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Items tagged with: Religion

How I loathed these vile hypocritical abusive bastards:
Hope the perpetrators get locked up for good!
My mother joined them long ago but never lived in their community

#jesusarmy #religion #abuse #hypocracy

Unterricht in Waldorfschulen: Ein Gebet als Morgenspruch

In Waldorfschulen müssen Schüler_innen jeden morgen beten. Nur nennt sich das nicht so. Dieser Trick ist auch bei Sekten üblich.#Religion #Schule #Waldorfschule #Anthroposophie #KolumneExitWaldorf #Kolumnen #Gesellschaft #Serie
Unterricht in Waldorfschulen: Ein Gebet als Morgenspruch

A friendly or hostile universe
@Manifestation - law of attraction/assumption

I wanted to share this quote by Albert Einstein with you:

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

I think he is right in what he says here because this is a core believe. If you try to manifest while believing the universe/God is hostile against you, you will be battling and fighting with yourself, but if you believe, that it's a friendly universe, then that will be part of reality and God/the universe will listen to every word you say and execute it immediately, and everything will go fluidly smooth.

Surrender to God, believe in Him, trust Him and He will reward you.

#manifestation #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #religion #spirituality

The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race w/ Mary-Jane Rubenstein

One of the best interviews I have listend to this year.

#space #spacerace #capitalism #religion #colonialism @parismarx

Content warning: ​

Thanks to @coachtony and @medium for making it so easy to join Mastodon I couldn’t resist! I never would have otherwise, and I look forward to connecting with my fellow writers and other kindred spirits here. I write most often about #mentalhealth, #politics, and #religion, but also write #naturephotography essays, profiles of inspiring people, and anything else that I feel led to share.

Two "He Gets Us" #Jesus ads will air during the #superbowl. The group behind the ads has given $19 million to the hate group Alliance Defending Freedom and $8 million to Answers in Genesis (Creation Museum, Ark Park). They are anti-science #ChristianNationalist who oppose LGBT and women's rights

#news #religion #hategroups #ChristianTaliban #cult #uspol


Is anyone from #France? I would like to know where this version of Mary is from, please. *Notre Dame du Liesse"

#catholic #religion #sculpture