creature (the Dragon cow? hard to tell) flies away with apparently some **big problems of hemoroïds**. 
I appreciate a bit of pee/poo humor idea here I admit and feel flattered but I think the AI is bold to put that on the cover, I wouldn't go that far. The scene happens in a field of tulips and the graphical execution is not really well done. In a AAA scale industry, it would be closer to Z than other letters.
Another screenshot from , AI generative art web app. The prompt: "Kiki the krita mascott by David Revoy". The AI obviously know I'm a painter because the rendering is brushy and painterly. It depicts a portrait of a stylized white squirrel with wide eyes open, almost red. This an accurate depiction of what I would imagine if a creature saw a tank running on them after ingesting four times the lethal dose of the strongest drug available. The colors are vivid, and that a sign the scrapper of my art learn something good about my taste. It has a random signature and a title where the two K of Kiki are merged. That's some next-gen thinking out of the box here. I really hesitated to put a CW on it, because it has somehow a terrifying feeling worst than direct eye contact by a murderer.

Just a fair warning, I sometimes boost #AIArt I enjoy from this account. If you're in the "this technology is the devil's spawn and must be destroyed" camp, feel free to unfollow (or use "hide boosts" on my account, the vast majority of it will be boosts). 😀

Two things here: First, good luck to all the publishers and agents who will face a torrent of this glossy, incomprehensible shit over the next few years.

Second: For real creators, this will add to the growing swamp of unfiltered shit that new books find themselves in online. The sheer quantities that these can be produced in will make real books even harder to find.

#AI #ChildrensBooks #Publishing #SelfPublishing #Writer #Art #Illustration #AIArt
A screenshot of a tweet by someone named Ammaar Reshi, showing off a ‘children’s book’ he made in a weekend using AI tools.

Twitter: ‘AI tech is using artists’ online work to train itself to mimic those artist’s styles!’

Me, putting my face in my hands. ‘Well, at least I’ll still be able to get writing work.’

Twitter: ‘Let’s all have conversations with this AI so we can teach it how to replicate expressionate writing!’

#AI #Art #Illustration #AIArt #Writing #Writer #IrishWriter #ChatGPT #Publishing

“scene from the 1979 post-apocalyptic film Teletubbies Mad Max, 35mm Eastmancolor” #midjourney #AIArt
An armoured teletubby holding a rifle, standing next to three smaller teletubbies in a car in a desert landscape Two armoured teletubbies and an anthropomorphic mammal with blue eyes wearing a dress in a desrt landscape
An armoured teletubby in front of a custom-built car with a smokestack in a desert landscape An armoured teletubby with a rifle standing next to a pink anthropomorphic rabbit and a  yellow car shaped like a teletubby